Anyone playing?
I can play. CFN is FluxWaveZ.
Anyone playing?
I can play. CFN is FluxWaveZ.
Is Mika's target combo safe? I thought they made that shit unsafe, but I can't punish it with my fastest medium.
It's -5.
I wouldn't mind it as something to add some extra finesse to combos without making them some dumb punitive thing where dropping a frame means eating a reversal. Make them slightly different audibly and visually too. Part of the reason I find Karin so much fun to play is due to how unique her Tenko is in 5 and that is has variable timing.
momochi with the idea that combos executed with perfect timing do more damage, while still letting everyone do the less damaging version to beginners with the current system
dunno what's the obsession with burning hours and hours practicing the perfect combo timing. I'd rather have combos depend more and more on the opponent character size, weight and position so combos are more difficult to do but at the same time, something you cannot just practice mindlessly, but that you have to pull off on the moment
I can play. CFN is FluxWaveZ.
Sure thing, lemme finish this casual match and I'll invite.
room for 1 more?
cool. Cfn 765production
Our connection is usually fine, Producer, but were you having some latency on your end as well, or was it just me?
Can you guys see my heckling with the comments mid match? I just found out you could do that and I'm finding it hilarious.
No, only other people spectating in the lobbies can see that.
momochi with the idea that combos executed with perfect timing do more damage, while still letting everyone do the less damaging version to beginners with the current system
dunno what's the obsession with burning hours and hours practicing the perfect combo timing. I'd rather have combos depend more and more on the opponent character size, weight and position so combos are more difficult to do but at the same time, something you cannot just practice mindlessly, but that you have to pull off on the moment
Chun suxHallelujah, Alex's jumping MP beats Chun's light AA.
Chun sux
Sorry for leaving quickly but i have to head out real quick. If you guys are still on in about 30 mins i can play
GGs, that last match felt fraudulent.
momochi with the idea that combos executed with perfect timing do more damage, while still letting everyone do the less damaging version to beginners with the current system
dunno what's the obsession with burning hours and hours practicing the perfect combo timing. I'd rather have combos depend more and more on the opponent character size, weight and position so combos are more difficult to do but at the same time, something you cannot just practice mindlessly, but that you have to pull off on the moment
I dunno if I'll be on, but we should play again soon. It was a bit jittery this time, but I need to learn better footsies by going against your well executed spacing.
It's weird how my defense completely drops when I play a character I'm not familiar with. I'd understand if my offense were poor, but the defense too... Anyways, Laura's probably a character I'll be putting a bit more time into.
momochi with the idea that combos executed with perfect timing do more damage, while still letting everyone do the less damaging version to beginners with the current system
dunno what's the obsession with burning hours and hours practicing the perfect combo timing. I'd rather have combos depend more and more on the opponent character size, weight and position so combos are more difficult to do but at the same time, something you cannot just practice mindlessly, but that you have to pull off on the moment
It was fine on my end, sorry about that. I guess thats just sfv online sometimes
I wasn't gonna even mention it... but then my EX command grab > dash > st.MP easy meaty sequence got interrupted by your cr.LK because of it, and I died. That triggered me.
Are you still on now? I can play you for a bit, if so.
momochi with the idea that combos executed with perfect timing do more damage, while still letting everyone do the less damaging version to beginners with the current system
dunno what's the obsession with burning hours and hours practicing the perfect combo timing. I'd rather have combos depend more and more on the opponent character size, weight and position so combos are more difficult to do but at the same time, something you cannot just practice mindlessly, but that you have to pull off on the moment
GGs, Producer. I tried to focus mainly on playing the patient footsie game in our matches, and I was also taking way fewer risks than I usually do. It felt good when I was actually able to contend in that area against Chun-Li and Cammy, just by focusing on patience and spacing. I was missing some confirms still (I'll blame that on it being late here), but I learned a lot from our matches.
I also tried to punish your st.HPs with EX Peach. I did it a few times. Still got to get used to doing it when I'm not necessarily expecting it to come out. There was once where I intentionally got in range to bait you into doing it, and I used EX Peach as a punish to close out the round. I liked that.
So I decided to play some KI just now just because, and holy shit does this game feel like a mashy random game of guesswork. I'll never complain about SFV's offensive setplay again.
You're clearly not playing it right then.
The mindgames in that game are incredibly insane. And almost every character has defensive options to counter act that offense.
Clearly, considering it's been a couple hours of total playtime. But it certainly feels like it at a beginner level, so that's where I'm judging it atm.
The game is most certainly not a beginner friendly game, with it's higher execution requirement (compared to SF5) and general matchup knowledge requirement and depth.
It takes a LOT of time to get good but it is the some of the most fun I've had in a fighting game in quite a while tbh. Definitely worth the time to put in.
It's one of those games where even a ft50 never starts to feel repetitive or boring as the mindgames just keep evolving in long sets.
EDIT: This is a very good site with a lot of explanations and tutorials:
SF5 mods on point:
oh my godSF5 mods on point:
Man, it'll be nuts if Gief's SFV air headbutt does that much stun.
Imagine SFV's training mode could actually display how plus or negative you are after trying a specific setup? So much more data could be exposed with this mode, it's so disappointing that it isn't there.