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Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is the tightest fighter of all time.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
It's been a long time since I've played SFIII. I lost my Dreamcast copy some years ago and never had the chance to pick it up again, let alone find a used copy around here. That not withstanding, I picked up the 'collection today and man, I instantly remembered how tight the mechanics were. How perfectly balanced the fighting is and how smooth the controls are. It's easily the smoothest playing SF title Capcom's ever brought out (including the Vs. games). I love how the characters feel so free flowing and..."real" I suppose. There's just a great amount of detail that went into the animations.

Damn I missed this game. Surprised I'm still pretty decent in it too.


I love the fact that the game is so damn smooth. It's not choppy at all. The game just flows well. Plus, it has reasonable AI.

Hyper Street Fighter II or whatever the hell it's called is damn near unplayable because of the cheapass AI.


3S's gameplay is really the perfect evolution of the SF series. Too bad SFIII didn't set the world on fire like SFII did (due in part of Capcom milking the hell out of the SF franchise, and releasing an underwhelming first edition of SFIII), it sure as hell deserved to.


Junior Ace
Please, unless you've been playing at the arcade every weekend since the game's release, you won't notice the difference.


So what exactly are the differences between the versions of street fighter III? Were some characters ridiculously overpowered in the first one? What else?


Ryu's dragon punch super was pretty ridiculous in the power department. In fact, all of Ryu's moves were overpowered. He literally stomped on everyone in just a few hits with NG. In 2I, things were more balanced, but the EX moves were introduced as well as some new people (correct me if I am wrong on that one). In 3S, everything was balanced to perfection. New characters were added, some new supers as well. New backgrounds. New music. It just felt like a whole other game rather then just some minor upgrade. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Ploid 3.0

Bog said:
Where were you people back when the Dreamcast game came out?

I, for one, was waiting on PS2 to come out. I expected it to come out on PS2 sooner >_<. Not everyone was going to risk it and get a DC.


Damn, the changes sound great since Ken is my favorite character heheh. Can't have Ryu kicking my ass all the time with overpowered moves, especially since I always have a problem with him against the computer...


Ploid 3.0 said:
Not everyone was going to risk it and get a DC.
The few, the brave, the Dreamcast owners? :p

That DC was some RISKY BUSINESS. Shit, I'm lucky I escaped alive.


Hates quality gaming
Bog said:
Where were you people back when the Dreamcast game came out?
They were busy playing Soul Calibur and bitching about how much they didn't like the new SF3-Darkstalker characters.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Bog said:
Where were you people back when the Dreamcast game came out?

That was four years ago, man! You aren't going to find as much discussion about an older fighting game on this forum, even though there has cerainly been plenty of discussion here on 3s since then.

Plus, there's this little site called shoryuken.com. :)
all i cna say is Makoto rocks!!! I popped in the Dreamcast "Street fighter 3: third strike" today and started to try her for the first time. I even got a c++ rank with her. Before today I used Elena.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Lyte Edge said:
That was four years ago, man! You aren't going to find as much discussion about an older fighting game on this forum, even though there has cerainly been plenty of discussion here on 3s since then.

Plus, there's this little site called shoryuken.com. :)

I don't mean "tightest" as in the slang. I'm specifically refering to the game mechanics. Everything is fucking perfect its insane.


Ryu said:
In 3S, everything was balanced to perfection.

They disagree with you.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
What was balance issues did Ken and Chun-Li have? I just played through the game with Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun-Li and it all felt the same. I didn't feel as if I was playing with a noticeably weaker or stronger character; it all felt very fair. I don't play with Yun much at all, so I can't speak for him.


They disagree with you.

And I disagree with them. The two fighters that were teired all to shit was Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Capcom Vs SNK 2. The tournaments (for MvsC2) have been won by the same guy for the past 4 years and the only competition the guy faces is a moderation to the same three guys he uses with different orders for the character selection. On the other hand, in 3S, you can find GREAT Urien, Makoto, and Dudley players. Not so much Dudley as the other two, but they do exist. Already, you have five(six) characters of the roster who are favorites. Shoot, I've even seen some Akuma players enter tournaments and place fairly high and he's regarded as a character you don't want to use in a tournament setting due to the damage he takes.

The point is, you can play it in teirs if you wish, but by no means will they ALWAYS dominate every tournament.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
john2kx said:
chun-li is strong as hell.

She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.


Ryu said:
The point is, you can play it in teirs if you wish, but by no means will they ALWAYS dominate every tournament.
I don't play tiers, just sayin' it like it is. It ain't perfect, but it's pretty damn close. ;)

AlphaSnake said:
She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.
CPU = Weaksauce.


m0dus said:
Yeah. Only the SMART gamers did. :-D


(and yeah, it STILL has the best version of 3rd strike)

No it doesn't, the PS2 version is better. Now i can put my DC back in the closet.


sonic4ever said:
all i cna say is Makoto rocks!!! I popped in the Dreamcast "Street fighter 3: third strike" today and started to try her for the first time. I even got a c++ rank with her. Before today I used Elena.

Yes makoto rocks.

She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.

Basing how good a character on how the AI plays isn't going to tell you crap. I don't think I even see the CPU use SAII.


AlphaSnake said:
What was balance issues did Ken and Chun-Li have? I just played through the game with Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun-Li and it all felt the same. I didn't feel as if I was playing with a noticeably weaker or stronger character; it all felt very fair. I don't play with Yun much at all, so I can't speak for him.

Ken - Great pokes (hk, cr.mk), good chain combo (mp->hp), good specials, great super (SAIII)

Chun li - Godly pokes (cr.mk, hp), good kara throw, godly super (SAII), combine those and you get (cr.mk XX SAII SJ cancel j.hp, j.hp

Yun revolves around crazy pressure, and his SAIII.


AlphaSnake said:
She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.


Quit while you're ahead man, you're talking as if you're...you're...LEGUNA or someone!



I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
AlphaSnake said:
She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.

:lol :lol


Running off of Custom Firmware
I never liked SF3.

But I picked up SFAC and will give it another shot...

When it fricken arrives.

I certainly do hope my mind is changed, because I'm itching for a good 2D fighter to convert me all over again.


AlphaSnake said:
She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.

LOL, nothing like judging the quality of a character by what the CPU does. I knew this thread was going to be retarded.
Ken isn't even good either, I played on the hardest difficulty and he just did hurricane kicks over and over. I can't believe people actually use him.


She ain't shit. I'm playing the second hardest difficulty and she has yet to take more than half a bar from me per fight.
Ken isn't even good either, I played on the hardest difficulty and he just did hurricane kicks over and over. I can't believe people actually use him.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
miyuru said:

Quit while you're ahead man, you're talking as if you're...you're...LEGUNA or someone!


I'm just saying. Because fighters like Hugo I have more trouble with.

Edit: Besides, I don't have anybody to play games with anymore. I don't play them myself very much, and my brother is married, so no more SF tournaments.


I really wished Capcom would have included the Alpha games in the collection, I'd be unable to resist plunking down $50.


Slo: MSRP is $30 for SFAC.

It;d be really nice to have SF3 available without needing the Dreamcast hooked up, so I'll probably drop $$$ for it.


I really wish my friends knew how to play this game. I mean my brother knows the basics but really can't be much competition, and none of my friends were ever huge on the game since 1993 ... I hope it'll eventually become online... heh, right

Ploid 3.0

Finally got the game. I'm pleaying as Sean and Ryu so far. I can't pick Ken because it's my brother's and friend's character. I can't wait for the Ryu vs Ken marathons. "What are we now? 30 to 27 wins? First to 50 then >: ) "


Ploid 3.0 said:
Finally got the game. I'm pleaying as Sean and Ryu so far. I can't pick Ken because it's my brother's and friend's character. I can't wait for the Ryu vs Ken marathons. "What are we now? 30 to 27 wins? First to 50 then >: ) "

Try someone who isn't Shoto!!!
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