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Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story | Official Trailer


Gold Member
Who is cutting all those onions in the office next to me? Only explanation for why I feel this way.....

I remember hearing about his fall. I don't think a whole lot would have changed for DC film depictions of Superman had it not happened, but I wonder if we would have gotten some sort of aged Kingdom Come superman with Reeves at some point. Imagine if they had Reeves, Keaton, and Carter in some type of Justice League team-up in the early 2000's.


Gold Member
The trailer is so good. It's trailer for a documentary, but I've watched it multiple times.

When the Krypton theme kicks in:
Sad Doctor Who GIF

Buying my tickets to it this weekend. Showtimes for my theater just went up.


Gold Member
If i go quadripleg' would you still call me super man.
If im alive confined to a chair would you be there to hold my hand ?

(And Dana said yes. What a woman, best wife one could ever have.)

edit : Just read the Dana Reeve wikipedia entry, she was a saint.
One exemple, she died of lung cancer at 44, without having smoked one cigarette in her life (it might have been from second hand exposure from all the small bar and hotel lobbies shows she did at the beginning of her singer's career). As the selfless mother she was, "she arranged for her 14-year-old son, Will Reeve, to live with their next-door neighbors so he could finish school where he started instead of being forced to move in with relatives elsewhere." Always thinking about others until the very end.
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