Junior Member
My Sonic Runners homage. No microtransactions.
I really like the game, more than I expected, but I think some improvements could make this even better.
What I would like to see in a future update
- A list of friends who own the game and easy access to their uploaded levels.
- Optional big coins/stars to collect in a level
- A way to add predefined challenges to a level (like collect 10 1ups or collect all 100 coins).
- A higher ceiling. I really would like to build vertical levels.
- A way to group levels/make playlists
- Search on username
- Improve the algorithm that picks the 100 mario levels. I think 90% of the selections are crap, or should I set this to hard?
- More different backgrounds to choose from while creating.
Predefined challenges could give levels some decent playability.
I'd also like:
- Basic movement options for enemy placement. Why can't I chose which way the fish swims?
- Maybe a small one, but when Mario's little and I pick up a flower. I want to chose if he gets big or gets fire power. Would be a nice feature to increase level design.
- More items and themes. Ice would be nice.
No. Just in this game. Maybe to make things simpler for level designers.Yeah my girlfriend mentioned this as well, but isn't the power-up logic wrong? Shouldn't you get a mushroom at all times if you're small? And only when you're big you should get another power-up? Or did this change in the later Mario games?
This is really smart. Well done. Will submit my best level when I come home, and play some GAF ones!Quting for new page.
Added seperate column for level names and edited the previous entries.
Quote post to see form link:
And view the levels here:
This really is incredible.You guys might remember the reviewer that made that awesome Metroid U level. Well, the guy made a new version and it's even better. You guys should definitely try it if you want to experience a Metroid-like design. This is a real Metroid level, not a silly Amiibo showcase.
Metroid U V2
Video of the level:
Disclaimer: I'm good friends with the guy.
Made my first level with a focus on exploration. There's exactly 100 coins, and three possible 1-ups in total, so use that as a means to keep track of everything!
F3F1-0000-0035-E5FD is the code. Spent the whole weekend cobbling this together, hope you guys like it!
This may be a stupid question but how do you get that thing that shows you your jump trajectory (for better platform placement)?
It's unlocked later on.This may be a stupid question but how do you get that thing that shows you your jump trajectory (for better platform placement)?
Can you use the sort of sepia Gameboy styled colour scheme filter that appears when you tap the K (I think it's the K) on the title screen throughout your levels?
It's unlocked later on.
Have you unlocked everything yet?
If you have unlocked it, there's a little mario symbol along the bottom of the screen.
Pretty cool level, left a comment where I got stuck in that trap you set, I could tell it was a trap toowhy did I have to test it.
The game actually recommended this one to me after playing one of my own levels, so I gave it whirl. First impression is that it's pretty awesome, a nice puzzle level, and some pretty sweet shell bounces. Easily Star-worthy.
However, I do have some things that could be improved. First of all, Cloud Blocks aren't solid, so Small Mario can bypass the puzzles by jumping through the clouds. Secondly, Super Mario can spinjump and destroy yellow blocks, making it possible to just smash his way through the puzzle on top of the ship. But on the other hand, leaving things like that in on purpose to allow a sneaky player a faster option would be a fair choice, too. There is a certain satisfaction in thinking you're breaking things, even when it's an intended break.
Oh, and thank you for being a creator that uses Spike Traps appropriately. One or two in the right spots are plenty to discourage players from doing things. Well, it's okay to spam them in underwater and Starman rush stages, I suppose.
Quting for new page.
Added seperate column for level names and edited the previous entries.
I just want to say, one of the things that I absolutely love about this game is how easy it is to load up someone's created course. You press play, the course appears. No loading. Such a simple thing but it makes trying out community levels a joy.
I think that's why this is so addictive. They really nailed how intuitive it is playing and making levels.
If there was a search function that was a bit more fleshed out, it'd be just about perfect.
So does this game allow filtering by people you follow on mii verse? I tried to find it but couldn't.
Game is awesome but idk how people unlocked all the content so quickly. I still don't have SMW or SMB3 as options yet.
There's a trick that doesn't involve changing the date: use all of your new objects once, "paint" a level full of bricks and questionmark blocks (or copy/paste).So does this game allow filtering by people you follow on mii verse? I tried to find it but couldn't.
Game is awesome but idk how people unlocked all the content so quickly. I still don't have SMW or SMB3 as options yet.
How many costume unlocks are there? can you unlock them all by playing 100-mario on easy, or do you have to play a lot of normal/expert as well?
Finished my first stage. I already know one small tweak I want to do at one point, but feedback would be appreciated.
Tracks of Fury
There are two hidden one ups, as well as a secret sub world. I tried to give hints as to some of that stuff. The first one up is a bit painfully obvious with all the arrows though.
It is a shame you can't have water sections on land based levels and vice versa.
Also the ability to exit out a sublevel using a 2nd set of pipes or even doors to enter back in another part of the main level. Spent an hour crafting some elaborate sublevel, only to find out I couldn't do that.
I guess the water one is likely due to the original SMB not having that feature, and them not wanting to add it for that mode.
How many costume unlocks are there? can you unlock them all by playing 100-mario on easy, or do you have to play a lot of normal/expert as well?
How many costume unlocks are there? can you unlock them all by playing 100-mario on easy, or do you have to play a lot of normal/expert as well?
I had level ideas come to me in a dream last night. The crack is real...
I touched on this before, but I want to express my extreme disappointment as to the way objects are spawned, and how it can completely ruin some really good ideas.