Somebody on Miiverse tipped me off that my WarioWare stage was featured on a recent Teens React:
This shows just how hard balancing difficulty can be. It blows my mind that two of them managed to die on the very first micro-game despite having that temporary invincibility after the first hit.
It's really great seeing people getting enjoyment out of something I created.
Finally finished this level, maybe I could have added a couple of more puzzles but I read that most people find my levels to long. It's not easy but also not that hard!
SMB3: Platform Land
Well, there are checkpoints now. I'll give it a try in a few, I've played a few Gaf stages this morning.
Checkpoints?! Wow didn't know, just did the update but didn't saw something new in edit mode.
I heard people spaming the Home Button to see where the flys are...Anyone beaten Gnat Attack hard mode yet? Please tell me there is a way to cheese it.
Hey cool level! I was enjoying it until I got stuck. It seems really well designed and thought out. The bit with the platforms on tracks was particularly clever I thought.Been working on this stage a long time. It's pretty cool, some secrets here and there if you figure out what to do.
Junior's Coup D'etat
Have fun and I'd love some feedback if you would give it.
Magnificent. At first I thought it's be a strictly narrative level, but the gameplay is actually very, very good. It's quite an achievement to keep the gameplay fun with the distortion, but you exploit it perfectly well, both gameplay-wise and with a layout smartly exploiting the effect (tons of vertical lines). Bravo.You cant save Peach drunk Mario!
Very nice flow on this one, I really enjoyed it, but I'm a sucker for classic SMB castles anyway. The patterns all feel intuitive and natural. The only issue is the fight against Bowser, which must be annoying if you lose your Fire Flower (I didn't, I know a recharge is nearby, but it's not a dispenser). I think castles in SMM in general use way too much Mega Bowser instead of Bowser, he's very long to kill with the Fire Flower and his huge fireballs make previous screens unfair at times, it sort of breaks the flow, especially when you don't use the SMB1 style (in it you can walk through Bowser, not in NSMB). The two giant Podoboos probably make matters worse. But again, I really enjoyed the level.Into the Furnace!
FD41 - 0000 - 00E2 - 66D2
Nice obstacle courses, liked and starred them both. Two remarks: the single Podoboos on tracks really harm readability, because intuitively you think they're harmful when they're not, it makes some parts annoying. And the section with music blocks in Super Koopa Land isn't intuitive at all, I stopped there and was all "uh?!" and the effect isn't pleasant, I simply took a hit every time to get past it.I remade some of my courses with checkpoints and a few changes:
Title - Super Dede Land
ID - 31D0-0000-00D7-18F3
Title - Super Koopa Land
ID - B0EF-0000-00D8-215C
Hey cool level! I was enjoying it until I got stuck. It seems really well designed and thought out. The bit with the platforms on tracks was particularly clever I thought.
I'm at the bit with the4 doors and I can't figure it out. I know that going through the top left door takes you to an identical looking place where you can get a feather and there's a pipe at the far right, but I don't know how to get to it. I thought it would be by setting the bombs off but I can't trigger them. Please tell me how to do it!
I would have a new level to post but I can't beat it! Having to beat it from the start and then from each checkpoint is stupid. Why not let us beat it from the start all the way through? That proves that it's possible. I might have to make my new creation easier.
Anyway, please try my course:
Old School P'forming 6A52-0000-00DC-26A7 - It's a pretty basic but fun test of your old school platforming skills. Nothing fancy, just a test of skill!
My others are mediocre, play them as you wish![]()
Should have read your description before playing as I slowed to a halt at the muncher part trying to work out how the hell I was going to clear them. Eventually I understood I needed to run all the way but managed to hit the hidden block so many times I lost patience and quit. If you must have a block there I would make it visible, the jump is challenging enough and having it hidden just comes across as a bit trolly. I made a similar concept level in Full Throttle Thrills (A708-0000-0068-A8BE) by the way, so fully understand a lot of trial by death is needed. Your level however feels too cramped with obstacles, and the paths and timings less easy to process at speed. I notice you say "enemies are kept to a minimum", but I'm not sure replacing them with fire bars and flames, which can cover a much larger area, is necessarily better.
Wall Phasing: A Glitch: 87A0-0000-00EB-BA32
Glitch through the blocks to get to the finish!
Diddy's Quest for Banana Coins: 2E03-0000-00EB-694B
An updated version of a level I previously uploaded. Play as Diddy and collect banana coins!
Mario vs. Aliens: 6E2D-0000-00E7-B6F5
Now with UFOs, this is a museum-like level that has been updated to include some platforming sensibilities.
Spin, spin, spin!: 7301-0000-00D8-F9B1
Spin your way to the finish!
Go, go, go!: 276F-0000-00DC-0A03
Mario can't jump: ECA8-0000-00C5-C8E0
10 seconds to finish: 08F9-0000-007C-6742
The 3rd Labyrinth:7B4B-0000-008C-4286
A level with a maze/dungeon design that uses the shell grabbing and flying mechanics of SMB3 and the shell helmet mechanics of SMM.
Vine Travel Assault: C929-0000-00B0-0E10
Pop up the two vines at the start and go through a challenging course full of spikes, spinning blades, and flying flames.
Runnin' & Jumpin' feat. lotsa $$: 6FE7-0000-0074-CF09
Level that involves lots of running and jumping and features lots of coins.
Welcome to the Star Show: 1CBE-0000-0079-6BE2
Put your controller down and just enjoy the star show!
More feedback:
Magnificent. At first I thought it's be a strictly narrative level, but the gameplay is actually very, very good. It's quite an achievement to keep the gameplay fun with the distortion, but you exploit it perfectly well, both gameplay-wise and with a layout smartly exploiting the effect (tons of vertical lines). Bravo.
New level
The Age of Mario
SMB3: Platform Land
Junior's Coup D'etat
Have fun and I'd love some feedback if you would give it.
Reposting for new page in case anyone wants to give it a go:
Snowy Sky Lift Summit!
Also, my new level:
Sawblade Walker (C7F1-0000-00E6-01C6)
If you're looking for more traditional levels of mine, I'd suggest to check out Before & After The Apocalypse v2 (which still has a dual world/time travel dynamic),
Feedback time!
I'll appreciate feedback to my level in exchange.
Here's mine:
Super Mario Planets - Planet 2-2
Code: BF46-0000-00E6-1C99
Errr, don't know what to do in that second screen...
Interesting layout and presentation. I think I skipped a part by bringing a trampoline with me. If I hadn't when I went to that spot, I would have been stuck I think. I feel I missed a lot of secrets and never went to some areas too. Starred.
I don't know what to do after the big red koopa. If I continue through the pipe and the door, I don't see a way out.
I don't like the part with the moving platform and the chain-chomp with the bouncing green turtle on ice. A bit unfair. Giving it a few more go. The beginning is long when you have to restart ^ ^
Edit: It wasn't that bad. You have to know you can ride above the chain-chomp safely. I also died because falling blocks ejected me. Nice presentation overall. I only found one secret. The boss fight was too simple: just throw them a spiky shell?
Nice presentation. I got lost a bit when I got the shoe, and the bouncing is a little annoying but I liked your clever checkpoints placement and how the level change once you get the shoe. Good job!
That's it for me for now.
Finally cleared my new course so I could upload it! I had to make it easier to be able to do so. Please give it a go, it's not that tough, honest!
Trax Attacks! FFA1-0000-00EC-674A
In the same vein as my Old School P'Forming course, it's a test of skill that isn't too complex or tricky. I picked one mechanic and built the course around that.
Have fun!
Just uploaded my first course, i only have access to the level 2 items so far, i would like some feedback if possible.
Spike Rain
I don't know what to do after the big red koopa. If I continue through the pipe and the door, I don't see a way out.
This would be better for an entirely new take at the level but you can have a cannon that is as tall as the entire vertical space and attach it to a cloud, it will go through tiles while also constantly pushing Mario forward (jumping will make Mario propel even faster this way too).Made a Canabalt stage, which as it turns out isn't as hectic as Mario only moves so fast.
Can-He-Balt? Mario Can - 2DCF-0000-00ED-2235
Any thoughts on how to make a the "have to keep running" idea of Canabalt fit here as the screen scroll doesn't go that quickly.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed itJust played this level and it was fantastic. Loved the dual world dynamic, while the housey, indoor areas conveyed a great sense of place. This level was rich with variety and I wanted to explore it, in fact I only completed the level with 6 seconds to spare due to all my diversions! Nice, climactic ending too.
Well, Champion Road is the last level in the game, only accessible to those who have mastered every individual challenge in the game more than once. Mechanics don´t have to be introduced there as everything has been seen before and to reach Champion Road the player has already demonstrated his mastery of each of them. However, if any new mechanic had been introduced in that level, you can be sure that it would have been fully developed, just like in the rest of the game.I would never do that, your comments have sparked a lot of interesting debate!
Some good points in here but I'm time-pressed so can't respond individually to them all. I disagree fundamentally about a level having to be mechanically the same. I think back to Champion Road for example, a genius level that couldn't be mechanically more diverse or uncompromising. Is the beat block section suddenly obsolete just because you never see them again in that level? Absolutely not. I think there tends to be an obsession here about themes, or indulging the player with baby steps of progression. My goal here was to challenge people's opinion of verticality in Mario Maker, show them that there are many ways to skin a cat and that climbing and falling can be fun! OK, you'll die lots in the process but I made no bones about this being a challenging level.
I wasn´t reffering to speedrunning, I meant that I thought this level had no flow when I was playing it. You can´t see the challenges coming, so a lot of times you have to stop and wait or advance slowly. When playing it as a new player, you have to be constantly stopping, disregarding anything that happened in the last challenge and start moving again. Some challenges outright force out to stop completeley and wait, for example: you need to wait for the Goombas to position themselves in a way that allows you to bounce off one without hitting another with the head, or you have to wait for the Chomp to move into a position where it can be taken down with the shell.Not quite sure I understand your point about speedruns. Does anyone really expect to be able to do this on their first try? They take a lot of practice, my point was that once you master this level it's really quite dynamic and not stop/start at all.
Great, I´ll give it another tryAll that said, I have made more changes than I expected thanks to your feedback. In order:
Rise after Fall
Yeah, I think I lost patiente and started screwing up, if you just take on the enemies carefully you can easily get rid of them. Also, in the room with the Big Stiletto the pipe failed to spawn the Mushroom the first time, so I thought that it may just spawn more Stilettos. Nintendo should really fix the way spawning pipes work.Thanks a lot for your video and comments. At first, while I watched your video, I was really surprised that you thought there were too many enemies because your run is nearly flawless until the last powerup. I purposefully actually didn't put much enemies in most of the rooms until the end for the reason you said, and the ones that are there have very predictable patterns and are easy to avoid, it's only inthat there are actual hazards.the Fire Flower room (where the Fire Flower and/or boot make things easier) and at the very end when powerups don't block your progression
In fact, the problem in your playthrough is that it took you 3mn toActual Metroid levels are pretty hard to do in Mario Maker because of many constraints and the difficulty to foresee user behaviour. Looking back, thanks to video feedback, I'd maybe make more adjustments to keep that level as more of an exploration/puzzle level to broaden its appeal, but it's way too painful to update, and honestly I can go through the Koopa room as little Mario with no problem, it's not hard if you're a bit patient, at this point the issues are too minor vs. the disadvantages to update. Your feedback and feedback in general is incredibly helpful for my next levels, though. It's fascinating how this game allows to understand better the process of game design and how players naturally play levels.notice that the pipe in the stiletto room dispenses mushrooms. With that mushroom, you can then take the Fire Flower en route without wasting time, and the last segment then is very manageable with Fire Mario in a giant flying black boot, as can be seen at the end of your video. In that stiletto room, at this point in the level, since the pipe is very visibly blocked with bricks that the stiletto can brake and the layout is the exact same as other pipes dispensing powerups, I thought people would overcome the damn pipe delay/activation range and understand there was something in there. But in context, I understand people may miss it. And then, even after you got it, you lost patience in the Koopa room and started to actually play worse there as Fire Mario in the giant stiletto than as Samus in the Goomba's Shoe ;-) !
The other Metroid Resurgence levels are quite different from Brinstar, you'll see.
Thanks correojon. Added mine, looking forward to it.PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay videos, if you want in quote this paragraph and add your level at the end:
- Snowy Sky Lift Summit! (69B1-0000-00E7-B91F) by CrisKre
- Goomba's Spelunking Boots (ver2) (4145-0000-00DD-D4AB) by Sixfortyfive
- Garden Garrison (B8EA-0000-004B-81DE) by RagnarokX
- Multicolor Mushroom Madness (5B40-0000-00E5-4709) by RagnarokX
- Metroid Resurgence: Kraid (5896-0000-E0-AACD) by Symbabbad
- Monster's Ice Mountain (9580-0000-00EA-35CB) by Mael
- THE GREAT TOWER (6E97-0000-00E5-3BFD) by Ranger X
- Raid Bowser's Floating Fort II (065C-0000-00E5-4D1F) by JRBechard
- Super Mario Open World v0.1b (FE8B-0000-0087-0E40) by Jocchan
- Before & After The Apocalypse v2 (A610-0000-00E6-314B) by Jocchan
- Groundhog Day: The Final Day (F8A6-0000-00E7-5580) by Jocchan
- Cloudrush Castle (F5D7-0000-00E6-976F) by chrixter
Well, Champion Road is the last level in the game, only accessible to those who have mastered every individual challenge in the game more than once. Mechanics don´t have to be introduced there as everything has been seen before and to reach Champion Road the player has already demonstrated his mastery of each of them. However, if any new mechanic had been introduced in that level, you can be sure that it would have been fully developed, just like in the rest of the game.
I wasn´t reffering to speedrunning, I meant that I thought this level had no flow when I was playing it. You can´t see the challenges coming, so a lot of times you have to stop and wait or advance slowly. When playing it as a new player, you have to be constantly stopping, disregarding anything that happened in the last challenge and start moving again. Some challenges outright force out to stop completeley and wait, for example: you need to wait for the Goombas to position themselves in a way that allows you to bounce off one without hitting another with the head, or you have to wait for the Chomp to move into a position where it can be taken down with the shell.
Great, I´ll give it another try![]()
The pipes are especially painful for Piranha Plants, every time I put one in my levels I try to make sure the player won't go over it unsuspectingly.Yeah, I think I lost patience and started screwing up, if you just take on the enemies carefully you can easily get rid of them. Also, in the room with the Big Stiletto the pipe failed to spawn the Mushroom the first time, so I thought that it may just spawn more Stilettos. Nintendo should really fix the way spawning pipes work.
PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay videos, if you want in quote this paragraph and add your level at the end:
- Snowy Sky Lift Summit! (69B1-0000-00E7-B91F) by CrisKre
- Goomba's Spelunking Boots (ver2) (4145-0000-00DD-D4AB) by Sixfortyfive
- Garden Garrison (B8EA-0000-004B-81DE) by RagnarokX
- Multicolor Mushroom Madness (5B40-0000-00E5-4709) by RagnarokX
- Metroid Resurgence: Kraid (5896-0000-E0-AACD) by Symbabbad
- Monster's Ice Mountain (9580-0000-00EA-35CB) by Mael
- THE GREAT TOWER (6E97-0000-00E5-3BFD) by Ranger X
- Raid Bowser's Floating Fort II (065C-0000-00E5-4D1F) by JRBechard
- Super Mario Open World v0.1b (FE8B-0000-0087-0E40) by Jocchan
- Before & After The Apocalypse v2 (A610-0000-00E6-314B) by Jocchan
- Groundhog Day: The Final Day (F8A6-0000-00E7-5580) by Jocchan
- Cloudrush Castle (F5D7-0000-00E6-976F) by chrixter
- Sawblade Walker (C7F1-0000-00E6-01C6) by Dimentios
- Mining Melancholy (C745 0000 0052 42AA) by Dimentios
Loved your level koopa. The difficulty progression is perfect and the mechanic is challenging and fun.
Super Mario Planets - Planet 2-2 (Code: BF46-0000-00E6-1C99) by KoopaKid: I beat it this time! The original initial section was very fun but it felt disconected from the latter half of the level, but now everything is much better. The new first half really helps with understanding how the cloud works, so when the real challenges appear you know better what to do. The second part is still difficult, but now I felt like when I died it was my fault and could think of ways to beat the most difficult parts consistently. The last vertical challenges are very good too, overall the mechanic progression is really well done, always revolving around the same elements but creating totally new challenges. Changing the Red Blaters for Black ones was a great idea, they provide more movement options and help speed up the pace. Awesome update!
PSA: I´ll be recording some gameplay videos, if you want in quote this paragraph and add your level at the end:
Snowy Sky Lift Summit! (69B1-0000-00E7-B91F) by CrisKre
Goomba's Spelunking Boots (ver2) (4145-0000-00DD-D4AB) by Sixfortyfive
Garden Garrison (B8EA-0000-004B-81DE) by RagnarokX
Multicolor Mushroom Madness (5B40-0000-00E5-4709) by RagnarokX
Metroid Resurgence: Kraid (5896-0000-E0-AACD) by Symbabbad
Monster's Ice Mountain (9580-0000-00EA-35CB) by Mael
THE GREAT TOWER (6E97-0000-00E5-3BFD) by Ranger X
Raid Bowser's Floating Fort II (065C-0000-00E5-4D1F) by JRBechard
Super Mario Open World v0.1b (FE8B-0000-0087-0E40) by Jocchan
Before & After The Apocalypse v2 (A610-0000-00E6-314B) by Jocchan
Groundhog Day: The Final Day (F8A6-0000-00E7-5580) by Jocchan
Cloudrush Castle (F5D7-0000-00E6-976F) by chrixter
Sawblade Walker (C7F1-0000-00E6-01C6) by Dimentios
Mining Melancholy (C745 0000 0052 42AA) by Dimentios
Heartfelt Dreams 2 (DF14-0000-00E7-908D) by KittenMaster
I already reviewd Sawblade Walker in my last post, check it. I have no problem recording it, but it won´t be a true "fresh" gameplay as I just played it yesterday.Thx for the offer (and feedback). I could need some more gameplay footage.
Haha I don´t believe there´s something like a "perfect" level, there´s always room to improve. And besides the perfect level will be the one I´ll be releasing later today (if it passes the gameplay test) lol.Thanks!
Thanks for the detailed feedback as usual. So you're saying my level is now pretty much perfect?![]()
No problem, add it to the list, it´s time I had my revenge on it!I need to get you to finish Castles & Koopas now that it has a checkpoint ;D, but I figure I'll put up my newest level.
Here's the code for the checkpoint version: 0A36-0000-00D6-7A37No problem, add it to the list, it´s time I had my revenge on it!
Been too busy to make any new levels or play the game much, sadly, but I just noticed that another one of my courses (Hard Hat Area) got featured on an official Nintendo site, this time on the Super Mario Maker site itself:
And at least one more gaffer level (Cloud Bully) is up there too!
Wait, what?? Never expected that simple level to show up on an official Nintendo site, haBeen too busy to make any new levels or play the game much, sadly, but I just noticed that another one of my courses (Hard Hat Area) got featured on an official Nintendo site, this time on the Super Mario Maker site itself:
And at least one more gaffer level (Cloud Bully) is up there too!
Been too busy to make any new levels or play the game much, sadly, but I just noticed that another one of my courses (Hard Hat Area) got featured on an official Nintendo site, this time on the Super Mario Maker site itself:
And at least one more gaffer level (Cloud Bully) is up there too!
I loved loved loved this level! Once more RagnarokX thinking out of the box and looking at the potential of MM tools outside of the obvious. Amazing stuff mate! Chose green btw. This and color coded Caverns are my favorite levels of yours btw.
Multicolor Mushroom Madness - RagnarokX
Cool level. I like the color coded theme and finding your own path. Backtracking after you get hit is a bit frustating. Especially the hammer bro and the green paratroopas spawn in the first section. Took the green route after the checkpoint. Loved spitting hammers back at shellbro's.
A bit chaotic at times, but overall a neat level.
Edit: Re-uploaded with a new code after changing a few small things.
Just finished up my third level, and I think it's definitely my best work thus far.
Level: Don't Stop, Get It Get It
Code: 0BCA-0000-00EC-567F
Difficulty: 3.5/5
If you like it, go ahead and check out my previous levels as well:
- Gotta go fast! Stopping even for a second means failure to finish the stage.
- Catch up with the beetle shell racing on the platform above you while dodging obstacles below.
- Short, but sweet. The level is as long as the editor allows for, but the fact that you are constantly running with no stopping makes it breeze by. No checkpoint needed.
- Clean design with no annoying, unfair quirks. Enemies are kept to a minimum in favor of forcing you to find the optimal path through carefully placed hazards.
Alright. I'm back with my second published level so far, and I've gotta warn ya... it's a bastard. I went nearly insane trying to beat this before it could be uploaded.
Level: Bowser Junior's Pesky Palace
Code: FE2D-0000-00E3-249A
Difficulty: 5/5 (to me, at least)
If you want something a little less rage-inducing, feel free to check out my first level.
- Bowser Jr. has constructed a series of devilish puzzle rooms from which you must escape.
- As you attempt to reach the exit door of each room you'll have to deal with Bowser Jr. generally being an asshole and doing everything in his power to interrupt your progress.
- Make it out of the gauntlet and get a chance to exact revenge on your captor.
- Keep an eye out for ice blocks. They signify hidden objects.
- Power-ups are scarce and hidden, but they can make the difference between dying for the 30th time in the same room or finally progressing onward.
- There are hidden paths that allow you to skip over entire sections of the level.
- Don't get discouraged. The level is split in half with a checkpoint in the middle.
- When in doubt, search the room for hidden boxes.
Level: Cannonball Conundrum
Code: 6118-0000-00D6-C830
Difficulty: 4/5
- Good old-fashioned run n' jump level for seasoned players.
- Constructed so that you can speedrun through the entire level without stopping.
- Power-ups and other secrets hidden around to allow people who are less skilled with platforming to progress.
- Short and sweet. No checkpoint needed.
Made a Canabalt stage, which as it turns out isn't as hectic as Mario only moves so fast.
Can-He-Balt? Mario Can - 2DCF-0000-00ED-2235
Any thoughts on how to make a the "have to keep running" idea of Canabalt fit here as the screen scroll doesn't go that quickly.
Random feedback:
- Muncher Plains (E471-0000-00E0-B799) by Gotdatmoney: I really don´t know how I could forget about this one, I replayed it and really liked it! You did one thing that I absolutjely love: progressive secrets, in which finding a secret gives you a powerup that you can use to unlock a new one later in the level. However, I felt like they were somehow crammed into the earlier part of the level and the last part felt a bit empty in comparison. Putting so many things at the start made me look for secrets everywhere and was a little disappointed when they stopped appearing. For example, you could add a hidden 1-UP at the top of a "pyramid"-like structure with Munchers and Fire Flowers: I managed to reach the top after taking some risks and not findinf anything there was a bit of a leftdown. I also saw some alternate paths which made no sense almost at the end, specially one that seemed longer and didn´t offer anything, it felt a bit meaningless (though maybe there was some secret or something there that I escaped me).
The mechanical progression is very nice: the are a lot of different elements but are well separated and Munchers are always present to provide that necessary link, so everything feels cohesive.
You used Munchers on tracks at some point and they didn´t spawn correctly, you should put a door or pipe before those sections to sync them. It wasn´t too bad and the challenges worked, but it felt and looked bad.
Anyway, cool level, I really enjoyed it and can´t think why I forgot about it (I think it might be because I beat it on the first try so I didn´t get to spend much time with it, or maybe I´m just going senile :S).
Cloudrush Castle: F5D7-0000-00E6-976F
Completely overhauled this course to try to raise the completion rate. I'm hoping more people reach the boss chase with this one.