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Studio Gainax's (Eva, FLCL, TTGL) Other Classics

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Evangelion, FLCL and Gurren Lagann. Few shows are as well known within the anime community as these three, perhaps because certain fans seem determined to proselytize these works until the end of time. For good or for ill, these are some of the shows people are told to watch when they express interest in watching anime.

There are, however, other works from the same studio which are equally deserving of people's attention. Perhaps, in the case of their first movie, even more deserving. Hence, I have made this with the intention of selling these older works to people who perhaps have not heard of them.

Dacion IV (1983)


Daicon IV is a very short animated piece, that has more in common with a music video then anything else.

It was made to make a name for the people who worked on it, with the hope of securing commercial backers. It was successful in this regard, and the people who created it went on to form Studio Gainax.

To this day, it may contain more copyright infringements per second then any other work!

I only include it in this list not because it is a masterpiece of film making that will change your perception of the world, but because it's fun.

Youtube Link : Daicon IV

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)


Shiro Lhadtt is a drop-out, a wannabe pilot who wasn't good enough to get into the navy air corps. Instead, he joints the only organisation that will have him, a ragtag group of misfits called the Royal Space Force. Underfunded, under motivated and under extreme pressure, they race to get a man into space, but nobody believes it's possible... (The Anime Encyclopaedia, 2006, Helen McCarthy)

It doesn't sound particularly spellbinding in summary, yet it is the execution that is masterful. The non-formulaic characters, the complex but believable alternate world, the almost obsessive production values - every aspect of this film impressive.

The crazy work that the designers and animators put in can't be emphasised enough. I think on the DVD commentary they mention that they were crazy to try and put to much stuff in. It all pays off though, and the movie looks stunning.

Here's some pretty pictures to illustrate my point!





At it's heart, the movie is about the limitless ambition humanity, the new heights it will climb to, the new thinks it will event, it's desire to ascend into space, and beyond. This works for me, because I'm already in love with space and hard sci-fi stuff, but I have no doubt that this movie can resonate beyond that small audience.

There is something enduring and triumphant about this movie that extends outside the realm of a simple science-based movie. Rather then focusing exclusively on the race to space the movie also remembers that at the centre of good stories are interesting, believable people who face challenges of many different kinds.

"Gainax...is made up of true science-fiction fans. Space is their religion, they fervently believe that it's humankind's destiny to leave the cradle of Earth ans spread out among the stars."(The Anime Encyclopaedia, 2006, Helen McCarthy)

It may be the most critically acclaimed of Gainax's works, but it underperformed commercially. I guess that's what you get for trying to make an interesting, nuanced movie without enough and things blowing up. Fortunately Gainax were going on to produce something that was just that.

Gunbuster (1988)


On the opposite end of the spectrum is a work that (hopefully) needs no introduction is the late 80's sci-fi classic. Hideaki Anno's (Evangelion) directorial début features everything that would appeal to an audience - girls in unlikely costumes, giant robots and space battles and so forth.


Of all the shows on this list, this is the work that I expect most people will have already seen. Released first as an OVA, and then later as a movie this work may at times feel a bit strange to modern audiences (the opening episode is a spoof of a popular tennis show) the show still holds up reasonably well today.

While I would recommend this show to fans of sci-fi action, what I enjoy most about the show actually derives from one of the main features that drives the plot. As this is a spoiler, I won't elaborate. Suffice to say the show isn't just robots beating stuff up, it also has a (sentimental) heart as well.


"I realize all of these things are pretty silly, but by the end of Gunbuster, I am a broken man and I just don’t care. I guess I’m a big softie at heart: indeed, Gunbuster might only work on softies. " (Dave,Colony Drop)

Nadia : The Secret of Blue Water


Set in 1889 and extremely loosely based on Jules Verne's' 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water tells the story of Nadia, a girl who's trying to find out about her past, Jean, a boy who wants to build a flying machine, and the Blue Water, a mysterious gem of Nadia's with strange powers. Their world is home to two shadowy groups in conflict: Neo-Atlantis, who want to rule the world, and the crew of the submarine Nautilus, who have sworn to oppose Neo-Atlantis. (TV Tropes)

Perhaps this show is the hardest sell to a new audience. Problems that may arise after a few episodes are :

1 : It looks like a kids show.
2 : Nadia can be a bit...annoying?
3 : Jean isn't that interesting either.
4 : The Island Episodes (Episodes 23 - 34, made by a separate director and bearing literal resemblance to the quality of the rest of the show. An unparalleled disaster which no one should feel compelled to watch, for any reason. Indeed skipping them is for the best.)
5 : It looks like a kids show.

Most of these claims can be dismissed, and I still endorse this show as strongly as any other here.

When I started watching I found the opening few episodes to be un-engaging and I didn't really "get it". However, after a few episodes the main plot started to get rolling and I became engrossed.

While it was aimed at a younger audience, Gainax doesn't seem to understand what that means and so the show is still full of powerful, dark moments, some of which may be surprising for any audience.


Moreover, it's a masterfully constructed and very enjoyable adventure story, in the same spirit as Future Boy Conan or Castle in the Sky.

"The combination of Vernean adventure, Dickensian richness of characterisation, nods and winks to more contemporary classics, and steampunk technology was irresistible, propelling the series to success."(The Anime Encyclopaedia, 2006, Helen McCarthy)​


Contains Sucralose
Doesn't rival the awesomeness of Kyoto Animation.

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise looks good for being from 87.


Honneamise is the best thing Gainax has ever made. It was the only piece of work in their entire careers that is a true creative art piece with no constrains of commercialism or marketing. It's an amazing movie, and the only thing Gainax has done which is worthy of actual respect. Everything else they have done is far more successful though, so they don't need respect for that, they have the money. :p


duckroll said:
Honneamise is the best thing Gainax has ever made. It was the only piece of work in their entire careers that is a true creative art piece with no constrains of commercialism or marketing. It's an amazing movie, and the only thing Gainax has done which is worthy of actual respect. Everything else they have done is far more successful though, so they don't need respect for that, they have the money. :p

Pretty much this.

For anyone who wants to check out the full size pictures from Royal Space Force (I try to avoid giant pictures everywhere)

duckroll said:
Honneamise is the best thing Gainax has ever made. It was the only piece of work in their entire careers that is a true creative art piece with no constrains of commercialism or marketing. It's an amazing movie, and the only thing Gainax has done which is worthy of actual respect. Everything else they have done is far more successful though, so they don't need respect for that, they have the money. :p

Don't know about respect, but they opened the flood gates with Evangelion. Some would of course say for the worse with too much anime trying to be "artsy" and pretentious, but it was the most ground breaking mecha series of the 90's that will be remember for many years to come like Mazinger, Getter, and Gundam before it..
duckroll said:
Honneamise is the best thing Gainax has ever made. It was the only piece of work in their entire careers that is a true creative art piece with no constrains of commercialism or marketing. It's an amazing movie, and the only thing Gainax has done which is worthy of actual respect. Everything else they have done is far more successful though, so they don't need respect for that, they have the money. :p
I agree with this. Honneamise is an excellent movie, even for people who aren't really into anime like myself. Plus the animation is amazing.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Honneamise is one of my all-time favorites.

I still remember promising myself I'd only watch 10 minutes of it when I first saw it on TV in the late 90s... only to get sucked in and watch the whole thing until 4AM or so :p

I hope a blu-ray comes soon... I bought a DVD in the early 2000s, but it had some sort of defect (at least on my PS2) and every copy I exchanged it for did the same thing.


Good to see Wings of Honneamise getting some love.

Must have for every anime fan and its right up there with Akira, Nusicaa and the rest


BocoDragon said:
I hope a blu-ray comes soon... I bought a DVD in the early 2000s, but it had some sort of defect (at least on my PS2) and every copy I exchanged it for did the same thing.

It's out!


Nadia was really getting up there to being one of my favorite shows...and then I got to the island episodes and it dropped in the ranks very, very quickly.


I really need to purchase Wings of Honneamise. I watched a DL of it once, which was absolutely terrible quality, and I didn't get a good impression of it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Jexhius said:
It's out!
Well I'll be damned... almost 3 years ago from what amazon.com says.

Obviously it's a niche release.. never seen it in stores.. :p

Norwegian Wood said:
Good to see Wings of Honneamise getting some love.

Must have for every anime fan and its right up there with Akira, Nusicaa and the rest
Then where's ma Nausicaa blu-ray!! :D


BattleMonkey said:
Don't know about respect, but they opened the flood gates with Evangelion. Some would of course say for the worse with too much anime trying to be "artsy" and pretentious, but it was the most ground breaking mecha series of the 90's that will be remember for many years to come like Mazinger, Getter, and Gundam before it..

Evangelion was ground breaking because it had violence, cannibalism, sex, fan service, religious imagery and various other intentionally provocative themes for a day time TV anime series. Ultimately it was still a commercial vehicle, and created deliberately to provoke and attract attention, while also having excellent art direction and mecha designs.

Honneamise is a whole different league from anything else Gainax has done. I'm not shitting on their other works, I'm just pointing out that the movie is the only time they ever truly had total freedom and were still young and idealistic enough to want to make something unique and creative for the sake of art. It cost a lot of money and it failed, so they decided to go the commercial route. I don't blame them, but it's obvious they've closed the door on a whole different type of films they could be making if they didn't go that route.


well not really...yet
FLEABttn said:
Nadia was really getting up there to being one of my favorite shows...and then I got to the island episodes and it dropped in the ranks very, very quickly.
You can pretty much skip the Island eps and lose practically nothing from the show.

Nadia was one of my most loved shows when I was a kid, and I still love it.


BocoDragon said:
Then where's ma Nausicaa blu-ray!! :D

They've already announced that it's coming out soon! Pay attention dude!

FLEABttn said:
Nadia was really getting up there to being one of my favorite shows...and then I got to the island episodes and it dropped in the ranks very, very quickly.

I watched part of one, couldn't handle it, and skipped the rest. There's no excusing them, but theres no need to watch them either.

Luckily the show concludes extremely strong (unlike some other Gainax works...) and the final episodes do a great job ending the show.


I just recently bought the entire Nadia television collection. It was one the first anime series I ever saw (in the 90's) yet I'd never actually seen more than a couple of episodes until now. Yeah, the island/Africa episodes are totally forgettable but the rest of the series is great. You keep thinking "oh, this is just a silly kids show" just before someone gets murdered or a character starts crying about being abused as a slave. It's certainly an interesting mix.


BocoDragon said:
Well I'll be damned... almost 3 years ago from what amazon.com says.

Obviously it's a niche release.. never seen it in stores.. :p

Then where's ma Nausicaa blu-ray!! :D

I'm sure there would be a post dedicated to it when its out :D


Seen both gunbuster and royal space force. Both are amazing, although, i don't think royal space force is as great as everyone is saying here, there's this one scene in it that really dropped the film in the ratings department for me.:)

Really want to watch nadia someday. Might watch it sooner if at least 12 episodes of it are skippable, it shortens the series from 39 episodes to 27. Which makes it less of a time investment on my end, lol.
I catch new things EVERY time I watch FLCL.

I've seen a lot of anime in my life, and nothing comes close to FLCL. It's short. It's crazy. But each viewing is blowing my previous interpretation and making me love even more the godam thing.


Lafiel said:
Seen both gunbuster and royal space force. Both are amazing, although, i don't think royal space force is as great as everyone is saying here, there's this one scene in it that really dropped the film in the ratings department for me.:)

Apparently people who defend it are 'human filth' :lol :lol

WyndhamPrice said:
Gunbuster/Diebuster is one of my favorite things ever and the fact that there's not a decently priced Blu-ray set of the original versions of each series (not the movies) pisses me off to no end.

Apparently, once you re-cut a show there's just no going back! But yeah, I agree,
Gunbuster/Diebuster is one of my favorite things ever and the fact that there's not a decently priced Blu-ray set of the original versions of each series (not the movies) pisses me off to no end.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Jexhius said:
Apparently people who defend it are 'human filth' :lol :lol
...is that the
rape scene
?... Yeah because the point of that scene was to support


BocoDragon said:
...is that the
rape scene?... Yeah because the point of that scene was to support ape.:p

I'm just reading from a sem-infamous article about the movie, which is apparently "one of the biggest fuck ups in the history of animated cinema" :lol :lol

I swear the dude writting the article is completely flipping out writting it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Jexhius said:
I'm just reading from a sem-infamous article about the movie, which is apparently "one of the biggest fuck ups in the history of animated cinema" :lol :lol
I seem to remember that. :p


well not really...yet
Jexhius said:
I'm just reading from a sem-infamous article about the movie, which is apparently "one of the biggest fuck ups in the history of animated cinema" :lol :lol

I swear the dude writting the article is completely flipping out writting it.
I think I remember that article.

Was it from ANN? Becuase it sounds awful enough for it to be.


GDGF said:
And OP forgot Otaku No Video! That movie/mocumentary was awesome!


I would have included it, but as I haven't see it I didn't feel right writting about it.

Dead said:
I think I remember that article.

Was it from ANN? Becuase it sounds awful enough for it to be.

BocoDragon said:
I seem to remember that. :p

SPOILER EVEN THE LINK NAME IS A SPOILER So don't higlight it! 2000 word rant SPOILER

Even in the comments if anyone disagrees he writes about 3 essays in reply. Joke character confirmed.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
^ Oh god.. because the best way to deal with uncomfortable aspects of humanity is to NEVER explore it in art. :p


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Going to have to check some of these other ones out.

I adore Gunbuster, though. Such a great piece of animation.


What, no mention of Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, aka His and Her Circumstances yet? Freaking awesome show. It's a shame that Anno didn't have more of an involvement after the 15th ep or whatever. Also, the ending is meh. But life is about the journey, right?

Edit: Oh, and more Otaku no Video love here.



well not really...yet
Fireye said:
What, no mention of Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, aka His and Her Circumstances yet? Freaking awesome show. It's a shame that Anno didn't have more of an involvement after the 15th ep or whatever. Also, the ending is meh. But life is about the journey, right?
Kare Kano would rank among my favorite series, even with the drop in quality later. The good parts of it are just that good imo.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Wow, I don't even remember buying this, but apparently I own some sort of Platinum box set on Evangelion. I already own the original DVD box set, so why the fuck did I buy this again? what the fuck

Is there any reason to watch this version?


Fireye said:
What, no mention of Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, aka His and Her Circumstances yet? Freaking awesome show. It's a shame that Anno didn't have more of an involvement after the 15th ep or whatever. Also, the ending is meh. But life is about the journey, right?

I decided to only comment on shows I've watched and can vouch for, rather then do a straight up history of Gainax (but ended up doing a little of that anyway).

EvaPlusMinus said:
Wow, I don't even remember buying this, but apparently I own some sort of Platinum box set on Evangelion. I already own the original DVD box set, so why the fuck did I buy this again? what the fuck

Is there any reason to watch this version?

:lol :lol :lol Gainax wins again!

Remastered changes if I remeber correctly, but two new scenes before episodes 21 + 22. I think. So, go check those out.


well not really...yet
EvaPlusMinus said:
Wow, I don't even remember buying this, but apparently I own some sort of Platinum box set on Evangelion. I already own the original DVD box set, so why the fuck did I buy this again? what the fuck

Is there any reason to watch this version?
Platinum = Restored. Much better visual and sound quality, includes several Extended episodes as well.

If you own the Platinum version, you may as well throw away your original set.


EvaPlusMinus said:
Wow, I don't even remember buying this, but apparently I own some sort of Platinum box set on Evangelion. I already own the original DVD box set, so why the fuck did I buy this again? what the fuck

It's secretly reproducing in your dvd cabinet. Maybe you should get some DVD condoms or something, my friend. Or, be kind, spay and neuter your DVDs, help keep the population down!
Jexhius said:
Dacion IV (1983)

Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise (1987)

Gunbuster (1988)

Nadia : The Secret of Blue Water

Strangely enough, these are the 4 things that spring immediately to mind when I think of "Gainax".

I guess I just never got aboard the EVA train in the mid 90's.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Fireye said:
It's secretly reproducing in your dvd cabinet. Maybe you should get some DVD condoms or something, my friend. Or, be kind, spay and neuter your DVDs, help keep the population down!

Seriously. Creepy stuff. Guess I'll start watching this again once I get my web site up and running for this class.
EvaPlusMinus said:
Wow, I don't even remember buying this, but apparently I own some sort of Platinum box set on Evangelion. I already own the original DVD box set, so why the fuck did I buy this again? what the fuck

Is there any reason to watch this version?
It looks and sounds better and they cleaned up the dub some.

I liked Diebuster much more than Diebuster. Am I alone on this?


KareKano is the only Gainax show I've made it all the way through (loved it even when it descended into cardboard cut out nonsense).

Both pre- and post-Hideaki Anno, they've produced some great animation - but it's for a very different breed of anime fan than I.

Melody of Oblivion doesn't count, because JC Staff animated it and I chose to focus on the Utena-lite aspects rather than the "for horny fanboys" stuff that makes it more like normal Gainax.


What's with the hate on KareKano's second half? Episode 19 is by far the best episode of the entire show.


7Th said:
What's with the hate on KareKano's second half? Episode 19 is by far the best episode of the entire show.

Honestly, it's been a few years since I watched KKnJ, so I'm a bit fuzzy on what's happening in that episode. However, IIRC it starts being a leadup to the cultural festival in the 2nd half of the show, which is a let down because the festival isn't what I'd prefer the show to end on.



If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
Gotta get around to watching Nadia sometime. Oh and finishing KareKano.
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