So, chip kos are back. Got chipped out by a shinkuu hadoken.
『Inaba Resident』;184505489 said:And that's the problem people have. They got attached to the 1st beta. They keep comparing Ryu to how he was then instead of looking at what he has now. I've played Ryu tons in the 1st beta and I've been playing him nonstop now. The complaints are so overblown. In this build, some of the things Ryu has:
-Good damage (He does good damage while doing a good amount of stun)
-Solid normals
-Good amount of links
-Reliable anti-air
-decent reversal
-Good v-trigger that he can cancel into off of any normal
-Good critical art that has numerous ways you can combo into
Has Ryu lost things since the 1st beta? Yeah, but its really not as bad as people make it seem. He's still a solid character, imo. Again, try not to just focus on what he doesn't have and look at what he does.
Okay, I'm apparently done with SFV Betas until they let us do training mode for some period of time at least. It's just instantly throwing me into match after match (which is good) against people who have thousands of fucking LP where I just get immediately fucking destroyed (which is not good). I don't even have a full grasp of the game's basic mechanics (I only have gotten to play like 3 matches across all of the betas, with a character that's not even in this one) and the game won't let me spend literally more than 2 goddamn seconds trying learn them. I don't think I've straight rage-quit a game in years, but holy shit
I've played him quite a bit last night and today and I wholeheartedly disagree. With his current options I'm finding him pretty boring and limited and he's more difficult to play now because of the removed links. Getting in position to do damage and in range of his normals is hard because so many characters our range him and his move set doesn't allow him to get in at all. He's solid if everybody else is just as bad.
Is the beta up? It just give me a "Please install the new title update" after the tutorial and never loads.
You can stil do the training mode trick to avoid having to play matches while practicing.
You can stil do the training mode trick to avoid having to play matches while practicing.
Also Adon had a shorter stand up time then all the other characters in SSF4, which threw people off. Get fixed in AE though...pretty sure the Justin played an early build of Adon, just like this is!
I've played him quite a bit last night and today and I wholeheartedly disagree. With his current options I'm finding him pretty boring and limited and he's more difficult to play now because of the removed links. Getting in position to do damage and in range of his normals is hard because so many characters out range him and his move set doesn't allow him to get in at all. He's solid if everybody else is just as bad.
What is that?
Pick the character you want to train with as second player and use the record feature to practice without getting interrupted by online matches.
What is this? I'm on PS4 if that matters, I heard there was a PC trick.
What is that?
Also Adon had a shorter stand up time then all the other characters in SSF4, which threw people off. Get fixed in AE though...
Delete beta and download it again in your Library. Sucks but it's the only way for some reason.Is the beta up on ps4? It let me do the tutorial but now I just get a message that says a new title update has been uploaded to the server, please download and restart to apply the update.
Is the beta up on ps4? It let me do the tutorial but now I just get a message that says a new title update has been uploaded to the server, please download and restart to apply the update.
Is anyone else being forced to play random characters in online matches? I'm Karin in training and they keep switching me to rashid
Does anyone have any idea what the announcer lady says on the loading screen something along the lines of "you are in the top.." but can't ever hear the rest because the music is louder than her.
Delete beta and download it again in your Library. Sucks but it's the only way for some reason.
『Inaba Resident』;184508771 said:Wonder when this is ending.
Gotta change your fav character in battle settings.
it's already set to karin, then i go in training as karin, get one or two fights in as her, and then all of a sudden it changes me to rashid from then on
Chun st.HP has some weird bug where if you mash it fast enough Chun moves forward.
How do I make it so I don't get Rashid in matches?