SF3d takes place in the distant future, following a cataclysmic World War IV that all but wiped out life on Earth. Human settlers return to Earth, specifically Australia, and soon find themselves unhappy with their overlords in the Galactic Federation. Crime runs amok and the settlers are unable to restore order themselves, so the Galactic Federation tasks the Strahl Democratic Republic (SDR) with straightening things out down under. The SDRs methods are heavy-handed and the settlers soon find themselves thrown under the boot of vaguely Germanic totalitarianism. In turn, the unhappy settlers hire mercenary forces to get rid of the SDR and war breaks out in post-apocalyptic Australia.
Theres no comprehensive storyline for SF3d, and no coherent canon to speak of. Instead, theres lots of stories and background fragments spread out across magazine features, model kit boxes, and books. The focus has always been on the kits themselves, with what appears to be minimal effort to ensure its all cohesive and makes sense. Comics, short stories, and even a
live-action short film round out the material created under the banner of SF3d, but if youre looking for an exhaustively focused vision like Star Wars, or even Gundam, youll be sorely disappointed.