It's been a couple years at this point, but I want to say yes, and that one entire episode, the pool fanservice stuff, never even happened in the manga. But it has been awhile and I wasn't with the manga long. The anime adapted quite a lot of what was out, so I didn't have that much to read.
Hero Academia Season 2 - 10
This was probably the best episode of the show thus far. While I still have issues with the extremely generic nature of the show's plot structure and premise, Todoroki is a very compelling character, and seeing Deku push him to his limits and choose to accept the other half of his powers, alongside a really action packed match made for one hell of an episode.
It also helps that (with the exception of Bakugo) the rest of the cast is quite fun to watch.
Suffers from some really bizarre and aggressive dimming tho. Not sure what that's about, considering the show isn't even that flashy in terms of animation.
Supaidaman: Kōkō no dansu o enjiru hōhō to shite mo hataraku ie no tōrai
It was an ok anime film. Not bad. Not good. I giggled here and there at the cute awkward Peter, though he was overselling it a bit, I blame that on the scriptwriters not toning it down though he did a fine job. This is like one of those movies you put on the car's dvd player so your kids shut up and don't annoy you.
Suffers from some really bizarre and aggressive dimming tho. Not sure what that's about, considering the show isn't even that flashy in terms of animation.
Alicetaria reminding me of Saber and how shit keeps getting explained makes this feel like a Fate/Show that needs 10+ episodes to explain the set-up instead of just a double length episode 1. :lol
I almost done fuck up. Was listening to some songs on my player,then Platinum Disco came up and I almost have the urge to do the Tsukihi dance. Why is Platinium Disco so damn good?
I'm not sure what Ubisoft cap means but I said iconic in the sense that it's a scene many were acquainted with before the anime was even announced. It was referenced multiple times in image/message boards within or without the context of the show. It had a meme level reputation of sorts. Even the Nendoriod has the character doing the pose with that dialogue bubble.
13 - Good recap episode. the way they framed it was well done, not boring. and the 2 minutes of new stuff were worth sticking around for. I think someone could start watching the show here and not really have missed too much
14 - meh. not a good one
15 - finally! a real anime villain, complete with henchmen. I guess this is when the show really starts.
I almost done fuck up. Was listening to some songs on my player,then Platinum Disco came up and I almost have the urge to do the Tsukihi dance. Why is Platinium Disco so damn good?
I was expecting this to be a cute show about high schoolers solving fake Scooby Doo mysteries and instead I got
Sci-fi, time travel, espers, murderous girls, apocalyptic tales about the end of the world and philosophical questions on the nature of reality.
. The escalation in the
episode caught me totally off guard. Needless to say it's totally awesome. Can someone explain the differences between the 2006 (the one I'm watching) and the 2009 version? And when should the movie be viewed?
@DiGiKerot & Jintor Thanks for your clarifications.
I was expecting this to be a cute show about high schoolers solving fake Scooby Doo mysteries and instead I got
Sci-fi, time travel, espers, murderous girls, apocalyptic tales about the end of the world and philosophical questions on the nature of reality.
. The escalation in the
episode caught me totally off guard. Needless to say it's totally awesome. Can someone explain the differences between the 2006 (the one I'm watching) and the 2009 version? And when should the movie be viewed?
Haruhi is a bit of a weird kettle of fish. The 2006 TV broadcast essentially ran the episodes out of chronological order (which is why if you watch the original TV next episode previews, Kyon often complains about the episode numbering). This is largely because they essentially animated the first novel and a bunch of short stories, and mixing around the episodes meant that it could actually build to something by putting the conclusion to the main Melancholy storyline at the end of the series, though it has the side effect of pacing the release of information in a more interesting fashion. There's some merit in watching the 2006 episodes in that broadcast order.
In 2009, they rebroadcast the original 2006 episodes again in chronological order. At the same time, however, they also adapted one of the subsequent novels and some more of the short stories. These episodes were inserted in between the 2006 episodes in proper chronological order in terms of the order of events. This is somewhat notorious because the decision to turn Disappearance into a movie meant that they ended up turning one of the short stories, Endless Eight, into what became essentially eight different takes on the same episode in order to hit episode count. If you're going to watch the 2009 episodes, you can probably just wait until after you've watched the 2006 ones - I'll let someone else advise you as to how to watch Endless Eight, but it is important as context for the movie. The rest of 2009 is pretty much Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody (a one-off that's also context for Disappearance) and the making of the short film arc.
I was expecting this to be a cute show about high schoolers solving fake Scooby Doo mysteries and instead I got
Sci-fi, time travel, espers, murderous girls, apocalyptic tales about the end of the world and philosophical questions on the nature of reality.
. The escalation in the
episode caught me totally off guard. Needless to say it's totally awesome. Can someone explain the differences between the 2006 (the one I'm watching) and the 2009 version? And when should the movie be viewed?
Supaidaman: Kōkō no dansu o enjiru hōhō to shite mo hataraku ie no tōrai
It was an ok anime film. Not bad. Not good. I giggled here and there at the cute awkward Peter, though he was overselling it a bit, I blame that on the scriptwriters not toning it down though he did a fine job. This is like one of those movies you put on the car's dvd player so your kids shut up and don't annoy you.
Done my two week break on the show and came back to a new OP/ED that were alright, but everything else in this eposode can be summed up with a Daaammnnnnn. Lots of emotion poured into this episode was spot on and the battle mixed in was total hype. I was floored at the Cana backstory reveal and had no clue what her deal was, but now.... daammnnnnn. I hope they live, so she can spill the beans!
The new girl is better, MC should accept her and end this show. It's one of those instances that the premise is actually better than the rest, because I have no idea how they'll manage to keep it interesting in the long term.
pacing will be perfectly fine if they are watching the whole thing including the movie.
the only time chronological isn't the best choice is if you are only watching the first season and have no interest in watching the second season and the movie. if you are going to watch it all chronological is way better.
I was expecting this to be a cute show about high schoolers solving fake Scooby Doo mysteries and instead I got
Sci-fi, time travel, espers, murderous girls, apocalyptic tales about the end of the world and philosophical questions on the nature of reality.
. The escalation in the
episode caught me totally off guard. Needless to say it's totally awesome. Can someone explain the differences between the 2006 (the one I'm watching) and the 2009 version? And when should the movie be viewed?
@DiGiKerot & Jintor Thanks for your clarifications.
Watched the first episode of Made in Abyss. Really dug the presentation and concept, which looks like Cave Story with an (intentionally) uncomfortable backdrop with child mining labor.
I hear that the manga throws dark, so I'm hoping it errs closer to Madoka levels of existentialism and suffering, and I'm also really hoping they don't do anything....gross, with the child characters.
Hmm, looks like I'm so sick of anime character archetypes that e.g. the bro-con imouto character goes on my nerves even when it's parodied (in part anyway). I think the comedy and sort of charm this anime is going for won't work for me in the long run so I'll drop it here. Might revisit it some day if I'm more in the mood for it.
One of my favourites, though, is probably the one in the goofy Sunrise-injoke SF show The Girl Who Leapt Through Space, where out of nowhere they throw in a non-sequitur alternate-universe episode that recasts the characters is a superpowered psychic baseball drama which has no larger meaning or consequence in the full context of the show (whose next episode picks up right where the one prior to the baseball antics left off). It's pretty good.