Chony said:Smack those fucking assholes upside the head.
yea, but punch them in the 'nards' too ;p
Chony said:Smack those fucking assholes upside the head.
Get a dvorak keyboard thenChony said:-The person who designed the keyboard so all the most accessed keys are the farthest away. Good job numnuts.
Kabuki Waq said:- Lonely ugly women who decide to become feminist and argue with everyone just to feel important, also chicks who claim they want to be treated equally and yet also want me to hold the door for them and pay for dinner. FUCK YOU BITCH GO MAKE ME A
Winner, no contest.kumanoki said:-Asking those annoying questions we all hate to be asked. "So, when are you going to get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend?"
Non-smoking sections in restaurants are as effective as non-peeing sections in pools.
Bob White said:Hell. I just remember this one time at the movies. These two couples (OVER FUCKING 30!) kept going on and on about shit like pipe cleaners and other sink cleaning shit DURING the movie (matrix reloaded).
I WENT OFF! I told those old motherfuckers to shut the fuck up or get the fuck out. And get this, the fuckers TALKED BACK to me! So, I had to quickly show those fucks that I really would start some shit so I turned around and starting shouting. They shut up after that.
After the movie ended and the lights came on they got up saying shit like "Geez, learn to chill out" and "We were just talking."
THE HELL?! I hate shit like that. They thought I was the bad guy! Fucking old motherfuckers!
Deg said:if you pee. The water changes colour to show the culprit. Its also embarassing. Thats if you go to a decent swimming pool where there are regulations etc. said:if you pee. The water changes colour to show the culprit. Its also embarassing. Thats if you go to a decent swimming pool where there are regulations etc.
Claim: A special compound added to the water in swimming pools will reveal the presence of urine. Status: False.
Teflar said:They always expect me to work. "Get a job. Stop being so lazy" Damn people.
Serafitia said:OMG, definetly. heh, that reminds me...
Guys that wear sandals outside.
Dan said:-People who don't obey "no turn on red" signs. I have to cross an always-busy intersection to get to campus every day, and every direction has a "no turn on red" but people fucking cruise on through all the time. I need to get across the road in the brief walking period given. I don't want to sit around guessing as to whether the next asshole driver is going to obey the law or not before I step into the street.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. What the hell do green turn lights have to do with what I said?Loki said:I obey them, but are you are talking about normal "right turn on red" situations or the red turn lights? Because here in NY, we have lights at normal intesections that feature red turn signals-- in other words, when this red turn light is on, you CANNOT make a turn, regardless of how clear the traffic is in the oncoming direction. Now, green turn lights (which give drivers a specified window of time during which to make their turn) I can understand, and they've eased congestion at many formerly busy intersections; red turn lights, however, are spawned from the very bowels of Satan, and until the day I die I will speak out against them in the clearest terms possible.
Dan said:I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. What the hell do green turn lights have to do with what I said?
Each entrance to the intersection has a sign next to the main light that reads "NO TURN ON RED". That means EVER. If that sign were not there, right turns would be legal after a stop. Now, sure, there are definitely times when the traffic clears and its a hassle but that's mostly early in the morning and late at night, and the intersection lies at the very corner of campus and a major road, and there are always pedestrians that need to cross.
Fact is, it's a problem enough that most drivers don't fully stop, or even look for pedestrians, when looking to make a normal right turn at a red light. Compound that with a giant sign saying that they should never ever be even thinking about turning right on a red, and well, I think I have a right to bitch about the people who aren't paying attention and just cruise through the turn while I have a walk sign and legal right of way to cross the fucking street. It's just dangerous and illegal, and it pisses me off. At most they'll have to wait an extra 30 seconds.
4) People who think that looking at them is a direct offense.
And I know of those lights. They're there to give pedestrians time to walk across the street (and probably in other situations where left turners might not have a good view of oncoming traffic or whatever). The intersection I'm speaking of has these too, although I've never heard them referred to as such. It's more like a seperate light for the left turn lane. Without those, pedestrians would be forced to look not just at possible right-turners from the oncoming lane, but also people making left turns from behind them, which is just unsafe. That's sorta what results at my intersection anyway though, as it's known that people come into those right turn lanes looking to the left for traffic, which means they're not looking at the pedestrians stepping off to walk.Loki said:First off, the only reason I asked is because right turns on red are NOT legal where I live except for specified locations (perhaps 4 intersections in all of Brooklyn that I've seen), so I was wondering whether you were talking about these "normal" turning on red situations or about the "red turn lights" (which tell you that YOU CANNOT TURN LEFT even if you have a green light to go straight and there is no oncoming traffic). This is why I mentioned the green turn lights, which make sense to me; the "red turn lights" do not.
Bob White said:It is if you look for too long.
DJ Sl4m said:People who talk loud as fuck on cell phones in public need to be bitch slapped. End of story!
Coin Return said:-People who pronounce words in different languages in that languages accent. (while speaking english)
Chony said:-Dinosaurs who decided to die off. I could really use them right now to eat some people.