Talking about the PCMR, I presume?
The only time I am watching Twitch is at work, and it's usually background noise while I am doing shit. I will always choose to play a game myself, rather than watch someone else play one, so at home I never have Twitch or YouTube on since I am playing something usually. I can't imagine someone choosing to watch instead of play given the opportunity to do either option, that is odd to me lol.
Watching games and actually playing them are two different things.
I have a cousin who thinks he's getting the same experience by watching the game on YouTube.
There's more to his story, but the short of it: he's a cheapskate. I don't like cheapskates.
Good point on an eSports titles, or any other big tournament level event. I didn't think about that, and have watched things like the DotA TI even though I rarely ever play DotA 2. Even still, if I am at home and am actively playing a game, I wouldn't stop to watch someone else play, or even turn off what I am doing to watch a big level tournament. Given the choice it's always play over watching.You could make a case for games that give you rage I think - back when I did Hearthstone and I got legends, it was incredibly frustrating, however watching others get reamed by cheap tactics and react was not as frustrating. Still, I'd rather be actively playing a different game, but there's a case where I could see someone enjoying watching more than playing.
Same for top tier multiplayer eSports - like watching Max or whoever plays RTS games at 20000 clicks/minute do their thing instead of losing battle after battle at a genre you're not amazing at.
also claims that 24% of console/PC players and 48% of "in-game buyers" watch game-related content at least monthly, with the latter considered "high-spending gamers."
I leave streams playing on my TV while I work. I never watch them in my free time, but I guess at the end of the day they must add up to more time than I spend playing games.
Oh God, what fresh hell will videogame execs unleash on us with this data