It's in beta. Of course the moves etc are going to be constantly shifting. That's why I haven't been taking it super srs. There's no real point until things get hammered down. I expect things will level out to more traditional updates once the game finally goes gold.
Bear in mind most people are busily looking for stuff to drill. To build on so that they have a leg up. If their houses are all built on sand it can get frustrating when they grind out a great BnB and it's suddenly gone the next build.
Stuff in Ultra is still being found to this day. The game evolves as people discover new things. That's part of the game's charm. If the game was to get constant updates and shifting move lists, I can't see why anyone wouldn't get annoyed.
It's not a MOBA. It doesn't have all those moving parts where constant balance updates would be necessary. Just look to how the NRS community's gotten over at Testyourmight if you want to see update fatigue at work.
I'm hoping there will be a good influx of new players when this drops. The hori kai I ordered comes in on Friday, and I'll definitely be playing the beta, but the best way to get better would be to play USF4 until 5 drops, right?
Bear in mind most people are busily looking for stuff to drill. To build on so that they have a leg up. If their houses are all built on sand it can get frustrating when they grind out a great BnB and it's suddenly gone the next build.
I liked FADC, gave some cool combo options and they fixed the thing most people hated about it which was srks being -1 on block ( i think it was -1 for most) and made them -5 on block. FA was what sucked.
Not really, before playing it it seemed a bit too basic, after it only confirmed my fears. Nerfs can be disappointing, but I know how to take them in context. I don't think nerfs make the game worse, but I do think the game is a bit boring because it's too simple.
I'm starting to think beta testing has been a huge mistake.
On paper, it's REALLY awesome that Capcom is doing this. But, the FGC really doesn't have the right mentality for it.
People have gotten way too accustomed to being closely involved with the development the point that we're taking it for granted.
Most FG companies don't do anything even REMOTELY as inclusive and transparent as this. Hell, ArcSys, for example, barely even acknowledges its overseas audience (Exhibit A: that character poll they administered exclusively in Japanese arcades that get Dizzy in the game). Most Japanese FG companies don't give a crap about their western audiences until it's time to release the port, and here Capcom is actively engaging multiple parts of the world for feedback before the game is finished.
If there had been no beta, no worldwide exposure to the game, no first hand knowledge of the constant "nerfs" and "buffs" that commonly happen in ALL fighting games pre release, people wouldn't be whining about any of this. No one would be complaining about Ryu losing a few combos here and there. People would still be going bonkers over the fact that Ryu has a parry. OMG Zangief has a vacuum and an air SPD! Vega isn't charge anymore! Mika has a frickin' assist!? This game is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
But, instead, here we are calling the game "boring" because some combos from a previous built don't work anymore.
Frankly speaking between making sure all the network stuff works and a bunch of people whining on the internet I'll take a working game day one. If they want to concern troll then be my guest, as long as it means stuff like 21007s don't happen at launch.
Some characters definitely need more options. Ryu is pretty boring, and so is Laura. A lot of them are still really fun though. R Mika got some nerfs, but they were pretty reasonable and she's just as fun as she was in Beta 2 luckily. She still has quite a lot of mixup options.
Laura is the most basic character and that kinda sucks since I like her design. She does some interesting stuff in the 16 character trailer that recently came out though. It looks like she can combo into and off of her V Skill now? At least the trailer made it look like that. That would go a long way in making her more fun to play.
Yea Laura is really really boring. I'm still hoping that she receives something anything in the next beta/final build. Her V-Trigger is very boring too :/. The only interesting thing she currently has is her fireball. Everything else just feels like a struggle Abel.
I'm fine with FADC being out, I liked it more as a way to extend combos than as a defensive mechanic.
I also will miss tighter links. I enjoyed the difficulty that SFIV brought in with having very difficult combos and having fairly easy ones. James Chen mentioned that he finds it exciting to see players do extremely difficult but max damage combos because you know how much time they had to put into training mode to get their execution that high. And I agree with him, when you see Sako do a Sako Combo most people (or at least myself) immediately go into training mode and try to grind out that combo until you can get it down
(or at least once shiiiet)
, then you find out how difficult it is and you realize how amazing that players execution is. In SFV.. I don't think you'll be seeing much of that. I mean, you'll see a combo, go into training mode and be able to replicate it in maybe 1 or 2 tries since the execution overall is a lot easier. Can't believe you can actually just mash buttons and still hit the combos lol, don't even need timing, just mash.
I'm starting to think beta testing has been a huge mistake.
On paper, it's REALLY awesome that Capcom is doing this. But, the FGC really doesn't have the right mentality for it.
People have gotten way too accustomed to being closely involved with the development the point that we're taking it for granted.
Most FG companies don't do anything even REMOTELY as inclusive and transparent as this. Hell, ArcSys, for example, barely even acknowledges its overseas audience (Exhibit A: that character poll they administered exclusively in Japanese arcades that get Dizzy in the game). Most Japanese FG companies don't give a crap about their western audiences until it's time to release the port, and here Capcom is actively engaging multiple parts of the world for feedback before the game is finished.
If there had been no beta, no worldwide exposure to the game, no first hand knowledge of the constant "nerfs" and "buffs" that commonly happen in ALL fighting games pre release, people wouldn't be whining about any of this. No one would be complaining about Ryu losing a few combos here and there. People would still be going bonkers over the fact that Ryu has a parry. OMG Zangief has a vacuum and an air SPD! Vega isn't charge anymore! Mika has a frickin' assist!? This game is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
But, instead, here we are calling the game "boring" because some combos from a previous built don't work anymore.
Yea there was gifts and curses from having a beta. The curse is what you've already said and the gift is that the game doesn't release SFxT status and have sound glitches and game crashing bugs when a certain two characters interact with each other on screen. (I think the gifts outweigh the curses tbh)
If you get hit during a back dash does it count as a counter hit? Last night I got caught by Ken's st. HK while back dashing and it caused a critical counter. Although that really stood out to me, I forgot to test that out in the training mode. Anybody know whether this is true or not?
Yea I believe you do. I don't think their considered airborne either? Or maybe just not Ryu's backdash. I tried to do it on wakeup once thinking that I'd be put into a reset situation but nope, bopped.
I think Capcom needed the beta for marketing purposes along with finetuning their netcode. Because SFV's longevity highly depends on how stable it will be online.
Honestly SFV advertising budget feels slim, we haven't gotten any CG trailers like we did for SF4, SFxT, and MvC3...
Yea I've been thinking it seemed kinda poverty for a while. The only CG trailer we got was that 30 second opening trailer, everything else has been straight gameplay.. which is fine but doesn't have the same hype that the SFxT trailers had. They've put tons of money into marketing though, with the Beta and having kiosks at damn near every event.
Another thing that bothers me is that they released one stage with transitioning during the match and none of the others have it. It really seems like something they had a plan for in the beginning then didn't go back to it when the game got into late development. I'd think it's something they wish they could take out to not make it noticeable that only one stage has the theatrics while all the others don't.
From SRK:
Inferno is motion and does 90 (LP), 100 (MP) and 110 (HP).
Teledash is significantly faster
cr.HK causes hard knockdown on counter (universal change)
VEX Headstomp is faster
Cr.MK cancels into specials
S.MP to D/F HP is a combo (Only actually combos on counter hit, but it can act as a frame trap since D/F HP is +1 now)
Apparently Blast hitbox is bigger and EX Devil's reverse is faster
Nerfs are pretty much just that you you can't cancel SK into CA except on the first hit (so, like the first beta)
From SRK:
Inferno is motion and does 90 (LP), 100 (MP) and 110 (HP).
Teledash is significantly faster
cr.HK causes hard knockdown on counter (universal change)
VEX Headstomp is faster
Cr.MK cancels into specials
S.MP to D/F HP is a combo (Only actually combos on counter hit, but it can act as a frame trap since D/F HP is +1 now)
Apparently Blast hitbox is bigger and EX Devil's reverse is faster
Nerfs are pretty much just that you you can't cancel SK into CA except on the first hit (so, like the first beta)
yeah going off of what little data mining we are able to do with the new encryption- there's 16 character folders, only 12 of which are actually characters. So expect at least 12 by the end of the beta.
From SRK:
Inferno is motion and does 90 (LP), 100 (MP) and 110 (HP).
Teledash is significantly faster
cr.HK causes hard knockdown on counter (universal change)
VEX Headstomp is faster
Cr.MK cancels into specials
S.MP to D/F HP is a combo (Only actually combos on counter hit, but it can act as a frame trap since D/F HP is +1 now)
Apparently Blast hitbox is bigger and EX Devil's reverse is faster
Nerfs are pretty much just that you you can't cancel SK into CA except on the first hit (so, like the first beta)
Yeah I think we're about the same if I understand this correctly. I'm on GMT-5 so that means I would have to subtract 5 hours to the 08:01 GMT thing, that would put it at 3am in my zone too, I think.
I'll go to bed at 8:00pm tonight, LOL!
Hmm checking my Windows clock it's actually UTC-5. so again no idea what time it is. You win again Timezones, my confusing mortal enemy!
Yay for Sim! No Mika and Kaaarin, but hey, I get to stretch once again.
I didn't find Laura incredibly boring, I just found her options to feel like they didn't know what to do with them. The fireball, quick grapple, attack grapple, pretty strong AA shoulder, and being able to multi-sway out of any pokes all felt nice. Also the ability to combo into Elbow after AA projectiles. But her pokes felt a bit weird, and stuff often acted as if it was on the wrong button compared to what you'd expect. I'll definitely play her in between messing around with Cammy, and maybe Birdie, for the beginning of this period.
Disapointed that the rooster is this small. Got to play everyone at the Paris event. I suppose I will practice some Necali and Laura as I liked them a lot as new characters.
Oh, I'm very much aware of that. It will be interesting to see how they made c.MK useful, is what I'm saying. I never used it in previous betas because c.MP does everything you need.
So we have the 8 characters Capcom has confirmed... we know Bison, Vega, and Mika from the mini-tests... that pretty much only leaves 1 more character if we're going to cap out at 12 in this beta.
Maybe Chun?
edit- nevermind... forgot about Ken. So there's your 12.