one thing that pissed me off today, and maybe i'm the only one noticing this, but people who are all super "animal rights activist" are usually preppy girls who've had thier whole lives paid for by daddy, so they need to go out and find a "cause" to rally around, lest they seem vapid, so what better than cute little animals?
you know, it's a worthy cause and all, but it's obvious you're just using it so you won't look so goddamn shallow. you don't need a fucking huge sticker that says "ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST" plastered on your winshield of the car i know you didnt fucking buy.
- stupid management, nuff said
- people who are just looking for a reason to bitch at you. if i sit on the computer i'm "ignoring you" if i sit on the couch i'm "moping" if i play a video game i'm "wasting my time". WHAT THE FUCK
-fucking retards who don't realize the display PS2 at work is off BECAUSE ITS BROKEN. so they turn it on and wonder why they're getting a DISC READ ERROR. fucking morons.