I tried 100-Mario-Challenge (Hard) the other day. Holy Mother!
As soon as I have all costumes, I will never play that mode again and concentrate myself on playing levels from GAF und reddit alone.
I can see why your levels are popular, I played through three of them (Mushroom Cavern, Heaven's Keep, and Overgrown Ruins) and your map design is impeccable. The concept and flow of all the levels I played is great, particularly Overgrown Ruins, but the other levels show you building to that quite nicely as well. I feel like these are professional-level in terms of map flow.
However, the lack of interactive enemies and powerups makes your levels feel very empty, more like I'm walking through an art exhibit than playing a game. A very pretty exhibit, but not quite what I'd expect in a Mario level. Of course, with things like automatic levels and music levels, some people do prefer that sort of thing, it's just not my thing.
One specific criticism: In Mushroom Cavern, I really feel like the backtrack pipes act purely as a punishment for curiosity. Eventually you learn to ignore them, but it feels bad. There's no gameplay or flow benefit and they just feel frustrating. You don't do anything like that in the other levels I played so perhaps you've realized that already, but it was the one design flaw that really stuck out in otherwise brilliantly flowing levels.
I followed you because I'm curious to see what else you come up with, thank you for sharing your levels!
2nd level made!
I thought I would mainly stick to playing levels other people create, but It is really fun to make them yourself.
Hammer it Out
Let me know what you think! Still have mainly the basic elements, so I am trying to make more "traditional "stages.
This is a solid "difficult" level. This could appear in 100 Mario Expert and not piss me off. I really like the hidden areas and rewards, and I like the little touch of making me work for the first mushroom a bit, but not punishing me for not getting it immediately right. I also like the use of Hammer Bros as environmental obstacles rather than as traditional enemies, even if their randomness can lead to frustration at times, but I was able to beat the level both by shortcut and "intended" route without getting hit.
If I had to nitpick one thing, it's that the drop onto the final floating platform is a bit scary, because you can see the tip of the fire bar and the jumping Hammer Bro from above, but you don't have a clear view so it feels like a dangerous blind jump, even with the coins leading to safety. Taking it slowly and observing though is enough to stay safe so it's not really a problem, just something I noticed as potentially off-putting.
Spent a very, very long time from concept to release making this stage. With this level I've tried to address the critiques I've received of my previous levels, while also trying my hand around basing a level around an emotional theme rather than an aesthetic one.
The theme being fear. Happy early Halloween!
They Follow
The time spent on this level shows. Really creative theme and well-executed, the whole thing feels very stressful and captures that stalkery, horror-movie vibe very well. Perfect in time for Halloween!