How do you "win" the second battle of the DLC campaign? The one where you have to "push" the enemies back. Everything I do - destroying countless frigates and cruisers - doesn't seem to be doing anything.
That mission was a pain until I figured it out.
Notice the first wave of enemies is comprised of corvettes, a frigate... and some pesky beam+flak platforms. Take care of the corvettes and then proceed to pick up the beam turrets of the platforms (Can be targeted individually).
Your goal is to actually keep your ships alive longer than the enemy (which is hard when those god damn turrets keep beaming them) so they cross the fold points (they go from red to blue but if they get destroyed, you'll quickly lose ground) and allow more of your ships to fold in. When you see an enemy cruiser quickly go for the beam turrets and tear all its weak points apart. Cruisers and carriers actually go down faster than frigates!
It's a long mission (by the end they'll bring all the guns at you) but after some back and forth you should definitely be able to push the enemy back and "change history", heh.
While flawed, it's a shame the game took a pounding in Metacritic because I really want more of this kind or like Omega Boost. I was playing Ace Combat Assault Horizon and wishing I could say "fuck physics" and turn into a mech to gun everything down...