Staff at a suburban Chicago high school called 16-year-old Corey Walgren to the deans office to ask about a video he made of himself having sex with a classmate. A few hours later, the teen walked to the top of a five-story parking deck and jumped.
The suicide of the honor-roll student underscored a dilemma for schools when confronting students suspected of recording and sharing sexual images: Should school officials wait until parents arrive to pose questions and search cellphones for illicit photos or video? Or do they, as de facto parents, have the authority to investigate crimes that might include child pornography?
The issue also raises a high-stakes legal question because many child porn laws predate the phenomena of teens sharing sexual images by cellphone. And neither they nor their parents usually have any idea that doing so can trigger serious penalties, including being labeled a sex offender for life.
Its not that big a deal until it happens to your school, said Joshua Herman, a lawyer who represents schools across Illinois. Then its a nightmare.
Police reports, court filings, witness accounts, emails and other documents obtained by The Associated Press offer an inside look at how Naperville North High School and police responded in the hours before Walgrens death in January.
His parents have sued the school, accusing it in a federal lawsuit of unnecessarily traumatizing their son by warning him he could be charged and forced to register as a sex offender. They are seeking more than $5 million in damages. was interviewed for at least 20 minutes until his parents were called.
When contacted, mom Maureen Walgren said she could guarantee her son would fulfill any requirements to keep the matter out of court, according to the accounts obtained by the AP. She also asked if the family should get an attorney. School officials told her that was her decision.
Madden asked Walgren if he understood what he did was wrong. He said ... he knew he made a mistake, the dean said in documents.
Walgren did not appear upset by the questioning. Corey was calm, cooperative and respectful, Madden said. The dean also thanked him for being honest.
Walgren may not have shown it, but what he heard must have caused him psychological distress ... humiliation and shame, his parents lawsuit says.
The law has long recognized school officials as stand-in parents during the school day, with the power to investigate reports of wrongdoing and to discipline students without consulting parents.
But the lawsuit accuses the school of violating Walgrens rights by not calling his parents first. The school board association instructs schools to call parents but does not say if that should be the first step.
The custody issue is central to the civil case. Students must be told they have a right to remain silent only if they are in custody. Walgren was never told he was under arrest, but his parents lawsuit argues he was in custody for all practical purposes, including because he had been told not to leave.
Source also has part about how events unraveled at the beginning. He had made what is basically audio recording of having sex with a girl, act itself can't be seen in video. Also he had pictures of other partially naked girls that, according him, were sent to him by other students.