Nothing happening down in Menlo Park.
Repost from other thread:
Yeah, it is weird . . . I've got all sorts of texts & emails about how this is supposed to be a really big storm. Big storms are pretty rare around here so when they do happen, all sorts of trees which have never been stressed much go down, drop branches, dump leaves, etc. All that debris then plugs up storm drain systems. Then comes flooding. And possibly mudslides because the land has not really had much moisture in years. It is not a matter of just people not being prepared . . . it is the trees, vegetation, and land that can't handle it.
So, make sure your local storm drains are ready. Keep an eye on little creeks which are dry most of the time but will now be filled with water and will often jam up at bridges . . . that causes a lot of flooding.
In that 1998 storm, I got close to being flooded at a previous house. Basement flooded a little bit but was under control and not much down there. But all the nicely placed decorative bark chips I put down floated gently away.