We have a character that can channel the dead. We're probably getting that next week.
Didn't think about that! You're right.
Tears will drop.
We have a character that can channel the dead. We're probably getting that next week.
We have a character that can channel the dead. We're probably getting that next week.
Hopefully they step up with the animation because this is a OVA. Third times the charm isn't it? Yeah my expectations are low though.
They still have to do another OVA which is about Tsukiyama and after that will be the inevitable Tokyo Ghoul:Re adaption.😔
I'm still pissed on how they literally fucked up season 2. Here's a comparison between the manga and anime Spoilers http://i.imgur.com/V3Fq8jM.jpg.
Things have changed since 2 years ago . what happenned to the animegaf community is more than unfortunate.
I've decided to lurk in this thread ( and not participate in this thread anymore ) because that's what this community has become.
Just wanted to say that.
See you all Animegaf.
We have a character that can channel the dead. We're probably getting that next week.
Didn't think about that! You're right.
Tears will drop.
I join a community then everyone leaves it. Why does this keep happening? ;_;
It's up to you too get the #1 posting spot and keep us afloat!I join a community then everyone leaves it. Why does this keep happening? ;_;
God damn the melodrama will be delicious. I hope they have a really emotional song playing in the background, some flashbacks, and maybe the camera panning up as the sunlight comes through at the end of the episode as one of them says a final word before the episode ends.
I join a community then everyone leaves it. Why does this keep happening? ;_;
It's up to you too get the #1 posting spot and keep us afloat!
So it just occurred to me the third Stardust Crusaders OP might have a small visual reference in it. Might be looking into it too much but a neat coincidence regardless.
Re: Cutie Honey OP
Stand Proud
Charlotte 7
Nice episode.
Some awesome scenes with the MC using his ability in a more violent way. Also, I guess that's it for the little sister. We haven't seen a body though, there's still a chance she was captured...
6(?) episodes remain and we got our change in tone. I wonder what will follow. Probably someone will get captured or something.
I join a community then everyone leaves it. Why does this keep happening? ;_;
Charlotte 7
Nice episode.
Some awesome scenes with the MC using his ability in a more violent way. Also, I guess that's it for the little sister. We haven't seen a body though, there's still a chance she was captured...
6(?) episodes remain and we got our change in tone. I wonder what will follow. Probably someone will get captured or something.
If someone wants to point me towards stuff I'll just compile a list of everything that does it.I'm pretty sure I've seen that thing in more than just those two, but I could be wrong.
Charlotte After Story: Pizza Sauce Boogaloo
I should watch more anime to help prevent a major GAF community from dying out.
That's the spirit!I should watch more anime to help prevent a major GAF community from dying out.
I already watched it like ten years ago. Multiple times. Step your game up, son.Watch Nana.
In fact, everyone watch Nana.
Someone said earlier that he even had her ashes with him. Though, you know, it might not be what it seems to be.
How the fuck did they get through 144 chapters in 24 episodes....(just read the manga, not touching the anime).
not everyone. Most people leaving didn't post here that often to begin with.
Also it might be due to your favorite anime. What is it?
I hated it. In fact, I hate all your favourite animu.Baccano. Isn't that accepted by everyone?
In the end it depends on the production committee not studio pierrot. If they have commission more episodes then Pierrot would have adapt both seasons properly. Still the biggest sin they committed is omitting theIn Season 1 Studio Pierrot rushed and skipped to fit in 60+ chapters just to get towhite hair Kaneki. Which in my opinion is stupid because the reason why that moment was great in the first place was because of the slow building up and foreshadowing for that moment. However since they rushed it, it just felt terrible compared to the manga. The torture scene instead of having the mother and son it was switched with 2 lovers instead which was terrible. Plus they skipped the escape scene with Kaneki and Banjou/crew trying to escape Aogiri's hideout.
In Season 2 Root A it was supposed to be anime original but instead it was just a way for them to adapt another 80 chapters while adding bits of content from the manga.They literally had Kaneki carry his friend Hide for 7 mins just for him to commit suicide. They even skipped the Arima vs Kaneki final battle. But the thing that made me really frustrated was when they put a Tokyo Ghoul:Re logo as if they were gonna adapt this more of this mess.
These are some of the things they skipped such as Spoilers
http://i.imgur.com/uiL2xsR.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/0JmBn7C.jpgforeshadowing of the Clownshttp://i.imgur.com/kw2Wsid.jpgKaneki's psychological Chin behaviorTarot Cards numbers drawn on characters.
Honestly season 1 was alright even if they skipped stuff, but season 2 Root A was a abomination.
Baccano. Isn't that accepted by everyone?
In the end it depends on the production committee not studio pierrot. If they have commission more episodes then Pierrot would have adapt both seasons properly. Still the biggest sin they committed is omitting thebreaking bones scene.
Yessssssss kinniku busterShimoneta - 07
Anna once again setting the bar for crazy, but I guess making out with an ear is a normal way to express love.
New member could be fun, she seems like she'll go all out. Not to mention the male genitalia head hairstyle.
Yessssssss kinniku buster
Best one still the one from Gintama that Hasegawa does tho
Why is Madao always so unlucky?
Shimoneta - 07
Anna once again setting the bar for crazy, but I guess making out with an ear is a normal way to express love.
New member could be fun, she seems like she'll go all out. Not to mention the male genitalia head hairstyle.
Didn't keep my interest.You should watch Monster Musume Haz. It's quality entertainment ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Watch Nana.
In fact, everyone watch Nana.
NANA is also on Netflix now, I believe.
This is the best advice anyone has given in this thread in a long time.
Everyone should watch NANA. And then Paradise Kiss after that.
Nana has been in my backlog for a while, I'll pick up the DVD's down the line...fucking DVD's, I'll need to scrub my eyes out after.
I haven't watched it or really know that much about it so I dunno.I wonder if it's still like Viz's old stream of the series where they replaced the first ending with the second. It was really jarring for me. And a real shame because of how excellent the first ending is.
I hated it. In fact, I hate all your favourite animu.
I own the special edition blu-ray
and I now hate it because you do.
It's going right in the trash. Next to your other favorite anime.
I snapped my Baccano DVD's in half as soon as I saw his post.