Yeah, I didn't like this season.
I loved all the previous seasons, they had ups and downs (except the lost boys in Season 2, that was just embarassing) but they were fucking good and couldn't stop binge watching.
It's too diluted, most scenes takes much more time than they needed.
They went super safe with the writing, and the way they changed the cards on the table about the upside down is fucking stupid.
The whole Eleven part is boring as fuck. Boring and pointless. Couldn't resist watching it without pausing here and there and doing something else. And the Russia one isn't much better, just feel like Hop's actor wanted to be a superhero too. At least Yuri, or whatever the smuggler's name was, was fun.
I know this show abuses nostalgia (and fake nostalgia) but some references are way too much on the nose it's grating. On the whole, feels that the Duffer Brothers became too self-indulgent.
On the good side, Steve/Robin/Nancy segment was pretty good. All the actors, all of them, are great and the characters fucking work - even though Eleven was badly misused, as I already stated. The whole first part is good, there's some good horror building and the mistery is intriguing... until the stupid revelation.
Weakest season for me.