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Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike is the tightest fighter of all time.


Makoto, Dudley, Alex, Urien, and... Yang, because he doesn't get enough love.

Start practicin', boy!

Ploid 3.0

Sai said:
Makoto, Dudley, Alex, Urien, and... Yang, because he doesn't get enough love.

Start practicin', boy!

Ahh Dudley. That's a cool character. It's like the finished version of Balrog (what balrog should have controlled and played like). Very easy to mess with people heads with this guy.


LakeEarth said:
I hope it'll eventually become online... heh, right
I give up trying to tell when people around here are joking, so if you really mean that the XBox version supports live play and is scheduled for January.


Wow. Just played for like five hours with my friend and man, the game is just so much more fucking tight on the ps2 then it is on the DC. He and I both agree the parrying on the PS2 version is FAR easier then that of the Dreamcast. Possible problems for this could have resulted from the faulty DC version and the fact we were going through controller adapters, but no matter what, it was fucking kickass. It was just friggin great stuff.

SF2 however, has not aged well at all, haha.


Ryu said:
He and I both agree the parrying on the PS2 version is FAR easier then that of the Dreamcast.
:( WHY am I the only one having more trouble in the PS2 version?

* Sai groans.

I hope the arcade stick helps.


Well, he took like 2 full rounds to really get adjusted to the timing (which basically consisted of me throwing EX fireballs at him the entire time), and after a few mess ups, he had it down pat. I preferred to learn it by playing the game and after awhile I was parrying Ken's 3-hit fierce dragon punch and all of his hurricane kick hits. I had a hard time nailing the timing for red parrys, particularly on Ken's SA-III, but that was about it in that regard. I honestly don't know why you are having a hard time. :(


Which version is closer to the arcade version in regards to parrying? I don't care if it's easier or not.


wait a second. Aren't there like TWO revisions out there? Obviously DC is then closer to revision 2 while PS2 is closer to revision 1 because they were originally based on these revisions or so I have heard.
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