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Sudeki must have bombed hard - refusal from MS to post any reviews on major sites


WarPig said:
The Symphonia US box art might be the best piece of promotional art made for the game. Better than the Japanese box by a sight.

It's the in-game shit that really gets up my nose:


"I have two facial expressions: 'Guuuh' and 'WTF?'"


And don't forget "blank half smile/half stare" whenever they're not saying anything in cutscenes
tenchir said:
I bet you are qualified to make that critique, being Japanese yourself and all. Or maybe watching a lot of animes.

Those japanese artists sure fucked up your concept of inspired examples of anime designs huh?

I haven't played the game or demo yet so I'll hold back most of my opinion, but the character designs only take a single glance to tell that they aren't japanese designs. At best I would put them in the Joe Madueira "wannabe anime" category (or marvel manga category, but I'd really prefer not think of that again).

From a general design sense, yes, that style bugs me. I suppose there isn't anything specifically wrong about it, but in my mind the only way to successfully have an "anime style" is to produce designs that match up so well that people are convinced a Japanese art team did the work.


Crazymoogle said:
I haven't played the game or demo yet so I'll hold back most of my opinion, but the character designs only take a single glance to tell that they aren't japanese designs. At best I would put them in the Joe Madueira "wannabe anime" category (or marvel manga category, but I'd really prefer not think of that again).

From a general design sense, yes, that style bugs me. I suppose there isn't anything specifically wrong about it, but in my mind the only way to successfully have an "anime style" is to produce designs that match up so well that people are convinced a Japanese art team did the work.

I was aiming the statement at his expert knowledge on anything anime. Saying ToS or any game(that had japanese artists) with art he doesn't like is bad design or uninspired anime is just plain egotistical. Reminds me of a chick in my bio class who tried to guess why my friend seems depressed(he's always seems depressed) just because she got a B+ in her pysch class(I had an A). Or my friend's friend who took a quarter(3 month) in a Karate class and thinks he could kick peoples ass..... dumb ass keep saying he knows "kung fu".


Crazymoogle said:
I haven't played the game or demo yet so I'll hold back most of my opinion, but the character designs only take a single glance to tell that they aren't japanese designs. At best I would put them in the Joe Madueira "wannabe anime" category (or marvel manga category, but I'd really prefer not think of that again).

From a general design sense, yes, that style bugs me. I suppose there isn't anything specifically wrong about it, but in my mind the only way to successfully have an "anime style" is to produce designs that match up so well that people are convinced a Japanese art team did the work.

I've said this before in other Sudeki topics, but what the hell is "wannabe anime?" It's not like Japanese animation itself has a uniform style (common cliches in animation not withstanding)


tenchir said:
I was aiming the statement at his expert knowledge on anything anime. Saying ToS or any game(that had japanese artists) with art he doesn't like is bad design or uninspired anime is just plain egotistical.
DFS knows that of which he speaks, despite the fact that he, for some reason, appears to think onegai teacher is visually appealing. i can otherwise vouch for his taste.

SO3's designs are very generic. TOS are ... well, i think they're good, but i am mighty tired of SD. sudeki's... not so much.


ferricide said:
DFS knows that of which he speaks, despite the fact that he, for some reason, appears to think onegai teacher is visually appealing.

Three reasons. TITS, GLASSES, and POCKY.



He knows what he speaks? Who decides that? Is it on the amount of anime he watch or buy? Because I could tell you I have bought over 3,000 dollars worth of anime(all DVDs) for the last 7 years. That's not counting the 150+ DVDs fansubbed I have I my drawer.
belgurdo said:
I've said this before in other Sudeki topics, but what the hell is "wannabe anime?" It's not like Japanese animation itself has a uniform style (common cliches in animation not withstanding)

No, but there are qualities of form and shape that an artist can and should be able to pick out. Otherwise, you could just draw big eyes on a stickman and claim the same thing.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I called this one on its shittiness from DAY FUCKING ONE, while everyone else jerked off to it. THE DAY IS MINE, HAHA!


belgurdo said:
I've said this before in other Sudeki topics, but what the hell is "wannabe anime?" It's not like Japanese animation itself has a uniform style (common cliches in animation not withstanding)

"wannabe anime" = What most video game fan art* looks like. Did that help matters? :p

*There's some excellent fan art out there, but most is CRAP.


SyNapSe said:
A 7.6 from Gamespot would not exactly be a bomb. I would say that's a solid title.

7.6 at Gamespot is teh Bomb

we're not talking 'bout shrek or spider-man there

sudeki was supposed to rock and its developpement started soooo long ago...


I'd say anything below an 8 for this game is disappointing considering how long its been in development and the initial hype for it.
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