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Strike Force Five podcast

Anyone else listening to this? It’s actually quite good. It’s four very funny comedians (John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers) and also Jimmy Fallon. The podcast is meant to generate money to provide help for the crew and writers on the hosts talk shows.

It’s surprisingly funny, some of the hosts are very quick witted. They talk about talk shows and award shows and other things and basically shit on each other. It’s also very funny how obvious it quickly becomes that Jimmy Fallon is not nearly as funny as the other four.

The five alternate being hosts. They just released an episode with Jon Stewart. They were going to do a live show but apparently Kimmel got that rona again. Anyway I don’t have a link, just check whatever podcast app you have. Give it a shot, it’s good.


Gold Member
Good on them for trying to support their workerswith this podcast but I don’t find any of them even remotely funny.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers a hive of scum and villainy.

I am not interested in anything they do.


I don’t really care for Oliver or Colbert, but I like the others. They should get Stewart to join. He was awesome, still is.
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