We know but we still love you.Now I'm disturbed.
We know but we still love you.Now I'm disturbed.
They are either gonna try to finish the whole Yokohama Arc or just stop in some point in the arc and make it to be continued. But that seems unlikely, now it's just making me curious.
They are either gonna try to finish the whole Yokohama Arc or just stop in some point in the arc and make it to be continued. But that seems unlikely, now it's just making me curious.
ExcellentWe have a deal.
I'm okay with this.No , she has a intense maid fetish.
Even then it's just an excuse to have a high school kid as a lead. You're telling me that in all of the group of adults we don't have another tactical genius? In the freaking military? The show just started so maybe there is, but I'm not holding my breath.
I wish this was the Slaine show. If we need to have another mecha show I'd rather it was a show about being on the enemy's side 'undercover' and taking them out.
If they rush the shit out of it I'll be thoroughly disappointed. Meh.
I think it's disappointing that we really don't get to see a whole lot of magic used in really cool ways. I mean we get to see the specialty of various people but for a show that focuses on various families in how their magic works with a certain specialty, I'm not thoroughly satisfied with what I've seen.
that's why i'm constantly asking , how much episodes are confirmed. If they do adapt yokohama , NO WAY, i mean no way you can adapt this arc in 7 eps without skiping a lot of stuff.
If mahouka was 39 eps or 52 i would be ok with itbut 24 ? i just can't accept that.i also don't understand why they changed the Opening "that"' way when we were still in the nine school arc.
A lot of things in the adaptation makes no sense
that's why i'm constantly asking , how much episodes are confirmed. If they do adapt yokohama , NO WAY, i mean no way you can adapt this arc in 7 eps without skiping a lot of stuff.
If mahouka was 39 eps or 52 i would be ok with itbut 24 ? i just can't accept that.i also don't understand why they changed the Opening "that"' way when we were still in the nine school arc.
A lot of things in the adaptation makes no sense
They changed the OP too early. But its 26 episodes.
Only issues Ive had is their lack of clearly defining terms in the episode, quite sure they still never defined BS magician, or in this episode, I dont recall them ever telling anyone what a Generator was.
They also haven't explained Eidos for shit and how Magic works.
Aww, again Sword Art Online succeeded in disappointing me![]()
Awww... wait.We know but we still love you.
Good, it might take a while to get to the GTO stuff, but I think I can start by monday.Excellent
T'was ok. Nice to see how big of a road they still have until they can attack the villains. Besides that nothing much happened in this episode, yes.![]()
God, I can't cope with how young the parents look.
I like her, she is actually my favorite voice actress and I likon Sinons designs, but's Sword Art Online. I have to force myself to read the doujinshi of that.Miyuki is ridiculous but I still like her. I guess Im entertained.
She is making the unbearable bearable, waifu too stronk.Miyuki is ridiculous but I still like her. I guess Im entertained.
She is making the unbearable bearable, waifu too stronk.
I was thinking the same thing since nothing airs that dayGood, it might take a while to get to the GTO stuff, but I think I can start by monday.
Until then I am going to catch up with PreCure. I have to erase the pictures of sweet YuuYuus butt from my mind (damn you, Theonik).
thanks crunchy roll for being fucking garbage when im trying to watch onii sama
Another thing that rubbed me the wrong way about SAO 2 this time around. Why are the aiming mechanics so stupid? Isn't like one of the biggest appeal for that kind of game to... actually have perfectly simulated weapon controls (maybe adjust things like weight and recoil according to the player's stats) and allow you to aim like you'd in real life? You know, having actual aiming precision. Instead, the weapons don't even have proper crosshairs but instead a circular target area which is... affected by your fucking pulse for some random reason. Like, what?
Kinect controls sound better than that shit. I was wondering in episodes prior to this why the weapon UI has some pulsating circles as display instead of crosshairs. Now I know, it's because the game designers are fricking stupid.
I don't think the author played a lot of shooters, since that genre isn't all that popular in Japan, even today.Another thing that rubbed me the wrong way about SAO 2 this time around. Why are the aiming mechanics so stupid? Isn't like one of the biggest appeal for that kind of game to... actually have perfectly simulated weapon controls (maybe adjust things like weight and recoil according to the player's stats) and allow you to aim like you'd in real life? You know, having actual aiming precision. Instead, the weapons don't even have proper crosshairs but instead a circular target area which is... affected by your fucking pulse for some random reason. Like, what?
Kinect controls sound better than that shit. I was wondering in episodes prior to this why the weapon UI has some pulsating circles as display instead of crosshairs. Now I know, it's because the game designers are fricking stupid.
OH GOD MAHOUKA, THE GLORIOUS SOAPYNESS OF THIS DAMN SHOW, watching ep 17 right now. The soap power of this ep is in the megatons, lol. Destroyer of worlds
They changed the OP too early. But its 26 episodes.
Only issues Ive had is their lack of clearly defining terms in the episode, quite sure they still never defined BS magician, or in this episode, I dont recall them ever telling anyone what a Generator was.
26 eps ? They might barely manage to do it.It's actually 26 episodes.
They also haven't explained Eidos for shit and how Magic works.
Well they have in these short specials they released and on their website too. Gives a further explaination.
SAO2 - 4
All I hear is Sora now. God damnit.
im so fucking confused
SAO2 cannot even get its own mechanics right, when Sinon was firing her sniper shot there was a bullet trajectory line. but she literally just said that that exists for everything except snipers.
so which is it?
im so fucking confused
SAO2 cannot even get its own mechanics right, when Sinon was firing her sniper shot there was a bullet trajectory line. but she literally just said that that exists for everything except snipers.
so which is it?
She said that it's not there for a sniper's first shot.
Exception is the first shot.
I don't think the author played a lot of shooters, since that genre isn't all that popular in Japan, even today.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 1-3
Well, a competent translation makes a huge difference to how good something seems...
As usual for me and anime comedy, much of this show isn't particularly "funny" to me - it's fun, but not necessarily massively LOL-worthy. I wonder whether subtitles are killing the jokes in some way for me - the only bit that's genuinely made me laugh out loud is the script read through in episode 3. The humour relies on the hammy performances and Mikorin's ineptitude as the Maid, which come through entirely through the acting.
Much of the remaining humour is the usual ridiculous misunderstandings, shouting/screaming and hitting people stuff that characterises most anime comedy, but it's a little more creative visually (the Prince, for instance, in episode 3, with the pool of red "blood" paint she falls in, or her imagination of what her wedding performance would look like).
Anyway, it's harmless and enjoyable enough.
I doubt the author of SAO knows anything about any game. Doesnt seem like it.
Sakura really makes that show work with her airheadedness. but shes not a complete idiot either. More innocently naive perhaps. Her VA is also hnnnnnnngh whoever she is.
Sakura's voice actor is pretty new. But she's really good at voicing, some talent she's got there.
I really love the the globalization aspect in this show, with our protagonists being not the only one in the world, not even the only ones in japan. Reporter's story was interesting too.
Btu yeah, not much happened again. I only have to last until episode 22, yes.![]()
This episode was already good at this shot. YuuYuu, you look good in every outfit, but this looks especially good on you <3
Are you angry because it almost happened or because it didn't happen?Mahouka 17
honest to god thought there was going to be incest this episode what the fuck
Shigofumi Episode 1
So I'm starting to watch this because of a recomendation and here are my impressions.
So basically the premise is about letters from the dearly departed. And here we have a angel guardian type character with a talking staff, not bad. Then we the MC Shouta that is trying to make his rocket fly and confess to Ayase. In order to be the lover of the letter that was given by the angel from the dead father. Then WTFwe find out that Ayase is the one who killed her father for some reason. And at the end she goes psyhco by fuckin killing Shouta and then going after the angel.
The first episode was pretty good, got me hooked considering those twists. The OST was nice. Will continue.
Oh yeah never try to be too trustworthy.
The show is called Blast of Tempest, because it relates itself to the Shakespeare work "The Tempest". His works are a important part of the show. So you won't get away from Hamlet and the Tempest soon.Also, what's up with your literature (Hamlet) references? Like really? It's cringe worthy at times.
I doubt the author of SAO knows anything about any game. Doesnt seem like it.