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suicide or masturbation?

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Megafoo Chavez

I love EGM
ahh, two of the greatest things in life that nobody can take away from us. Nothing is more comforting than the thought that no matter how bad it gets I can just kill myself. Or having the good ol ability of ..."fuck everyone, i got my hand."

so i was thinking which one would I give up if i had to give up...the luxury of being able to end my misery. or my ability to gratify myself at any given moment.

I think i'll keep suicide.


i'm sure i could find a way to get killed that wouldn't be considered suicide so i'll just keep masturbation thank you very much.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Megafoo Chavez said:
ahh, two of the greatest things in life that nobody can take away from us. Nothing is more comforting than the thought that no matter how bad it gets I can just kill myself. Or having the good ol ability of ..."fuck everyone, i got my hand."

so i was thinking which one would I give up if i had to give up...the luxury of being able to end my misery. or my ability to gratify myself at any given moment.

I think i'll keep suicide.

wrong... people on death row can't kill themselves but they can still rubatug
I choose masturbation. I'd like to think that if things ever get bad enough for me to consider suicide, then I'd just drop everything, forget about having a secure life, and live life the way I want no matter what happens.

aoi tsuki

Kurashima said:
I choose masturbation. I'd like to think that if things ever get bad enough for me to consider suicide, then I'd just drop everything, forget about having a secure life, and live life the way I want no matter what happens.
Either that or just jack off until you die. Best of both worlds!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
aoi tsuki said:
Either that or just jack off until you die. Best of both worlds!

come and go at the same time...
Lack of masturbation is the reason that the dinosaurs died. Hence why church doesn't even want to acknowledge their existence.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
FortNinety said:
Lack of masturbation is the reason that the dinosaurs died. Hence why church doesn't even want to acknowledge their existence.

Why do you think the T-Rex was such a pissed-off asshole of a dinosaur? His arms were too short and he couldn't get his jerk on. One can hardly blame him.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
MrAngryFace said:
tedtropy: have I mentioned how great your avatar is?

Possibly, but my suggestion would be to remind everyone you come in contact with of its greatness. ;)

Ill Saint

I believe suicide is a legitimate way out, if you really believe that life is not what it should be. But that said, I'll stick with tuggin'.
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