Study shows 36% of console gamers and 40% of PC gamers spend less than 5 hours a week gaming

Your Weekly Gaming time?

  • Less than 10 hours

    Votes: 154 50.2%
  • 10 - 20 hours

    Votes: 85 27.7%
  • 20 - 30 hours

    Votes: 36 11.7%
  • Over 30 hours

    Votes: 32 10.4%

  • Total voters


Has Man Musk


The attention economy is oversaturated. Games are not just competing with other games but with TikTok, YouTube, Netflix, and well ... life.

But the games industry – especially premium games on console and PC – has a unique twofold challenge:

  1. Supply: New AAA games can take five years or more to make (and often have budgets in the hundreds of millions)
  2. Demand: Player attention and play time are already maxed out
MIDiA’s consumer research for Q4 2024 underlines just how little time consumers have to play. Console gamers spend – on average – 10 hours gaming per week, while PC players spend a little less (9.7 hours).

Naturally, averages only tell part of the story. Diving deeper into our data, we found that:

  • Two-thirds of PC and console gamers spend less than 10 hours a week gaming
  • 36% of console gamers spend less than 5 hours a week gaming
  • And 40% of PC gamers spend less than 5 hours a week gaming

Games are different to other media – they demand more of consumers’ time

Five hours of gaming time a week is not enough to get stuck into a meaty 100-hour RPG. It's barely enough time to get through the character creator for some players.

As we mentioned in our global games forecasts towards 2031, limited gaming time is one of the reasons for the stagnating user uptake of Game Pass and PlayStation Plus higher tiers.

Players simply do not have time to play all the games these services offer.

Most games are not as digestible as movies, TV episodes, or albums. They demand more time and attention from players.

Gaming is also a more active passtime. A consumer can scroll through TikTok when engaging with more passive at-home media like music, TV, and film. Not with games.

What's more, Some demand several dozen hours just to get through the story.

‘’Game length has been "an insidious creep over time," as we told BBC in a recent interview. "Games got bigger each year, and then, compounded over 10 years it has been an insane jump in game length."
It does not need to be that way.

Shorter games are a more sustainable way forward

Cutting down on bloat makes game development more sustainable and can make games more digestible for ever-busy gamers.

Some of our 2024 research highlighted the negative correlation between game length and completion (easily viewable in trophy and achievement data).

Obviously, the longer the game, the shorter the completion rate. But huge shares of players are not seeing games through to the credits. Logically, such players would be less likely to pick up the sequel.

Would players even notice if developers cut game lengths for titles like Assassin’s Creed by 20%? Probably not.

And even if they did notice, shorter games can even be a selling point for time-strapped gamers who want a full experience but do not want to slog through 10 hours of filler content.

After all, gamers are playing long into adulthood these days, when career goals, families and kids, and social obligations get in the way.

Another way forward here is giving players more choice around how they play a game. The Obsidian RPG from Xbox, Avowed, gives players a choice. They can either blast through the story in 15 hours or absorb the game and all its content in 40-plus hours.

"I've definitely heard a sentiment on many of our teams, and from our player base, of: 'Oh, good! A game I can actually finish,'" said Avowed game director Carrie Patel in a BBC interview.

We expect to see other game developers experimenting with this more choice-based approach to game completion as the market adapts to gamers’ shifting – and differing – needs.

The games market’s growth potential is slowing down, so are shorter games are a two-birds-one-stone solution?

All this is happening at a time when the games market is mature. There is no more double-digit growth coming.


The reality in this mature games market is that profitability is vital. While mass firings have long been the de-facto way to balance the books, this is counter-intuitive to a healthy business.

It uproots people’s lives, pushes the talent that creates value in the industry away, and destroys institutional knowledge that makes companies like Nintendo, Obsidian, and FromSoftware so great (and profitable).

Just to hammer the point home on a more sustainable way forward:

  • AAA development timelines are very long
  • Budgets have grown to unsustainable, risky highs
  • Player free time is maximised
  • Most players are not even making it to the end of their games
Shorter games seem like a two-birds-one-stone kind of solution here for many developers.

Of course, big 100-hour-plus RPGs and expensive big-budget games should exist. But not every game needs to be that – just like every Hollywood movie does not need the same budget and scope as a flagship Marvel Cinematic Universe movie.

Our recommendation: less waste, less trend-chasing, more innovation, and more data-backed segmentation. The market cannot keep catering to the same gamers in the same way and expect the pie – and engagement – to grow.



Yeah, personally just haven't really had time to game a lot. I think less than 5 hours a week sounds about right; unless it's some game I'm really looking forward to, then I'll take some time off of work for it :messenger_tears_of_joy:


185h on PS5 in 2024.
Thats 3 hours and 33 minutes a week.

I don't have my PC stats, but I guess it's similar, so definitely under 10 hours a week.
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Gold Member
Less than 5 a week sounds about right unless I really dedicate time and commit myself, which I only do for super big releases like Elden Ring.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 came out three weeks ago and I have played a meagre 18 hours according to Steam. I'm never finishing this game, I can already tell.


A better metric would take into account how mucn a person plays over a period of years. For example, right now I'm playing about 5 hours per day after work, but last year I didn't play anything at all. SO the average would be basically zero, but when you have a game or two you really like I can sink dozens of hours into it per week.


It makes sense, a big percentage of gamers are over 30 and real has many obligations. Unlike me with no wife or kids, many of my friends can barely get a couple of hours per week even though they really want to.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I do on average 2 hours per day.
So if u was to hazard a guess about 10 hours.
There days a play more or less but yeah 10 hours per week sounds about right.


I spend around 2-3 hours per day, but its cost me my sleep. Having a job, almost a second job, wife, kid its becoming more and more difficult


What can i say, had to chose under 10h/week, some weeks its under 5h/week even, ofc there are rare exceptions i play lots more, usually on the rare free weekends, but what u gonna do, gonna be 43yo in few months, not a young buck with close to unlimited free time anymore, backlog is always growing :messenger_sad_relieved:


Going by my PS wrap-up, I've played games for ~1200hrs over 2024, so ~24hrs a week, 3 hours a day average.


Due to my family life, if it wasn't for PS Portal, my playtime would be significantly less.
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Yeah some people have these things called life. The average gamer is in their mid 30s, so between work and some of them raising families, hobbies tend to take a back seat.


I like to play games where i can listen to my own music so games like Civilization VII instead of games like Day of the Tentacle where i can't listen to my music.
So my playtime depends on this factor.
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I travel a fair bit, but outside of that I'd say around 20-25 hours per week providing I don't have anything on. If I didn't have to work it'd be way more.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
An hour a day. I have many hobbies.

I work, get home. Then I have depending on the day gym/workout/judo/boxing, when I get home maybe an hour to play. I also need to insert time for guitar and band in there.

The only game holding my attention long enough is Wukong currently.

Generally if a game is going to take longer than 2 weeks or so to get the story finished then I'll just fuck it off and not bother.


Sometimes, I spend less than three hours a week on it. The thing is, after already spending eight hours in front of a screen at work, I just don’t have the willpower to sit for another 2-3 hours daily in front of my PC.
Then, on Friday or Saturday evening, I usually play an online multiplayer game with a couple of friends, which also gives me a chance to socialize and catch up with them.

As you can see, this leaves me with no spare time to invest in larger single-player games.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
And other people have kids, or just do not treat videogames like a second job.
Speaking from experience or it’s theory for you? Want me to break it down for you?
Why are you being this triggered at other people's free time? Do with your life what you want and let others do the same.


Neo Member
I barely play any more, I spend more time booting games up and then just deciding "nah I got shit to do" than anything. I'm more interested in the industry and learning to develop than actually playing games at this point


I've bought a PS5 and basically stopped gaming, so I'm definitely in the "less than 5 hours a week" camp. Probably less than 5 hours a month.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Because you are using an extreme example to justify the norm.
When did I try to justify anything as the norm? I just posted what I do, anyone else can do whatever.

Fact is the industry cannot survive with people like you alone yet the same industry relentlessly ponders to only gamers like you. It’s pure schizophrenia.
Sorry, people like me? You mean people that likes and plays videogames? What the fuck?

The only schizophrenia in here is the one you are typing. Like damn, why seethe so much at what other people do with their free time?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I like videogames. I play less than 5 hours per week, because I have family and other interests. You play 30 hours per week, almost a second job. I don’t think “liking” describes your situation.
Bet you spend way more than 5 hours a week seething at what other people do with their time on internet forums.


I spend way too much time here and procrastinating.

The games are there but I'm not finding many new ones interesting. Even the indie stuff can be derivative.

And yeah, competition on other mediums is extremely fierce!
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I’ve voted less than 10 but Civilization VII is breaking my average. But once the vortex is over I’ll go back to: “Why did I waste so much money on a TV and hardware?”


I'm less than ten a week, but I truly want it to be far, far more. I remember those years where I'd play like 4 to 5 hours a day, at least five days a week lol. Halcyon days man. Ya get old, have kids, buy a house, and suddenly it just gets really tough to find moments to shove gaming into. I still play, but I don't know if I'll ever have the time for it that I once did. Still my favorite hobby by far though.....until I get a drum set again in my newly remodeled attic lol.
Last year it was probably 5-10 hours but I've carved out some consistent time recently at night and I also have to include the times where I just get absolutely hooked on a game and I'm playing it every spare moment. So I'm probably at or just above the 20 per week mark right now. Probably pretty high for married with 4 kids haha.
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