Boku no My Hero no Academia 33
Mineta fucking sucks
But he's gonna get some character deve-HAHahaha...ahhh.
Boku no My Hero no Academia 33
Mineta fucking sucks
Detroit Metal City 02-04
Not really feeling it, pretty much every single joke boils down to Negishi being forced to act out his Krauser persona and thus, ruining his other life. Which is fine onceor twice but not when you repeat it ad naseum to the accompaniment of probably largest and direst array of slurs I've seen in anime.
Boku no My Hero no Academia 33
Mineta fucking sucks
BnHA 30
Todoroki can instantanously make an ice mountain the size of a big stadium but he can't freeze a 4 meter wide alleyway.
... Okay I guess.
So Japan can turn everything into a Nendo.
this episode's Witch
Little Witch Academia, Episode 18 - This is an anime about a School for Witchcraft.
BnHA 30
Todoroki can instantanously make an ice mountain the size of a big stadium but he can't freeze a 4 meter wide alleyway.
... Okay I guess.
That actually seems super interesting. I'm surprised firehawk doesn't watch it or something. The art turned me off but that plot description sounds pretty quirky and the screenshots you posted look good.I kinda want to hear a CG fan's take on 18if episode 7.
That actually seems super interesting. I'm surprised firehawk doesn't watch it or something. The art turned me off but that plot description sounds pretty quirky and the screenshots you posted look good.
That actually seems super interesting. I'm surprised firehawk doesn't watch it or something. The art turned me off but that plot description sounds pretty quirky and the screenshots you posted look good.
Fate/stay night
Haikyu 2
Eureka Seven
If that Akiba Pass Festival doesn't pull out some better stuff until January, I think I'm gonna skip it this year. They should at least get the Godzilla movie.
Though this year was quite weak movie wise, maybe the both Yuasa movies would be neat - despite the BD release this fall.
So Japan can turn everything into a Nendo.
Who needs that when I already have the best nendo of the year!
At least they didn't make any Xenoglossia nendo.
Little Witch Academia, Episode 18 - This is an anime about a School for Witchcraft.
Fate/stay night
Haikyu 2
Eureka Seven
If that Akiba Pass Festival doesn't pull out some better stuff until January, I think I'm gonna skip it this year. They should at least get the Godzilla movie.
Though this year was quite weak movie wise, maybe the both Yuasa movies would be neat - despite the BD release this fall.
Because it would tire him out too quickly, which isn't a good thing when you're having a opponent trying to kill you. Even the battle against Midoriya tired him out, and that was before that final attack.
Also we've seen that Stain was fast enough to dodge Todoroki's ice. Especially with that alleyway, he would have the footing allowing him to escape to the roofs and then come back to the frozen alley.
Doing that to an alleyway would cause too much damage and chaos. The sizes he does use are big enough and fit the place, also actually killing someone is a big nono for non-licensed heroes or any hero.
I'm sorry for being a pain in the butt and looking for logic in a show about capes and stuff but 1. it's a pretty outrageous, plot driven inconsistency in power abilities to me 2. it's kind of my schtick now that I think about it. Please be excited about my whining on how Deku has superspeed and superpower yet people with no physical enhancement quirks withstand his punches and run circles around him.
Made in Abyss 7
jesus christ
Spoopy Ozen 06
On one hand stop doing this. On the other, God I wish that were me.
of course, when i was running a con, our biggest audience issue was unprompted glomping
i certainly ran a con, i.e. that post
no i art directed for smash a few years back when it was a lot smaller than it is now
Is Yuri on Ice a good show? I mean its been in my backlog for a while.
I know it sold a shit ton in Japan, but thats all I know.
Is Yuri on Ice a good show? I mean its been in my backlog for a while.
I know it sold a shit ton in Japan, but thats all I know.
Is Yuri on Ice a good show? I mean its been in my backlog for a while.
I know it sold a shit ton in Japan, but thats all I know.
Is Yuri on Ice a good show? I mean its been in my backlog for a while.
I know it sold a shit ton in Japan, but thats all I know.
I thought it was a lot of fun. Very enjoyable.Is Yuri on Ice a good show? I mean its been in my backlog for a while.
I know it sold a shit ton in Japan, but thats all I know.
What the hell is up with Yuri on Ice fans? I keep hearing all this bad shit about their behavior.
What the hell is up with Yuri on Ice fans? I keep hearing all this bad shit about their behavior.