I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
Can I take up this offer if I've already watched all of Majin Bone
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
Some of the opinions:
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
Don't be glassesbread.
I cannot imagine you being angry... Like ever...
(Also, little off topic, but yay at JJ Abrams directing Star Wars IX!)
Thinking about that scene in Cross Ange where Hilda's mom throws a pie at her then Hilda runs off crying then gets beat up by cops. Magical
I like KnK as much as any sane person does but the movie was a dreck. It's been a while so I can't quite point out all the flaws but the stupid amnesia subplot made this a tiring rehash of the tv show but with melodrama ramped to laughable levels. I'm pretty sure they also contradicted the backstory established in og series. I can't quite recall the specifics but the villain was also an utter idiot. This is a story that could and should have been finished within the TV show but KyoAni wanted their money and they castrated the series for it. Truly the Evangelion of our times.
Just relax. You can't force everyone to watch, let alone like, Majin Bone.
Accept that people are entitled to their disinterest?
Thinking about that scene in Cross Ange where Hilda's mom throws a pie at her then Hilda runs off crying then gets beat up by cops. Magical
AnimeGaf opinion will always be different and people will fight on it. Now, post some interesting random pics from anime show which is lewd but actually cute.
So I read the whole 1st volume of the manga many years ago and I really was not sold on it. Like nothing hooked me into continuing beyond their everyday life. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what's unique about this series.
Rather than give the time of day to something that has a mordicum of human decency and promotes the best of humanity.
Thinking about that scene in Cross Ange where Hilda's mom throws a pie at her then Hilda runs off crying then gets beat up by cops. Magical
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
Nah, I'm waaay to easy going and non-combative, lol.
I would however, pay good money to read Nintendoman meltdowns on the greatness that is Cross Ange. So freaking entertaining! It's even got real dragon girls!
You want Mecha, you get mecha. You should watch it for that alone....
Thinking about that scene in Cross Ange where Hilda's mom throws a pie at her then Hilda runs off crying then gets beat up by cops. Magical
Are there more moments like this?
May need to watch this ... for science.
Are there more moments like this?
May need to watch this ... for science.
I remember ange's little sister going all psycho and staging a public lynching for Ange or something, but then she's saved by Rito, sadly.
Actually don't, it's a waste of time that surpases even Big Order in sheer stupidity.
It's self-aware.
I'll watch Majin Bone if you watch Fafner or Kuromukuro.I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
Are there more moments like this?
May need to watch this ... for science.
pfft lame, ok superman. just shoot that garbage into my veins
sometimes one feels like ordering a nice steak, a sushi platter or some good Italian food. Then other times one feels like getting shitty pizza, but it has to be the right kind of shitty pizza - that kind you learned to love because somewhere between that Styrofoam cheese and cardboard crust theres a wholesome trueness to it
Wholesome trueness?
What part of Cross Ange can be described as "wholesome" or "true"?
Yeah, just about as true and wholesome as an episode/chapter of Tsugumomo.
Wholesome trueness?
What part of Cross Ange can be described as "wholesome" or "true"?
Yeah, just about as true and wholesome as an episode/chapter of Tsugumomo.
The same thing as The Room where you can feel the director had an idea and it ended up in the worst, goofiest and shoddy way possible. Someone had their heart in this, unlike some LN anime made without any care or a bad movie starring Tom Cruise meant to cynically kick off a cinematic universe.
Beneath all the trash, theres an identity. A genuine attempt at something. Its the same reason people have a fondness for Ed Wood movies. It would be foolish to say that Glen or Glenda, Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Sinister Urge or Jail Bait are actually good movies. But that's not why people actually like them. The best form of camp comes from a genuine attempt that turns into a massive and spectacular failure. Where despite the clear lack of talent and understanding, there was still an attempt. Any other filmmaker given the reputation and resources Ed Wood have would have given up immediately but Wood never did. Theres beauty in that.
That's different. The mangaka for Tsugumomo is an excellent artist. He draws some of the best and kinetic fight scenes in manga. Despite the endlessly problematic things about the series, you cant take away that as an artist he is good.
Its the same with Nisemonogatari. Undeniable production qualities, Nisio is still a great writer, but do we really need all these uncomfortable bullshit scenes?
The Room on the other hand - and I'm going to keep using The Room as an example because its the marquee example and I'm currently reading and greatly enjoying The Disaster Artist which is actually a pretty great expose on the mind of a creator and finding enjoyment in awful works of art - is just bad all around. There isn't a thing you can point to in The Room that is genuinely a good thing, and not just ironically good. You cant say "Well the direction is nonsensical, the acting is absurdly bad, the scriptwriter seems to barely understand English but at least this set piece was good" because its all bad. And that's why its a fascinating movie.
At the end its entertaining as entertainment, if you want to boil it down.
If cross ange is good enough for srw it's good enough for me
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
I am really close to saying "fuck it" and laying Cross Ange on the line for Majin Bone.
I'm honestly desperate at this point.
Like, what else can I do?
nisio is so far ahead of other LN writers its not even fair
It just sickens me how people will quickly flock to shit like this:
Rather than give the time of day to something that has a mordicum of human decency and promotes the best of humanity.
The same thing as The Room where you can feel the director had an idea and it ended up in the worst, goofiest and shoddy way possible. Someone had their heart in this, unlike some LN anime made without any care or a bad movie starring Tom Cruise meant to cynically kick off a cinematic universe.
Beneath all the trash, theres an identity. A genuine attempt at something. Its the same reason people have a fondness for Ed Wood movies. It would be foolish to say that Glen or Glenda, Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Sinister Urge or Jail Bait are actually good movies. But that's not why people actually like them. The best form of camp comes from a genuine attempt that turns into a massive and spectacular failure. Where despite the clear lack of talent and understanding, there was still an attempt. Any other filmmaker given the reputation and resources Ed Wood have would have given up immediately but Wood never did. Theres beauty in that.
At the end its entertaining as entertainment, if you want to boil it down.
Holy shit people, it's just Japanese cartoons.
Its also just a conversation. We can wait for cornbread to post a random tumblr .gif from a show he has never seen soon enough if it gets too deep
I doubt most people would have watched heybot if not for CR coming through.