I guess this is what the Kado people are doing next?
Not at all. Whereas Kado was at Toei, this is being done at Orange under the OG Love Live director.
I guess this is what the Kado people are doing next?
Pretty impressive 2D/3D blending across the board. Hadn't really heard anything about this before but the song is really good and the visual direction actually seems like it'll be strong based on what they're showing.
Maybe? Only thing about it that looks really bad is the horrible stuff Youtube does to video quality..........Is there something wrong with me? I still think that looks awful. Manga is really good so ill definitely be watching the show but still a part of me is pissed that it is CG
Is there something wrong with me? I still think that looks awful. Manga is really good so ill definitely be watching the show but still a part of me is pissed that it is CG
Maybe? Only thing about it that looks really bad is the horrible stuff Youtube does to video quality..........
Wouldn't call it proper awful but it still looks distinctly "anime CG" to the points its actively discouraging. And they ruined diamond who looked so much better here. Yurusenai !
I actually prefer the CG version in this case. Like, this looks nice, but the character style lends itself to CG very well and the animation fluidity is just fantastic.Wouldn't call it proper awful but it still looks distinctly "anime CG" to the point its actively discouraging. And they ruined diamond who looked so much better here. Yurusenai !
Rahxephon 4
Ayato is starting to build a harem of mysterious girls.
this pv looks like a million times worse in terms of motion, framing, visual clarity, color scheme, character expressiveness, action. i dunno what to say...........Wouldn't call it proper awful but it still looks distinctly "anime CG" to the point its actively discouraging. And they ruined diamond who looked so much better here. Yurusenai !
I should mention that I really liked the new Ballroom OP. The music is much better than the first OP and it's storyboarded better as well. The new OP has more memorable scenes such as dancing in the rain and it's more strategic with the depiction of background dancers (such as hiding them) which makes the CGI stand out less. I also got a kick out of this.
Pretty alright show overall. Can't get around the fact that it follows the standard modern isekai format where the MC is the best at everything, but Ernesti is at least alright because of his enthusiasm and blind obsession with mechas. I actually did like most of the side characters, Dietrich especially, but almost all were overshadowed by Ernesti.
Is there something wrong with me? I still think that looks awful. Manga is really good so ill definitely be watching the show but still a part of me is pissed that it is CG
This looks really good. The test will be if the entire show looks as smooth and lively as what they've presented here or not. Under-animation looks far worse in 3D than 2D.
Are fusions kosher in this tournament? If they are the finale is totally gonna be Vegito vs Jiren isnt it
I think they have forgotten that fusions are a thing at all quite frankly.
MHA 37
I can't believe All Might would just kill Deku like that...
MHA 37
I can't believe All Might would just kill Deku like that...
It's probably allowed, but they don't have potara for Vegito and Vegeta never canonically learns the fusion dance (nor does it fit in his character at all to try and learn it)Are fusions kosher in this tournament? If they are the finale is totally gonna be Vegito vs Jiren isnt it
The final 10 will probably be
I thought the Haikyuu start was excellent. The first episode establishes the main character and his rival very clearly from the get go and what makes them interesting characters. The shots with Hinata frustrated did a much better job than anything so far with Ballroom.
On top of that Ballroom has done a piss poor job fleshing out Tatara's relationship with the other dancers and only this episode felt like there was any sort of moving progress with Shizuku and Gaju. The first cour of Ballroom doesn't have any value because of the heavy focus on the competition, instead of on the characters, as it failed to either make the competition itself engaging or actually explain any of the dancing mechanics. I haven't learned jackshit about dancing from watching that entire cour other than you have to generally maintain your hold and your posture is key.
Dragon Ball Super - 108
Seems that Frieza is still someone you should never trust.
MHA 37
I can't believe All Might would just kill Deku like that...
Are fusions kosher in this tournament? If they are the finale is totally gonna be Vegito vs Jiren isnt it
The final 10 will probably be
And thus a whole new series of questions opens up right before the series ends..
Made in Abyss ep.11-12
And thus a whole new series of questions opens up right before the series ends..
MHA 37
I can't believe All Might would just kill Deku like that...
stop.Best dad is coming. Best dad is the best dad. Best dad will best dad while being best dad.
Definitely one of the most entertaining shows of the season, but tgat was a very anti-climactic ending. Very much a "go read the manga" ending, but at least there was no stupid cliffhanger to go along with it!
Blood Blockade Battlefront - Season 1 END
the food episode
that ep with him and chopper as the alien kid soothed my soulBlood Blockade Battlefront - Season 1 END
So I had watched up to episode 11 when it first aired then fell off during the time between episode 11 and 12. Glad that 12 cleared up a good deal of stuff that makes sense in hindsight, including White's true nature. It was a worthwhile end that has me very excited for where the show will go in season 2.
As for the entirety of the season, it toes the line between comedy and drama very very well. All the goofy shit with Zapp, Zed's Longest Day, the food episode, and the banter back and forth works well with the heavier and heartfelt moments. BBB also has some really downbeat episodes that highlight the complexities of the world and the characters. It's also fucking well animated and edited masterfully between the well timed jump cuts to the heavy action. It's probably somewhere in my top 10 anime of this decade and I can't wait to see more.
Don't forget to don't forget me. Easily my favourite Kekkai Sensen episode.
Don't forget to don't forget me. Easily my favourite Kekkai Sensen episode.
that ep with him and chopper as the alien kid soothed my soul
Oh look, Gon went ahead and made a new friend already..
HxH (2011) ep.3-4
Oh look, Gon went ahead and made a new friend already..
Question tbough, Hunters are supossed to be "good" guys, so why would they allow a guy who turns another guys arms into flowers or a guy who tries to posion people to take the exam?
Question tbough, Hunters are supossed to be "good" guys, so why would they allow a guy who turns another guys arms into flowers or a guy who tries to posion people to take the exam?