I don't have access to a TSX (or S&P) fund in what the bank offers for the company I work for. I am invested at 40% Canadian small cap (average return of 15% a year over the past decade, 0.6% management fee), 30% obligations (which bring 6%+ on average over the past 10 years, management fee of 0.2%), and 30% in Canadian equities (average return of 11% over the past decade, 0.35% management fee). So I'm all invested in Canada. The funds for US or so called "balanced" (world-wide, which still is at 69% Canadian-invested) are all worst than the three I picked, so I don't have much of an alternative. Of course if the Canadian economy tanks, and it will in the near future, I don't have much choice. But over the long term I think I'm fine. Plus like I said, all other funds suck.
At least my employer matches my contributions at 40%.
At least my employer matches my contributions at 40%.