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Stranger Things |OT| Hey, you guys...it's our time. It's our time in here July 15th


Finished last night after watching in four sittings over the last four days. LOVED IT! Such a damn good cast through and through. This was just about perfect IMO and as someone who grew up in the 80's I think they captured the time period well. And while it has many themes I have seen before I think they were done with such class that I don't care (I have a friend who won't shut up about spotting cliches and tropes and it drives me up the wall....does noticing reocurring themes in fiction make you smarter or something?).

In episode seven I noticed a man with a box of old stuff walking toward the screen. In it was Dungeon!, which was my favorite game growing up. Essentially a rather simplistic board game with some of the ideas from D&D. Even though it was quite basic I found that it really captured my imagination as a youth (especially the monster and treasure art). I am guessing the makers of the show felt the same.


I just bought that game last week because of the show. I didn't even see the box in the show. I just googled it in the mall and found it to be a simple D&D game. I have the D&D starter box but it was too complicated for me and my 6yr old to get into. Dungeon! is perfect and amazon reviews have a really good set of alternate rules I am looking into. The shit thing is we were playing so late that night after watching the last episode that we just said fuck it and instead of the 5 spot moves we could all teleport.
What episode is supposed to hook me because I'm pretty bored with it. Seems like standard fare for the most part so far (episode 2).

Edit: Nevermind,
monster just got barb
. Still kind of feel like this show was made for SyFy.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
At episode 5. The pacing is just killing this for me. At this point I just don't give a fuck about any of these characters.

Well you're past the halfway mark so might as well finish it but the show is consistent through out so nothing is going to change your mind. I'll disagree on the pacing by a large margin as I think its rather expertly plotted and paced out.
Just finished episode 4. I don't care what kind of character growth she may go through, Nancy can fuck right off. Also, the dad doesn't seem to do shit. It's mom always handling her bratty ass.

Good to see one of the bullies get embarrassed by pissing his pants. That dressing El up like a girl scene gave me E.T. vibes big time.

I have a feeling the
Sheriff is going to die soon. At least by the last episode.

Must track down this soundtrack.


Up to episode 6 and as a child of the 80's this show is hitting all the feels man. Also another bonus is this apparently was filmed damn near in my own backyard lol. My wife use to teach at the school that's in the show. It's trippy seeing so many familiar places on tv. The rock quarry is literally only 5-10 minutes from my house.

So awesome.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The problem, for me, is each episode drops one carrot to further the plot along and, at times, the viewer is ahead of the characters. I think the latter is my biggest problem. Episode 4 was just an hour of them getting to learn
that Will's body isn't will.
. Nothing else was addressed.

I'm sure there is a huge payoff. It could also be I'm tired as heck. I'll stop complaining and keep chugging along. The actors are all doing a damn fine job.

Uhh you might be tired because a lot happens and one of the reasons I enjoyed the show is there is no fat. Most every scene has a purpose, advances a plot line and accomplishes something even if its just setting the tone for what is coming up. Its not really a show trying to shock you with plot twists and convoluted story telling. Its rather straight forward and up front about that kind of stuff.


I finished it tonight. I am fairly satisfied with the way everything concluded. Enough breadcrumbs to make a direct sequel appear feasible, though I wouldn't mind some kind of anthology series going forward, or them picking up with the same characters five-to-ten years hence.

You think Nancy is bratty? Huh.

Hmm. She's one of the least bratty teenaged girls on TV in recent memory. Very Nancy from Nightmare on Elm Street.

Edit: rewatching an ep and wow I missed one of my favorite 80's songs. Don't masquerade with the guy in shades oh no!


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
That was pretty ok. I'm a big fan of everything they're calling out here, but nothing was really sticking. Some of it was fun, some was just fuckin dumb (the CG, Steve and that whole subplot, and the bully stuff). It was some average ass television with a good soundtrack.

Since they're doing a next season I hope it's more anthology instead of continuing this finished story.
Up to episode 6 and as a child of the 80's this show is hitting all the feels man. Also another bonus is this apparently was filmed damn near in my own backyard lol. My wife use to teach at the school that's in the show. It's trippy seeing so many familiar places on tv. The rock quarry is literally only 5-10 minutes from my house.

So awesome.

Please confirm the upside down for us. We must know!!!!!!!


This is a good show, got some really good things going on vibe and writing wise. There's just something about the
"person who everyone thinks is crazy but is actually right about conspiracies/monsters or whatever"
cliche that irks me, it's kind of frustrating to see in action but I can see how it might be hard to avoid in this story's case.


What's with this funky non-traditional aspect ratio that Netflix uses in this thing and Marco Polo?

Anyway, this show is all right. I think I'm on episode five or six. I'm not really personally attracted by the show thematically, like its PG-level horror/thriller shenanigans or the 80's 'Berg retro-nostalgia, but it's entertaining enough. It has good atmosphere and a pretty decent sense of style.

I don't really like the characters though, especially the kids, I find them to be insufferable shits, except for Eleven.

Worst part of the show is definitely the whole Steve/Nancy thing. I don't even understand why that is a thing.


I really love the kids' subplot. Big "Stand By Me" vibes.

Just finished episode 3 and thought it was very good. I'm a fan of mostly everything going on except for the sister/Steve subplot.


I really love the kids' subplot. Big "Stand By Me" vibes.

Just finished episode 3 and thought it was very good. I'm a fan of mostly everything going on except for the sister/Steve subplot.

The Steve stuff gets pretty good, but isn't a major plotline, so I think you'll be pleased. The kid's stuff was really great, it's like a long love letter to various memories from 80's film and novels - you're in for a treat.


Binged watched the whole thing today I couldn't stop watching, as a huge fan of 80s everything I really loved he series.


I loved it. It's the best possible show based on a non-existent Stephen King book.

IT is one of my favourite books, so I was immediately hooked when i saw the cold open for the first episode.


List of obvious and less obvious movies/ medias referenced throughout, if some feel like doing a movie marathon
ET (kids with bikes)
The Empire Strikes Back ("Lando", direct references)
Poltergeist (lights, things "in the house but not really", flying toy)
Goonies/ Stand By Me (group of kids investigating mystery)
It (Novel adapted as miniseries, Group of kids in a small town facing a monster)
The Evil Dead (poster/ horror in the woods with tiny cabin)
The Thing (poster/ movie shown/ biological gooey monster with opening face)
Alien (Egg, biological horror, organic growths, Will's "tube")
The Dark Crystal (poster/ music/ kids on a quest)
Gremlins (involving science teacher to help, christmas season/ lights, Teenagers fighting back vs monsters and hunting them including bb bat)
Firestarter/ Carrie (El and her origin/ Stephen King name drop)
The Mist (King short story/ film adaptation)+ The Fog (John Carpenter)+ Silent Hill Videogame (The Upside Down)
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (communicating with lights)
Jaws (small town Sheriff with issues - also hugely common between Carpenter and King-, Monster attracted by blood)
Nightmare on Elm Street (El need to be borderline meditating and sensory deprived to enter the UD with a mental projection, Monster can attack you there, monster seem "mostly" immune while in our world)

Plus of course the John Hughes like Breakfast Club for the teenage highschool drama

How about Home Alone when Nancy and Jonathan were setting up all the traps near the end of the season (amidst Christmas lights no less)?


Finished it yesterday and really loved it! Two things I love are show/movies that take place in the 80's and Sci-Fi

It's one of the only TV series in recent memory's that I actually enjoyed and finished even if it's season 1.

Dustin was my favorite of the kids, he brought the lols. Lucas whined way too much, and Mike was just OK. I did like El though, I just felt so bad for her so I kinda had a soft spot.

Nancy BF was such a douche and he looked exactly like some dude I know that's a huge douche. LOL Nancy so wants Johnathan's D.

Oh yea Hop was a bad ass too.

edit: totally forgot how awesome the soundtrack was. I love 80's music


Watched it yesterday and absolutely loved it. Easily the best show I've seen in a long, long time.

Can't wait for season 2.


List of obvious and less obvious movies/ medias referenced throughout, if some feel like doing a movie marathon
ET (kids with bikes)
The Empire Strikes Back ("Lando", direct references)
Poltergeist (lights, things "in the house but not really", flying toy)
Goonies/ Stand By Me (group of kids investigating mystery)
It (Novel adapted as miniseries, Group of kids in a small town facing a monster)
The Evil Dead (poster/ horror in the woods with tiny cabin)
The Thing (poster/ movie shown/ biological gooey monster with opening face)
Alien (Egg, biological horror, organic growths, Will's "tube")
The Dark Crystal (poster/ music/ kids on a quest)
Gremlins (involving science teacher to help, christmas season/ lights, Teenagers fighting back vs monsters and hunting them including bb bat)
Firestarter/ Carrie (El and her origin/ Stephen King name drop)
The Mist (King short story/ film adaptation)+ The Fog (John Carpenter)+ Silent Hill Videogame (The Upside Down)
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (communicating with lights)
Jaws (small town Sheriff with issues - also hugely common between Carpenter and King-, Monster attracted by blood)
Nightmare on Elm Street (El need to be borderline meditating and sensory deprived to enter the UD with a mental projection, Monster can attack you there, monster seem "mostly" immune while in our world)

Plus of course the John Hughes like Breakfast Club for the teenage highschool drama
Marathoned through it yesterday. Dunno why I didn't do it sooner cuz the show was great. As someone who actually enjoyed Super 8, this easily blew it out of the water. Eager to see it get renewed, I wanna know what happens from here!


How are some posters coming up with theories about (ep 8 spoiler)
the government agency making a deal to resurrect Hopper's daughter
? There's no evidence the government agency has such advanced technology and is pretty much powerless when things go weird.

- El having powers was an unexpected accident. They were experimenting with her mother and didn't know she was pregnant.
- All they can do with El is do tests to figure out how her powers work and how far they can get. They wouldn't even be able to contain her without "daddy's" psychological programming.
- They weren't even sure if whatever El contacted with her telepathy was from another dimension or another planet. They only found the rift after coming back to check the lab after the incident the next day.
- They obviously have no idea how to close the rift and can only crudely study it.
- Which all goes in line with the Lovecraftian tone, actually.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
How are some posters coming up with theories about (ep 8 spoiler)
the government agency making a deal to resurrect Hopper's daughter
? There's no evidence the government agency has such advanced technology and is pretty much powerless when things go weird.

- El having powers was an unexpected accident. They were experimenting with her mother and didn't know she was pregnant.
- All they can do with El is do tests to figure out how her powers work and how far they can get. They wouldn't even be able to contain her without "daddy's" psychological programming.
- They weren't even sure if whatever El contacted with her telepathy was from another dimension or another planet. They only found the rift after coming back to check the lab after the incident the next day.
- They obviously have no idea how to close the rift and can only crudely study it.
- Which all goes in line with the Lovecraftian tone, actually.

Some people have been trained by modern TV shows to expect a super convoluted plot with twists and sudden unexpected shockers about a character or their background in every episode. Stranger Things goes for a much more straight forward narrative that is simpler but a lot cleaner than shows that tag a lot of that kind of stuff in there. Probably helps its only 8 episodes long so it doesnt need a thousand plot threads or padding out the ones we already have. I think people just like to speculate and kind expect shows to reciprocate.

There are only a couple of dangling plot threads and it was designed that way. If they never got a season 2, the show could still stand on its own merits without having to bait people with a cliff hanger or huge unresolved plot line.


Just finished it!

It's been a while since i saw 8 episodes in 24 hours!I loved every minute of it.

I had no idea
they would leave things open for a new season.


Just finished it. Been so busy so I had to put off watching it, but it was well worth the wait. Definitely one of my favorite shows ever! It totally checked all the boxes for me, and was just a great mix of so many things I love. I also gotta say the cast was fantastic. This show goes from a good to great show because of them. The kid and teen actors in particular were fantastic. With so much of the show following them, they needed talented and not annoying kids, and I felt they totally nailed it. Can't wait for season 2.
i hate how they made episode 8 almost unwatchable for me due to the excessive flashing lights thing.
had to minimize it and just listen to it.

really wanted to see what's going on there.
Finished this last week but first time seeing the OT. Absolutely loved it. First time I have experienced something new and had crazy nostalgia. The influences for the series are by far my favourite period of entertainment and the first I have seen that managed to capture it so well.

So many references: The Lost Boys, The Frighteners/Nightmare on Elm Street, The Goonies, Stand By Me, The Evil Dead, The Thing, Fright Night, Teen Wolf, The NeverEnding Story, Explorers, ET, Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Poltergeist, The Shinning (Steven King in general), Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Alien. Then there are all the modern references as well.
Half way through and loooord it is so nice when the genre delivers! Obviously made with love and an easy classic in its own right. Nothing's perfect but an incredibly fun and eerie ride.

soundtrack vinyl pls


This was pretty great, beats and storytelling wise. Looking forward to the early 2000s nostalgia tie-in when I'm 46
Just finished the show over the weekend. I had a theory that I was building throughout the show based upon hints and clues that the townspeople said and did, however when I tried talking with my friends about it they thought I was crazy.

Here goes...

Did anyone else get the feeling that Hopper is actually Will's dad, but its a secret that he and Joyce keep amongst themselves and pretend that he's Lonnie's kid?

Neither character comes right out and says it, but I got the feeling based upon some of the conversations they had with one another, and conversations that some of the townspeople had with one another regarding them.

Anyone else kind of get that impression?
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