fleurs n'est pas britannique
how come I didn't know DangOleGrandpa 1&2 were hitting PS4 this week?
Ooooooh snap! Guess i finally get to play them!!!
how come I didn't know DangOleGrandpa 1&2 were hitting PS4 this week?
Ooooooh snap! Guess i finally get to play them!!!
Somehow my stupid video shitting on Woolie has gotten a ton of views in the last week or so. Huh.
Here's the thing, I don't actually keep everything separated. In fact, huge parts of my life are not separated from this stuff. My roommate/best friend routinely comes in with a new actor to add to the list of "he/she is actually super terrible and you shouldn't go to their films" I used to love Sweeny Todd but now I can't watch it anymore without feeling guilty. Roommate came in super excited to tell me Iron Fist is awful(been telling me for months and was super excited they called it) and I got super bummed because all I wanted was some cool martial arts stuff. I think the best friends are like the only thing I have where personal politics don't really play a huge role in them and I really like that reprieve in this one part of my life.
...sorry, that kinda turned into a personal rant. Been a shitty day :/
They probably aren't because they did invite a transwoman on and never called her "dude" or anything. Still, bunch of straight dudes so, like I said, they're pretty bound to say something dumb. Liam was skirting it with all the "Spag" this and "Spag" that.
Did Liam just went to straight b line to the story missions? I didn't watch because I'm playing the game.Oh man with Yakuza 0 confirmed for the next LP Pat will probablly want to finish that game to completion. I hope they go all out with it, the future god emperor of mankind Kiryu Kazama and the mad dog Majima Goro deserve that respect.
It was sort of sad watching Liam skip most of the finance games, he basically soul level 1'd his playthrough of Yakuza when those characters might as well be gods walking among mortals.
Did Liam just went to straight b line to the story missions? I didn't watch because I'm playing the game.
That's what I'm doing on my playthrough of it right now. Trying to get all substories and all the unlocks.I think he did at the end because none of the locks on the ability wheel were unlocked, and to be fair those side-missions to unlock them take some time and he has a schedule to follow so i don't blame him. Pat better unlockfor both characters. Yakuza 0 becomes a very long game when you want to do everything and power up to the fullest and i had put my all into it and still suck at karaoke and dancing.forth styles
And David Cage, the source of all the world's evil.The Best friends are cool guys who dont hate anyone...
except those filthy Albheds.
The last THUG part was just awful to watch. Everything is just bad. I hate it. Unable to follow instructions or even super clear objective markers.
Yet Woolie can beat Ornstein and Smough on his 3rd attempt
Is there a reason Pat's only been showing up in the Dark Souls videos recently?
Don't you have to show the Lordvessel to Frampt to open the gold fog gates? I know Woolie wouldn't know and Pat might've forgotten but they went to the Duke's Archives gate and got the message...
Seems like kind of a waste to go the areas now before unlocking the gold gates.
Also, geeze at Liam's luck against the Anti Guy Squad.
I *think* he may also be trying to get Woolie to meet up with Kaathe, and doesn't placing the lordvessel with Frampt block him?
Oh, okay. I had no idea about that. My PS3 dying continues to ail me.I believe so, and seems Pat forgot.
I *think* he may also be trying to get Woolie to meet up with Kaathe, and doesn't placing the lordvessel with Frampt block him?
Stolen from SBFP reddit (RISQUE)
More of this plz, developers!
Seems like Pat is streaming Nier this weekend. Did he say if he was gonna go through the entire game?
Means I'll have to play as much as I can today to be super ahead of him.
I can't justify buying Nier until I finish Horizon and that game is big. Doesn't help I'm contemplating a platinum -_-
I can't justify buying Nier until I finish Horizon and that game is big. Doesn't help I'm contemplating a platinum -_-
Punch Club!
Just 2 parts again -_-
The struggle vs life throwing all that at you and you somehow managing to succeed against the odds and time is the first part of that gameWith how grindy that game is unless they played easy mode or modded to not lose stat gains it would be a horrible full LP.
I have mixed feelings about the ending of DR1, but overall I definitely enjoyed the game.woof.
I started playing dangoldgrandpa on Wednesday and got so into it that i called off sick from work on Thursday. Had to of played it for like 20 hours straight.
Now I'm back at work and peeved because even though I played it a shitload I still haven't beaten the first game. I'm on the last chapter I think.
So now I'm drowning my sorrow by eating Chinese food and watching youtube videos when I should be designing some ads or sommit.
I always said FNF should be more competitiveToday's fisticuffs makes a strong case for why they should really get some practice in before pressing record.
Today's fisticuffs makes a strong case for why they should really get some practice in before pressing record.
Pat: I'm not reading chat because spoilers.
Pat: "someone donates saying *out of context nier spoiler*, I presume that's from Xenogears."
Did he say the thing out loud?
Because then I'm definitely closing this stream.
He did. It was super out of context meme worthy quote, but it was from the game.
But yeah he's gonna get hella spoiled from donations / sub reading.