Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.
That is all.
PSA: Don't watch Charlotte on Crunchyroll ATM. Subtitles are really off and are delayed from what the characters are saying. Sometimes the characters will be three lines ahead of the actual subtitle. Either watch it through another channel or wait until Crunchyroll fixes it.
Charlotte End
Well that was rushed, predictable, and incredibly unsatisfying, but I suppose it's fitting way for this horribly paced and poorly structured mess of a show to end.
Crunchyroll panel @AWA Fall simulcast announcements:
Diabolik Lovers 2
Lance n Masques
Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.
That is all.
Woofington got banned, I'm losing all my bros!
Charlotte END
I didn't like it.Sad and unsatisfying
...Everything was for nothing. The final Nao-Yu conversation was just depressing to watch. Yu essentially lost his mind, quite early too.
Charlotte End
Should have been a bonus BD only episode for the Charlotte hardcores. It just felt like a really slow way to do something that could have been itneresting. Though I did love the various abilities andChunniYu showing up again, hes the best
Decent anime overall at times.
For PA works, nowhere near as good as their best three (Angel Beats, NagiAsu, Glasslip).
So wait episode 13 isn't the ending of Working!!! ? I read the title of that 1 hour special and it seems like it's more of a silly thing than an actual finale.
Once in a while, I try to make out the plot of a show I'm not watching just by reading the post on it here.
....I have no idea what the hell Symphogear is, as much as people post about it.
I do know that the producers once tried to dub the show themselves, with fantastic results.
Even the letter L gets sexualized as that one kid is feeling it like it's in an intimate relationship.
Ugh for fuck's sake. So now god knows when we will get this. Porqueee?!Correct.
Crunchyroll panel @AWA Fall simulcast announcements:
Diabolik Lovers 2
Lance n Masques
Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.
That is all.
Charlotte 13 [END]
I am sure I will get blasted for this but I quite liked this episode.didn't feel too rushed and hit on points it needed to and moved on. Truth be told, his adventures getting every power would've been great as it's own season and watching hisYuu grabbing powerswhile clinging to the one item that connects him to reality would've been a great watch. Alas, we get this episode that does a good job regardless. We see hisslow decent into madnessslow decent with his mind and quick rise with his powers.
By the end, even though he, he accomplished what he set out to do. He knew the risks involved but continued on and finished his "mission." As Tomori pointed out, it's a miricle the only thing hetraded his memories to rid the world of ability usersWhile the show won't be winning any AOTY awards, it certainly stuck it's landing for me. It was very satisfying.lost his memories considering some of the powers he was acquiring.
Crunchyroll panel @AWA Fall simulcast announcements:
Diabolik Lovers 2
Lance n Masques
Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.
That is all.
thank you genocide-chan
Yeah... I'm going to this.World Premiere of Gundam The Origin II Set For London In October
Please stop sexualizing my latin alphabet.
Long haired Gahara is best Gahara. They both pull the look off well.Madoka x Monogatari gets some fancy things.
Only the best for Shaft's 40th anniversary.
Yeah... I'm going to this.
I will never keep everyone happy with every acquisition and the first few are always easy wins really! I'm still pro new talent in the industry as Deai-san has been though and the more the merrier, first shows aren't always smash hits but it won me over. Totally get that it isn't for everyone though!
If what you listed before from my initial run is your thing,you won't be upset by our MCM London run of announcements!
Charlotte END
So uh, thats it? Well ok then. Just totally underwhelming.
But then again this is what I expected. Overall average show. Had some good highs but it was just poorly structured from the get go.
Whats PA Works working on next?
Spice and Wolf was only made to promote the novels so it did its part. Fate is a big series so it isn't surprising. Prisma Illya is fine.Lol this is getting a forth season, either this is selling really well, or Spice and Wolf did really bad.
Charlotte Overall Thoughts
5/10. Could have benefitted from 24 episodes. Too many plot points, too little time.
Maeda don't call Yu the reaper, there's only one real reaper in anime.
But the last anime that character was in was even worse than Charlotte.
Which show was that?
Did anybody call dibs on making the Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans OT when the show airs next week?
I was thinking of doing it myself.
Of course, this is so I can make the title:
"We'll never forget the Gundam we saw that day"