Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Hajimete no Gal ep.2

So the percentages changed a little this week. It's now about 80% trash, 15% comedy, 5% cute.

Karaoke dates are really tough to handle...
Saiyuki Reload Blast Episode 3

When Goku was being carried and reminiscing about his precious friends...ships. I love this anime.

Ikemon Sengoku Episode 2

Hold me, Hideyoshi, yes please more than I kiss I need.
I wanted to ask is the animation for the Ancient Magus Bride good?

I wanted to ask since its Studio Wit because while they are good at times sometimes they are behind schedule which affects the animation. Although its a OVA so it should be safe I suppose.
I wanted to ask is the animation for the Ancient Magus Bride good?

I wanted to ask since its Studio Wit because while they are good at times sometimes they are behind schedule which affects the animation. Although its a OVA so it should be safe I suppose.

The animation for the Ancient Magus Bride prequel miniseries is OK. Not particularly good or bad.

Andrew J.

Sakura Quest 16

Three long-lost artifacts need to be acquired to perform a sacred ritual...this really is turning into Dragon Quest!
Seinfeld Season 3 Episode: "The Boyfriend"

Funniest episode so far IMO, couldn't stop laughing when Kramer picked up the phone!




Classroom of the Elite ep.2

What is this, an MC woth some secret OP abilities? I mean, even the bitchy female MC noticed his big muscles... Can't wait for tge reveal of who this kid really is....

Indeed, Wasn't expecting any of that tbh. Not to mention the 'coincidence' of getting 50 on each test up until that point. Might be a coincidence that goes nowhere but I'm going to be optimistic about it.
Space Patrol Luluco Dub Cast got announced:

Luluco - Brittney Karbowski
Nova - Justin Briner
Midori -Jamie Marchi
Keiji - Brett Weaver
Lalaco Godspeed - Monica Rial
Overjustice - Bob Carter
Judgement Gun - Mike McFarland
Inferno Cop
- Christopher Sabat

Also, unfortunately,
Rachelle Hager won't be reprising her role for the Sucy cameo since she lives in LA and it would cost to much to travel just to voice a couple of lines of dialogue.
Koi no Uso 1 & 2

At the beginning of the first episode, I was hoping this would be an anime about two teenagers fighting the powers that be for their love. By the middle of the second episode, I found myself wishing that it was an anime about how dumb falling in love over an eraser is. The fact that Negima has to ask her if she knew him says about how much they have communicated over five years.

Koi to Uso 3

Oh, I see. It's a series about nothing.
Wait hold up there's gonna be a anime TV show of The Ancient Magus Bride? Wut where the heck have I been lmao and its freaking 2 cours.

This is how I am feeling right now lol.

The Ancient Magus Bride PV 2

It looks so damn good. It looks like they nailed the atmosphere, music, and animation. Please Studio WIT do not fuck this up because the manga is really beautiful. This will be the closest thing to a animated Harry Potter. Although in a sense it isn't like Harry Potter, but damn just the sense of exploration of this magical fantasy world is glorious. The magic and creatures in the series are cool. I know I should keep my expectations low because its anime, but fuck I just can't lol.

Edit: Man Fall season looks to be a season that will make up for the mediocre Summer. Since I am feeling good right now I am gonna watch some Eccentric Family.
New Game!! commentary

If I remember correctly, there's a bit more stuff going in. Trying to remember if there's more drama (there might be), and some room for more growth for characters.

There's still a lot of funstuff. Maybe some more backstory if they get to it this season
lmao darkwing is it only coincidence you started posting Seinfeld here after the 'Seinfeld is slice of life' joke?

Good taste though, always have Seinfeld in the background.


MHA - Up to #28
Pretty nice, but I think I liked it more before, since things are apparently going to escalate really quickly now that Master Hand's on the move.

One of the things I do find grating about the show, however, is how it's treating the whole story as a flashback, complete with corny lines such as "at the time, I never could've expected what was about to happen next"... I mean, the show probably could've excised those lines without impacting the pacing at all, and what makes them so bad for me is that they are a really blunt and bland way of foreshadowing. Like, show Iida tightly clenching his fist or holding a serious glare for a second before he splits up with the gang, but don't have future Deku spout out cheap foreshadowing that seems like it was pulled off of a cheap LN...

I was also about to write about how I commend the show on being pretty wholesome even in spite of having a heroine who's basically a girl in BDSM gear, but then I remembered pervo-grape guy was actually a thing (guess my brain was trying really hard to ignore him, but couldn't)...

NTR Yuri Whatever - #3
This isn't even a perverse show, it's just downright pitiful...

To anyone who's even considering watching this crap, I'd rather recommend that you just (re)watch Scum's Wish instead.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Elite Class 2

Why do I keep watching this.


What type of anime is Seinfeld?

The power of friendship never works in that show, so it can't be a shonen.
SOL would be the closest thing....but realistically speaking there isn't really any anime I could even begin to compare Seinfeld to. At least not that I've seen.

I mean, Aria shares the popular "show about nothing" moniker, but that's about where any resemblance between the two shows ends.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What I really don't get it "why 50"? What strategic reason can there by for getting 50 every time? I must have the answer.
let me hit you with an excerpt the synopsis
For a certain reason, Kiyotaka was careless on his entrance examination, and was put in D-class.
A certain reason strikes again............


School Rumble ep.16-18
This show just doesn't quit with it's characters utter stupidity. Between Tenma and Harima, I'm not sure who is worse, and these ships?! They all must sink, because they are terrible. How is anyone going to come out of this happy?

Besides that, I love watching this bunch of fools....
Eccentric Family Episode 1

So I started watching this because so many posters in AnimeGaf seem to enjoy it. Well I can safely say the first episode was quite enjoyable. I wonder why Benten had a swift change in personality. She seems more threatening lol. Also Master seems to be quite depressed since he lost his flying ability.

The series is quite vibrant and I am digging the artstyle as well. Main character seems like a cool Tanuki.


Okay, checked up on the Re:Creators thing. Since the series is 22 episodes instead of 24 episodes, there are 3 slots slated to be filled with specials. The first special was aired on the very first slot on April 1st. They're using the next two slots in the coming weeks. After that there will be no more breaks. Seems reasonable.


Eccentric Family Episode 1

So I started watching this because so many posters in AnimeGaf seem to enjoy it. Well I can safely say the first episode was quite enjoyable. I wonder why Benten had a swift change in personality. She seems more threatening lol. Also Master seems to be quite depressed since he lost his flying ability.

The series is quite vibrant and I am digging the artstyle as well. Main character seems like a cool Tanuki.

Welcome to an idiot family adventure, enjoy!

Elite Class 2

Why do I keep watching this.
Because tge MC is a secret total badass and all the ladies will love him!
Chargeman Ken Episode 1

Sweet Jebus, what the hell have I stumbled into.

The looping animations don't loop properly!?

How do they not loop properly?
is elite class the one that started with a quote? lmao. I hope they keep that up for every episode. Someone out there really thinks your show is made better by starting with a quote.
Okay, checked up on the Re:Creators thing. Since the series is 22 episodes instead of 24 episodes, there are 3 slots slated to be filled with specials. The first special was aired on the very first slot on April 1st. They're using the next two slots in the coming weeks. After that there will be no more breaks. Seems reasonable.

Seemed like it would've been better to stagger them throughout the series rather than to have them appear so close to one another.


Okay, checked up on the Re:Creators thing. Since the series is 22 episodes instead of 24 episodes, there are 3 slots slated to be filled with specials. The first special was aired on the very first slot on April 1st. They're using the next two slots in the coming weeks. After that there will be no more breaks. Seems reasonable.

Wondered if that was the case given the short episode run. Thanks for looking into it.


Y'all ready for Glitter Force DokiDoki?

Should've been Glitter Hearts. Like last season I'll be judging it on its own merits. Which hopefully won't include an awful OST. If we're lucky they'll get their act together by the time they get to Go Princess.


Aho Girl 3

I recently learned that the original manga is written by Mangaka-san & Assistant-san creator Hiroyuki. This show makes much more sense to me now.

Something about this version makes it much more enjoyable than Mangaka-san was.


School Rumble ep.16-18

This show just doesn't quit with it's characters utter stupidity. Between Tenma and Harima, I'm not sure who is worse, and these ships?! They all must sink, because they are terrible. How is anyone going to come out of this happy?

Besides that, I love watching this bunch of fools....

Enjoy it, the withdrawal hits you hard when it ends...
Princess Principal ep 2

I didn't watch this ep immediately because I was a little hesitant on the show. But with this episode, I gotta say this might be a solid 2nd best show of the season behind Made in Abyss, with it possibly being the best depending on how each show plays out. Princess Principal's twist at the end of ep 2 was really amazing since it actually changes the meaning of the story of these two episodes.

The way they handled the twist was just great as well. They gave little hints that the two may know each other in the middle of the episode when Ange goes to speak to the Princess. You find out she passed a note, but really the note only let the princess know she was a spy, and in actuality the princess recognized Ange immediately because they knew each other as children. The random cut to child Ange's face during their conversation makes sense by the end of the episode because that would actually be the current princess and asking for friendship is likely a reenactment of their conversation with their roles now reversed. I bet Ange even pushed the headquarters to go with the plan they were discussing in the begging of the ep in order to make contact with the princess and start whatever scheme they are planning now.

My only hesitance left for this show is that the first ep was called case 13, while this one is case 1. If they are going to go chronological order one per episode, then ending the show with that first episode would be disappointing since it seems like they are just doing regular missions instead of some grand scheme. If case 13 is supposed to be somewhere in the middle of the show chronologically, then they can continue on and get to an interesting ending.


Bad scene to even have a first clip. They should have just had one with Miss Erina instead.

but there isn't a scene with her getting killed off the series, which would be the only decent scene with her in it o.o;

School Rumble ep.16-18

This show just doesn't quit with it's characters utter stupidity. Between Tenma and Harima, I'm not sure who is worse, and these ships?! They all must sink, because they are terrible. How is anyone going to come out of this happy?

Besides that, I love watching this bunch of fools....

don't look at this too seriously as technically there are spoilers but

the ships are only starting lol.


Symphogear AXZ 3

If the fights keep escalating like this, by the end of this season they'll be launching planets to the baddies. Not that I'd complain.

Korra 1-12

Bought 7 out of 8 DVDs for this show (because the 4th DVD is supposedly out of print so fuck me) and the DVD quality for the first 2 is shit. The show itself is average. Korra's only appeal would seem to be her looks, because her personality appears to be quite poor, though she gets a bit better as I reached episode 12.
While she's the Avatar, she manages to get her ass kicked a lot by common people.

Korra 13

OK, what happened to the Korra of episode 12? Why is this Korra being an ass to Tenzin and Mako? Why do I have this feeling her uncle is somewhat involved with the spirits going berserk?


Neo Member
Might check it out, if only to see how butchered it is compared to the first Glitter Force.

Apparently the rights went from Saban to Toei on this, which were involved with the first Precure localization.

Saban, it got leak back in May that they were working on it. Months before Toei got the rights back.

Expect more cuts with the rumor number being 19 episodes.
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