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Super Mario Galaxy Appreciation Thread

My only complaints with the game were the unnecessarily timed power-ups (and that really only becomes a problem with the Fire Flower), and some of the Purple Coin challenges that expect you to travel to every corner of an area on a single life ("The Honeyhive's Purple Coins" is the worst about this, placing coins in some really awkward places), or are timed just a few seconds too short for comfort.

It's a wonderful game, though. My favorite game of all time was Super Mario Bros. 3, and I think this beats it. It feels like a grand adventure, it throws all of these clever and unique things at you, but it always makes them manageable and enjoyable, rather than frustrating. And the music, Brawl suffered for not sneaking a few songs in from Galaxy. And the Luigi reveal, not just in a small cameo support role, but "Super Luigi Galaxy!"... Game of the Forever.


Still my second favorite game of all time.

If only the final fight/ending were handled better, it would've killed Mario 64 in every way.


Every few months I return to this and grab a few stars since getting to 60 and taking Bowser out. One of these days I'll have to sit down and make a big push to actually finish it, but it doesn't hold my attention all that well for some reason, despite being an incredibly fun game.


Very early for this kind of thread, but yes, it's a wonderful games and one of the best looking ever. I want to replay Gusty Garden and Buoy Base now, like every time when someone mentions Super Mario Galaxy.


Cosigned. The music was bloody fantastic and half an hour in the game I had the goosebumps. Only half an hour in!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I wish the Buoy Base music was used in at least one more world, it's so good.


Alaluef said:
I wish the Buoy Base music was used in at least one more world, it's so good.

I think part of Galaxy's charm is that they didn't overuse the music pieces that really stand out. Of course, the entire soundtrack could have been the Gusty Garden theme and I'd have been happy.


Damn, I need to play through this game again, it was really an awesome experience. I really feel this is one of those games you can pick up and play through every other year or so and it will age like a good wine, just like the 2D Marios.


I'm not as crazy about it as people who call it the best game in the universe ever, I've had more fun with other games. I'd say this is probably the best game I've played in 2 or 3 years, enjoyment wise. After I beat it, I ran through again, getting all the stars but after that I lost all will, just looking around in the game didn't compel me but while the ride lasted it was very very enjoyable.

Major kudos to the graphics and music, not necessarily the technical aspects of the graphics but the vibrant colours and varied levels everything was so different and lively it was very interesting looking around. The music fantastic and obviously the gameplay was dead on but the presentation of the game, the music and graphics, is what really sticks out to me as brilliant.

10/10, probably in my top 10 all time games.
Kulock said:
some of the Purple Coin challenges... are timed just a few seconds too short for comfort.
Not really, while the timed purple comets weren't as much of a joke as the speedy comets, they still give you plenty of time. The space junk one and Luigi's purple coins can easily be completed with >1 minute left, the gold leaf one I usually finished with around 30 seconds left, the bone pen level wasn't too difficult to collect enough coins in 1 minute. The only one I ever ran out of time on was the garden cube one, but only because I couldn't find which face of the cube the star appeared on in time. If you save the coins in the beginning area for last then you shouldn't have any problems with that one either.


If only I didn't have so many other games to play, I would create a new game save and play through it again w/ Mario & Luigi.
I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again.

Super Mario Galaxy is an amazing games with amazing gameplay, graphics, music, level design, and all of that.

However, one thing about it is not amazing. In fact, it's enough to bring the game down signifigantly. Of course, I'm talking about the difficulty. For a majority of the game (more than 60 stars-worth), SMG is too damn easy. It gets a lot harder by the very end of the game when you're trying to get 120 stars, but by that point I had my fill of the game and was ready to stop.

My very favorite moment in the game was beating the no-hit run of Melty Molten Galaxy. If only the entire game was like that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Without a doubt, Nintendo's best game since Ocarina of Time.

Buoy Base Galaxy's music is sooo awesome, btw. :D


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
One other minor thing, Ziran.

Koizumi persevered with Miyamoto's direction and came up with a prototype adding the concept of gravity, which Miyamoto liked.

I believe Miyamoto came up with the idea to incorporate gravity. It says so in the Iwata Asks interview I believe.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again.

Super Mario Galaxy is an amazing games with amazing gameplay, graphics, music, level design, and all of that.

However, one thing about it is not amazing. In fact, it's enough to bring the game down signifigantly. Of course, I'm talking about the difficulty. For a majority of the game (more than 60 stars-worth), SMG is too damn easy. It gets a lot harder by the very end of the game when you're trying to get 120 stars, but by that point I had my fill of the game and was ready to stop.

My very favorite moment in the game was beating the no-hit run of Melty Molten Galaxy. If only the entire game was like that.

Dude not everybody is as hardcore as you. My brother used to play games all the time but now if a game is to difficult he quits playing it. My wife even played this game to like 100 stars. You would never see her playing Super Mario 64 because it would just kick her ass.

Personally I think the difficulty is perfect. For the hardcore once you get above 60 stars or so you get your difficulty fix. I beat it to 121 stars twice and loved every minute both times.

Also people still bitch about the game being to hard after you hit 60 stars.

Twilight princess on the other hand needed to be more difficult.


Oblivion said:
One other minor thing, Ziran.

I believe Miyamoto came up with the idea to incorporate gravity. It says so in the Iwata Asks interview I believe.
You're right.

I was going from fuzzy memory and only re-reading the first part of the interview where it says:
Koizumi: Miyamoto-san told me “This looks tasty”. However, almost everyone in the staff told me they couldn’t make a dish of this grandeur. Hearing that, I felt the need to make a sample plate. Gathering several staff members, we created a prototype that took about three months to make. A spherical shape would be best understood as a planet, so we put that in outer space and added gravity. It looked just like a bare minimum version of the current Super Mario Galaxy. That's where the development really took off.

But you're correct in saying it was Miyamoto who came up with the concept of gravity:
Miyamoto: So, what I came up with was gravity. In old movies, for example, they used all sorts of effects like people walking upside-down on the ceiling. Of course, no one can actually do things like that, so I thought that by creating this opportunity for the players, they can experience something strange and have fun just playing around like that. But when I told that to the staff, they became worried and asked me “Can we really call something like that a game?” So I told them that it’d be better to make something that everyone could enjoy that wasn’t a game rather than make something that was a game but wasn’t much fun. (laughs)

I'll edit. Thanks.


The controls feel really bad sometimes.

I couldn't finish that leven where you go in a pill, and the sand is coming up. Frustrating!


Just got the last 20 stars last week or so and then started with Luigi. Now with 75 stars I'm not too enthusiastic about getting the remaining 45.

Some of my complaints include underwater controls and controls on some smaller planets (e.g. when you press the stick left you run to the right...), but all in all this game was great. Though I the final Bowser battle was all but difficult, even some of the Bowser jr. battles (e.g. Bowser Jr.'s Airship Armada).

Additionally, the "Mario on the ball" levels were great, I didn't know the Wii Remote was that precise and responsive! The 2D levels were also promising, but those parts were not as good as Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, which I might prefer despite its lack of content.


Bish loves my games!
I've got like 30 stars left to get with Luigi. I love to just pick up and play a star now and then. I'm really savoring it.

My favorite 3D platformer of all time.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
An absolutely flawless gem! My favourite 3D game ever released :).


Ysiadmihi said:
Eh...really? I don't think I had a single problem with the controls ever pop up.
I never had control problems either but I've heard a lot of people, including my wife, complain about the under water controls. I had to beat the water levels for her. Another friend of mine said he just plain didn't enjoy the water levels. Personally I liked them just as much as the others.
The official thread is the appreciation thread.

Anyways, I don't think it's as fun as Mario 64 but it comes close. Ultimately its short levels are somewhat dampened by the clumsy menus and unskippable cutscenes. It could have been the 3D equivalent of Mario Bros. 3 if not for the mentioned problems and the horrible hub world. Seriously, did they think that looked pleasant? Leftover design ideas from Phantasy Star Online? It looks like a colossal wreck of an idea plus it's not any fun to navigate.
Roi said:
The controls feel really bad sometimes.

If you're going to talk about bad controls at least talk about this:



evilromero said:
The official thread is the appreciation thread.

Anyways, I don't think it's as fun as Mario 64 but it comes close. Ultimately its short levels are somewhat dampened by the clumsy menus and unskippable cutscenes. It could have been the 3D equivalent of Mario Bros. 3 if not for the mentioned problems and the horrible hub world. Seriously, did they think that looked pleasant? Leftover design ideas from Phantasy Star Online? It looks like a colossal wreck of an idea plus it's not any fun to navigate.

While I don't think the hub was anywhere near as good as Peachs castle I don't really see where you are coming with this. I had fun navigating it and it seemed to fit the rest of the game rather well. I also don't really understand the "Clumsy menus" comment. The cutscenes weren't exactly happening in every level and taking 5 minutes each either.
Guybrush Threepwood said:
If you're going to talk about bad controls at least talk about this:

If I had to take a very educated guess it would be that that was very much intentional on the development part. I cracked up trying to control that fucking thing, it made it more fun!:lol
Amir0x said:
This NEEDS an appreciation thread? Game came out only less than a year ago and everyone loves it!

I mean I agree with the appreciation - it's my favorite game of all time - but damn!

Since it's such a good game and you put in so much effort, though, CELEBRATE GALAXY WEE! :D

Indeed. Maybe I should go ahead and finish it again with the New Game + (I won't go into more detail for both of you who would be spoiled). It's by far the best game I've played this generation while it lasts. I don't include nontraditional games like Rock Band or Wii Fit, though. Other than some disappointingly easy boss fights, this game was just about flawless.


DangerStepp said:
Aw, man. Did you really have to go and create a thread that is going to make me want to play it again? I have too many other new games to be finishing!

I want to play it again now.


Simply, truly wonderful on every level. The best game I've ever played by a mile. It's the sort of game that makes you look at Nintendo's Q4 2008 schedule and weep at how badly their talent is being wasted on shit like Wii Music.
Gino said:
While I don't think the hub was anywhere near as good as Peachs castle I don't really see where you are coming with this. I had fun navigating it and it seemed to fit the rest of the game rather well. I also don't really understand the "Clumsy menus" comment. The cutscenes weren't exactly happening in every level and taking 5 minutes each either.
As short as the levels are they should have streamlined the menus more. It's not longer finding the painting and selecting the star. Now it's finding the galaxy star, clicking it, clicking on the right planet, clicking on the mission, then confirming, THEN skipping the intro of Mario flying through the air. It doesn't sound like a big deal but honestly, this is a Mario game and it should be no more than two steps to get into a level that takes less than five minutes to beat.


One of the best games I've ever played. I didn't finish SMG though. I got to the underwater parts, and just stopped playing. I hate underwater sections in 3-d platformers. Still, I'm pretty sure I'll suck it up and go back one day to finish this. Such an amazing game.


evilromero said:
As short as the levels are they should have streamlined the menus more. It's not longer finding the painting and selecting the star. Now it's finding the galaxy star, clicking it, clicking on the right planet, clicking on the mission, then confirming, THEN skipping the intro of Mario flying through the air. It doesn't sound like a big deal but honestly, this is a Mario game and it should be no more than two steps to get into a level that takes less than five minutes to beat.

I suppose I can see your point but still it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I mean I beat the levels in sequential order until I ran out of stars for that time then moved to the next. Then went back when I could do more.


My favorite console game of all time. Bar none. Spectacular from one silly, grin-inducing story sequence to the tiniest spec on one of the spherical worlds.


Contempt For Challenge
Super Mario Galaxy is pure joy compressed into disc shape.

I can understand people not liking the water segments though. I don't think there's ever been a 3D platformer that made swimming fun.
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