I'd probably go 2 > 1 > 3 it probably doesn't help that I waited so long after the Orpheus reveal to finish season 3 as pretty much the next 4-5 episodes after the Orpheus reveal are fairly weak. I did really like Raestel I just wish her and the expanded roll of Rook and Freecell didn't cut away from Anna's screen time (and Cubik's I guess). I also wish Melancholy had a bigger part in season 3 but oh well.
Before S3 , all i wanted was to see kaito, gyamon, rook and freecell kicking asses left and right. This season mostly delivered in that regard and orpheus was supposed to be THE BIG bad , bad enough to make everyone compete against him and that would have been cool to have everyone teaming up to help kaito to beat him instead they went the other route. the 4 way battle royale was much disapointing as a result since it cleared many people out of the picture WHEN they should have been there to defeat the big bad and prove that puzzles can be fun.
The fact that they gloss over the possibility of a BIG reset is still annoying.. i wouldn't have minded the big reset.Especially after the death toll at that point.
And i wanted more gyamon - antoinette ! i wanted more of them , something , a spark ! A confirmation, even indirect ? Isn't this pairing OBVIOUS to everyone except those 2 ?
i'm glad S3 happenned , but damn if i wish they could have put more meat in the sandwitch, i'm not hungry ( yet ) but it could have been more fullfilling.
When S2 introduced the orpheus order, the pay-off as middle of season twist was actually cool since freecell had a big arc to explain all this stuff , it was dumb but i could relate. Ratsel motives are actually justified , but enigma is just a big waste after all his swag in the first part.i could have forgiven him if orpheus was dealt better but they crumbled under the weight of 3 seasons of forshadowing.
i'm now expecting a S4
Ps: Orpheus should have been defeated by nonoha sweets !