Had two matches. One against a Vega while I was Vega, and all we did was mash until he won. It was still fun, and I can see people abusing jab into roll until they learn how to use the block button, lol.
After that match, I moved over to Mika, and she is amazing! Hits hard if you play smart, her F+MK beats a lot of normals as far as I can tell, and her HK held can guard crush. Getting in for throws real quick requires some work, but it's not too rough.
I can see some insane combos coming off her v-trigger. Her v-skill can fuck up someone's flow of battle really quick by interrupting their movement. Little things like that make me love this game.
They added the CPU. It's honestly leagues better than 4's button reading shit. It's not going to teach you how to play the game properly, but it's a stepup from the other games so far. Seemed far more adaptable.
Graphics look cleaner too.
My second match was against a Mika, but it was laggy as hell. So of course, I took advantage. Won that one easily, but it would have been far more enjoyable if it was actually stable, since we both were going for easy setups and trying to poke our way through.