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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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New Game!! 01

Well, it's more New Game and that's mostly OK

Did I see a new girl in the OP at the end or is Rin getting a new visual, I wasn't sure
Is it really? Because usually they have some dumb reason for people who aren't family to live together.

I suppose it comes down to whether the question is "Why was this scenario imagined?" or "What in show reason are they living together?". I think we all know the former answer but the latter may be the only amusing thing about the show so I salute the brave souls who'll watch Ep 1 and return here with the answer.


Huge Nickleback Fan
New game s2 1
Trashier than previous season, and i'm okay with it. I wonder ifthe animator from erosen is working in this anime too? The character detail when Kou eating sushi is amazing.


With all the praise for Princess Principal I need to go back and watch it. My watching group decided to skip it unanimously with the exception of me! :(

I forgot to mention in this in my original "good stuff of the season" post but what does everyone think about Love and Lies? The first episode was pretty good! Interesting concept and more importantly they didn't fuck around with the romance. No "omg so awkward hold my hand and lightly brush up against me" anime romance here.


New game s2 1
Trashier than previous season, and i'm okay with it. I wonder ifthe animator from erosen is working in this anime too? The character detail when Kou eating sushi is amazing.

Well Keisuke Kobayashi who animated Sagiri in Eromanga did the iconic "Kyou mo ichi nichi gambaru zou" scene from season 1 so I won't be surprised if he's back.
Wakfu: Quest for the Six Dofus OVAs (1-3)




I'm conflicted. This was the most action packed of the series, and also the most plot centric accounting for almost 7 episodes (2 hours and 15 minutes, 45 minutes per episode) worth of content. It had a LOT of development. I love
Eva and Dally's family, the children are cute and awesome
. It had amazing battles, particularly Percedal who absolutely stole the show (As he tends to do). The basic plot was great, the crew has to find the six dofus that have been stolen. I love how I recognized the trio from Dofus from the trailers and clips I've seen alone, they were great and I can't wait to watch the Dofus TV show and films.

My problem lies with how rushed and almost half-baked some of the plot developments were, particularly the conflict drama between the party members.

I'll list my issues in spoilers since I'll be getting very specific

- First I'll go with Amalia's arranged marriage in the first movie. Yes, I understand she was doing it for her kingdom but it still bothered me. First we have the forest kingdom going behind the back of Yugo, and they all expect him to just accept it when it's his people's tools/eggs they are using. Even if for the good of the kingdom, that's strike 1. Then the show establishes that within the past 55-6 years that Amalia and Yugo have been developing an unspoken attraction for each other that grew from the close friendship we saw in season 2. Now we have her going to the kingdom out of duty, and the second the prince reveals his pretty and speaks sweet things to her, she's immediately infatuated. Then when he reveals it's a double cross and the brotherhood begins to defend themselves and attack, she stops them which gives a chance for Frosty to freeze them, and she almost doesn't seem phased because IT'S MY DUTY. Then she is ready to marry the guy knowing full well he had betrayed the promise to her band of friends, and only once Yugo reveals he is going to betray HER kingdom does she get pissed off and call off the wedding. What a 180 from the hot headed princess we've seen before. Yes, she may have grown in 6 years and matured, but it doesn't mean she should have thrown her friends under the bus like that. Whatever man.

- Moving on to the second and third OVA. My biggest issues here are how they kind of made Joris job like a motherfucker. He's supposed to be an extremely competent fighter with years of experience, and first he gets trapped in an extremely silly trap, gets frozen alongside his family and trapped. Then when he is ready to go into action they don't give him his hammer or any other weapon, so throughout the entire battle he is essentially slapped around for the sake of making the villains more threatening. If he's supposed to be a competent fighter I did NOT see it here. What a rip off.

- Then we had the twist/revelation that Dally is the Iop God. Fine, we hadn't really seen another Iop done what he and his master have done so I guess the argument is there that we have never seen it. When he awakens to his powers he almost immediately becomes proficient enough in them. This is very much like a temporary power up that will be removed (and hell it was) but it felt useless. He becomes the psychic bad guy from Akira instantly, decides he has to leave his family to fight a god/demi-god, and later on his loses his powers. This had no build-up, no slow regaining of power it was almost instant. At the very least it gives a hint that he might regain them for the third series since his master can give them back at any point and he can regain his arm (?). Still, as far as basic writing go the change from naruto to DBZ was quick and didn't feel earned.

- Now comes the personal drama between Yugo and Adamai over the use of the dofus to save Dally. This felt by far like the most contrived and forced to me. We start with Adamai meeting Lady Whats-her-face where she instantly wins him over and makes him doubt everyone by letting him walk away. She clearly is using him for some all according to keikaku plan, but I'm sure that will be revealed in season 3. Whatever. The issue comes when it's time to make the decision of going after Dally vs not using a dangerous force, Adamai doesn't even give a chance to his brother who he has fought two world ending conflicts with. No benefit of the doubt from the lying Mrs. Seduction, just instantly goes "No I don't believe in you, fuck you we aren't using them". Yugo's desire to use it is fair. Selfish, but fair. Adamai makes good points, but he has never seen what the Dofus can do so why not even attempt to see Yugo fail and then make a decision then. He's doing it for two good reasons, one of them being selfish but still ultimately not a bad reason.

- The above leads to silly drama. Yugo in his anger immediately attacks Adamai and calls him a fake, which gets immediately proven to be fake. The issue is he attacks him and THEN asks the obvious of "tell me something only my brother would know". If you are making the argument he is emotional then he wouldn't immediately attack his brother and THEN ask the question. That's dumb. Then every one of his friends are begging him to go save Dally so he decides to heed their word. This leads to a very silly Naruto vs Sasuke fight. It felt even more forced than that conflict, which is saying a lot.

- It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't that after this brotherly spat, and yes in a world of superpowered dragons and children with portals and Iop Gods who regain their power super quickly, this is the equivalent of a spat. They never seriously injured themselves, it's no worst than any fights between brothers you'll see time and time again. But nope, after this Adamai makes an ultimatum which is EXTREMELY unfair, and going by the ending where Lady Fuck Your Friends is convincing him his friends have forgotten about him and the trailer for season 3, he betrays all of his friends and family over this shit. That's very very silly.

Ok I've confessed my feelings lol. Over-all, this was probably the most consistent the show may have been in staying focused to the plot and not going on filler, and it's specifically because they really can't as a group of 3 OVAs.It's also the best the show has looked in terms of action.

But once again instead of letting me praise it indefinitely it needs to have something that bothers me in its writing. At this point a better person might accept the show won't be winning awards for writing and give it a pass, and I will be more lenient with it as I've been with anime beforehand that has writing issues, but I needed to vent on the issues with the writing I had.

Over-all I'd give the three OVAs an 8/10. Losing points for the above issues I had with the writing.

I am still very much looking forward to the third season (I can only assume it'll be the final season considering how much has changed with characters at this point, maybe a movie might come afterwards?), but I just have to accept by now that the writing will always have issues. I feel they have a particularly interesting setting from the video games and their lore, but they aren't quite hitting the mark with the writing. Nox being as strong of a villain as he was may be possibly rivaled with Lady Echo, or at the least I hope she will be interesting. Certainly a bit of drama will spice up season 3.

Next up I'll watch the Dofus TV shows and the films. If anybody here is curious, there is a great battle scene from the Dofus movie which is the reason I even started watching all of these works from Ankama, posted here.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Well Keisuke Kobayashi who animated Sagiri in Eromanga did the iconic "Kyou mo ichi nichi gambaru zou" scene from season 1 so I won't be surprised if he's back.
Thanks for the info

Re creator 14
The government literally sponsored creation of manga, novel, anime, game spinoff involving all character to save the world. THIS IS GLORIOUS


With all the praise for Princess Principal I need to go back and watch it. My watching group decided to skip it unanimously with the exception of me! :(

I forgot to mention in this in my original "good stuff of the season" post but what does everyone think about Love and Lies? The first episode was pretty good! Interesting concept and more importantly they didn't fuck around with the romance. No "omg so awkward hold my hand and lightly brush up against me" anime romance here.

I'm actually liking it. It's really an interesting set up on how the government affects people's lives. But I saw episode 2 and I think this may also be a sleeper hit.


Isekai Smartphone ep.1
I really hope they keep this tone throughout the whole season because this was pretty fun. The characters are alright; MC is the ultimate "Gary Stu," but he's not a badass, so it's all good. I look forward to more of this idiocy.
Aho Girl, Episode 2 - I'm thinking this is going to be my Guilty Pleasure of the season. This episode introduces the little sister character, only it turns she's in denial that she's just as dumb as the lead.


How "not as" stupid is this Smartphone? Because just the premise alone is already kind of pushing it.

No lie, it's probably going to be pretty stupid...

With that being said, that first episode was pretty fun despite the constant "breaks" as shown in my image. I believe there were like 4-6 of those during the show. The lead is definitely OP in his new world, but he has a pretty cool personality, so it looks like it could just be a fun series to watch without taking itself too seriously...
Tsuredure Children, Episode 2 - I really liked this episode. Less funny than the first episode, but this one felt more "heartwarming" in comparison. I actually found myself relating with the male lead from the first segment. I remember being like that when I was a teenager, I'd always overthink the idea of being in a relationship.

Fate/Apocrypha, Episode 2 - Mordred is quickly becoming my favorite Saber. I think her and Kairi are going to end up being the pair I end up rooting for in this battle royale.

Just T

Sakura Quest: 1

Finally started this, it was an alright beginning, got better as it went along.

Also might look into Wakfu, occasionally glanced at it when browsing Netflix but never really read about it before, these posts got me interested.
In Another World With My Smartphone - 1

This has got to be the laziest isekai show I've ever seen.

I'm actually kind of impressed.

You have to try to be this lazy.

It's not even trashy or dark. It's the most bare bones isekai scenario you can think of.

There's next to no attempts at comedy either.

It's like Konosuba if you sucked the personality out of everybody.

I struggle to even call this your average LN isekai anime. It's an unmodified TEMPLATE of your average LN isekai anime.


Princess Principal 1

Kind of cool? Though I can't really get over the fact that every man looks normal and all the women/girls look so young.


Maria Holic 10-12 END

This kept getting better and better, Sugita's newly added, overthinking priest had some of the best scenes and the deliciously self-aware, as well frantic finale topped it off nicely. And the post credit scene is such a trololo mockery of the "please read the manga " endings.

Matsurika, Mariya, God, the priest are pretty superb comedy wise, thanks in large part to the superb VA work from Sawashiro, Kobayashi, Inoue and Sugita. Kanako is somewhere in the middle and her classmates sadly have little to show for them and their drama episodes were weak. Production wise, I guess this is steorytypical Shaft work, stills upon still, zooms et consortes but honestly, I love it. The comedic timing and direction is good and that's enough.

Miyamoto hasn't made a bad show (that I've seen) yet. Arakawa=Madoka>SZS S1>Maria Holic > Arakawa S2. tfw when hasn't made a comedy in 6 years:
Mahoujin Guru Guru - 01

I like the art style a lot, feels refreshing. It's self aware and goofy with the old school rpg elements and reaction faces. Specific pixelation on zoomed in characters is a fun touch.
Didn't find it as funny as I would've liked, but I'm looking forward to see more.



New Game!! Episode 1:

I will never understand the love this gets as it always comes across as so very vapid compared to even a Sakura Quest.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
New Game!! Episode 1:

I will never understand the love this gets as it always comes across as so very vapid compared to even a Sakura Quest.

Cute girls + video games


Hero Academia 2 - 1&2
Eh, this is still pretty generic but I guess its mindless fun thanks to the super powers. Deku sucks a little bit less now that he's stopped crying every episode, though Bakugo is still stupidly sociopathic for some reason and the class rep guy has a giant fucking stick up his ass. Can't say I see why this show is so popular but its good enough (and I'm bored enough) that I'll keep watching.


Watched a few more episodes. Much improved thanks to some fun scenarios in the tournament.
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