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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial



Here's an actual selfie



Peer pressure~
I literally have nothing to show because I don't have any on me.

Anyway, a couple more thoughts regarding Silent Hill 2 after the latest LP video.

Man, I am still impressed by the quality of the facial animations in the FMV cutscenes every time they show up. So much more detailed and nuanced than a lot of things at that time.
I appreciated the detail when descending to the prison that one of the holes was just a corridor with doors rotated vertically.
I literally have nothing to show because I don't have any on me.

Anyway, a couple more thoughts regarding Silent Hill 2 after the latest LP video.

Man, I am still impressed by the quality of the facial animations in the FMV cutscenes every time they show up. So much more detailed and nuanced than a lot of things at that time.
I appreciated the detail when descending to the prison that one of the holes was just a corridor with doors rotated vertically.

1. Silent Hill 1 was even more impressive with its FMVs. For the time it's fucking AMAZING, and it was done by one fucking guy. ONE GUY.
2. It's cool.


Un Rama
Oh here's another baffling picture from my high school days

Is there a crime in progress? Who can tell.

my diabolical grin and the fact I've got 2 people pinned to the ground.

It took me waaay to long to notice the gun... D: *shots fired*


Yeah, guys. It only fires bullets that hurt the squid creature that blew up the moon and is now threatening to blow up the earth but first he's gonna teach a class of rejects in Japan. It doesn't hurt humans.
That's not even a reference more like a synopsis.


legacy of cane
Thats it.

Its not my well defined ween. Its just my hand.
This is why I always photoshop my dick to be gigantic in photos. If it's not visible I make it visible. That way when people point it out I just stare at them and let the alpha come off me in waves.

That's not even a reference more like a synopsis.

Its alright, you don't have to lie to me. I'm not a cop.

Or am I?
If you are then you've done a pretty shitty job letting the people on here get away with their shenanigans.


Has anyone here played Contrast? It was a ps4 launch game. I remember it being rough around the edges, but liking it overall. I especially loved it's setting, style, and overall atmosphere.
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