Rei would be better bait.
I have sources that tell me this is actually the best form:

Rei would be better bait.
I asked for this.Who wants that sausage festival? Where is ML?
I asked for this.
Tsurezure Children 8
I swear they're doing this on purpose to me.
THE iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls 14
Rin's newfound friendships should positively widen her point of view by allowing her to reflect from a slightly different perspective. Perhaps this is what it'll take for her to fully appreciate her profession and position. Riina seems to have been struck by inspiration, so maybe she'll now learn a new adjectival noun or something actually substantial about rock.
Why cant you ask for skippable NP in Fate/GO instead?
Never give Gudako what she wants.
The FGO manga would end if we got skippable NPs.
This show puts cotton candy and pixie sticks to shame. Well, except pres., lol
Top 10 anime fights.
Holy shit, this show has some killer lines.
New Game!! got a new ending.
It doesn't look like it's just for this week.
I know this isn't the case, but my headcanon is going to be that no one liked the old one so they made something else.
Looks like Daisuki is folding.
Minor Shock Gif.
Tsurezureball Z 8
Top 10 anime fights.
Stardust Crusaders 32
They didn't shy away from showing the regressed Polnareff's private parts, huh?
Don't mind me, just waiting for GKIDS to drop that Yamadas Blu-Ray on us.
(Bought Panda Go Panda and Castle of Cagliostro today)
The first season is always a challenge for someone new to Symphogear to get through
I convinced a colleague to watch Symphogear and while she was sorta okay with the first season, the second season onwards had her surprised at how much some of the stuff improved.
At least most of the episodes are available now, so you don't have to go through the weekly "subs when" experience old-timers are having with the current AXZ season
Stardust Crusaders 32
They didn't shy away from showing the regressed Polnareff's private parts, huh?
I need to see your entire anime collection you have there. Always like to see other people anime collection.
And now the tour! The collection is double layered, starting in the back:
I've been working to upgrade to all DVD, but somethings aren't easily, or willingly replaced, like Ai City. I did just get The Castle of Cagliostro on Bluray though, so that'll get junked at some point here. The Guyver VHS there is also a super rare bootleg of the first ever Guyver OVA. I copied it to DVD, but I keep the original bootleg all the same.
Some VHS/DVDs are things I've picked up from Video stores closing, or found in Savers and decided to keep. Hence why I have say, Blue Submarine No. 6 DVD 1 and Orphen VHS Vol. 1 and nothing of the rest.
The DVDs between Bubblegum Crisis and Code Geass are Chobits, I just flipped the reversible covers.
The flipped cover BluRay is just a BR of FFVII Advent Children.
Next to Gasaraki is a bootleg Getter Robo original series set, since there hasn't ever been an official release.
The blank DVDs are DVD rips of my VHS copies of the Original Gundam Movie Trilogy with its original western dub that never made it to DVD. There's also a Japanese copy of Miller's Report and a Japanese copy of Gundam F91, things I got before either had a Western release.
The blank DVD between Gundam Seed and Guyver is the DVD rip of the Guyver OVA VHS
The Nadesico Movie is a bootleg from before its Western Release. There's also a Japanese DVD Vol. 1 of Naruto. I think it literally has just the first episode. Kinda pissed me off when I got it on a trip to Japan in my teens.
Here I have Japanese copies of One Piece's 2nd and 3rd films, legal releases, and then what's left of my Bootlegs from before One Piece had an English release. In these they refer to Sanji as Sunkiss.... I still have the first four parts should anyone saver a 1990s/early 2000s anime Western experience![]()
Original Outlaw Star releases, bootleg Patlabor III release, least I think its bootleg based on the box. It's subtitles are really good though.
Also here's a bunch of new acquisitions/unwatched DVDs/BluRays (not all anime, but plenty there) I haven't put in the collection yet. Only thing that's missing is HxH Set 2 and that's because my Wife is addicted to it and has it out.
That particular era of anime didn't really have any scruples with that. Just look at Dragonball.
That's a lot of Dragonball Vlad! Speaking of Dragonball...
Dragonball Super - 102
Not sure if I posted about getting into this series recently but I just picked up from the current saga and pleasently surprised how much I'm enjoying it. This episode though... I could have screencapped the whole thing, it was just downright hilarious and kept getting laughs out of me.
Probably should go back and catch up on the other saga's like Resurrection F and Dark/Black Goku saga to see if there's anything fun I missed.
It'll be even more once I start collecting Kai and Super lol.
Holy shit, Vald. What a collection you got there.
Don't worry, there's still characters for you to like: