Patlabor designs dont rally appeal to me
You've gone too far this time.
Patlabor designs dont rally appeal to me
You've gone too far this time.
Patlabor designs dont rally appeal to me
You've gone too far this time.
This isn't as entertaining as the Hyouka debate since at least with that people have actual opinions instead of not having watched the show.
Patlabor is great.
Noa is the most moe.
People are disappointing me.
Man I love her design so much.
Wait...what? Did you watch Patlabor Cajunator or is the design stop you watching the show entirely?
What are y'all talking about?
I'd take Kanuka over Noa any day of the week.
Everyone in this thread
Cool never noticed the Kei and Yuri cameo in Patlabor.
Been a while since I watched it but I remember Noa's design differing between the tv series and ova.
The crew do look a tiny bit different in the Early Days OVA and likewise the movies, but not by much I'd say, still recognizable and consistent enough throughout
it's the worst one i can think of
So what is everyone going to watch during Fall Anime Season?
Here's mine
Young Black Jack (prequel to the original Black Jack by Osamu Tezuka)
Noragami season 2
OnePunch Man
Concrete Revolutio (Bones anime original)
Haikyuu season 2
Owarimonogatari (once I finish watching the others)
The Perfect Insider (Inio Asano designs)
Also here's the seasonal chart https://www.livechart.me/fall-2015/tv.
What would you rank above it?
New Trigger anime PV for Fall.
Berserk Movie [1/3] - The Egg of the King
Hacka doll is trigger? Neat.
The Berserk movies are decent but serve pretty much no purpose. They recap the same material as the great TV series. When you have the great tv series and the amazing manga I don't know why they really exist. If they were adapted from the Tower of Conviction arc they would probably be better received, as it stands its the third version of Golden Age and the worst yet.
But yes the CGI is bad and the Eclipse film is something else.
Teekyuu Season 6 announced. Shin Itagaki's brand of hectic nonsense will live on forever.
Teekyuu Season 6 announced. Shin Itagaki's brand of hectic nonsense will live on forever.
New Trigger anime PV for Fall.
The hell is this show even? Didn't it already get like two seasons this year? What is it??? I seriously don't knwo
Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off
Teekyuu 4
Teekyuu S5
Episodes are only two minutes long?
Ok i'll give it a shot
Except for the part where the TV series decided to remove Skull Knight entirely for reasonsThe Berserk movies are decent but serve pretty much no purpose. They recap the same material as the great TV series. When you have the great tv series and the amazing manga I don't know why they really exist. If they were adapted from the Tower of Conviction arc they would probably be better received, as it stands its the third version of Golden Age and the worst yet.
But yes the CGI is bad and the Eclipse film is something else.
A new trailer is out for the second season of DiabolikWifebeatersLovers. This is going to be so so bad.
So Crunchyroll finally added God Eater, awww yeah, I'll finally be able to watch it.
Right now I feel that I should start watching One Piece but I'm not so sure, I mean, I have 7XX episodes to catch, that's way too much. But if it is as fun as HxH then I would totally watch it.
It is my duty to tell every One Piece hopeful this -
Please, please save yourself some time and skip the anime. It's notoriously low quality and is an exercise in stretching out the time slot. The manga will take you 1/10th the time and has far better art.
I think this video is all that anyone needs to see of this garbage.
better off reading the manga for one piece and checking out the odd movie & tv special
It is my duty to tell every One Piece hopeful this -
Please, please save yourself some time and skip the anime. It's notoriously low quality and is an exercise in stretching out the time slot. The manga will take you 1/10th the time and has far better art.