Ok I took time and play some more GAF levels tonight...
SMV 1-4: Havoc Harbor
I like levels like this. Traditional, simple, well done. I actually discovered your series just now. I played the first 4 levels as it is and I will definetely try the rest. When I try to do a simple level like that, in the end I still get a level that is not more complex than a real Mario game. (ex: Clear The Way!)
Castle Black
Ok this level was fun, I wasn't annoyed to the point of quitting or anything real bad. Still this level left me hungry. There was something missing. It felt like it was parts sort of randomly put together. The sense of direction wasn't really good, it didn't feel whole. There some esthetic choices I didn't like (this is something minor but still...) like entering a pipe and below the pipe there's like one block wide. This doesn't give the impression I will enter into something.
Classic Underground Vibes
This one was not a bad level but still, while being traditional (and I get the appeal) I think it fell into "too simple and straightforward" for its own good. I would have loved some more secrets, twists and turns, the level just is missing personality while by no mean being bad.I also noticed its your only level, I suspect you don't really play the game anymore but oh well, if you feel it, you should create again.
Shipyard Shenanigans
This level was pretty good. The boat theme wasn't used to traditionally and that gave some personality to the level there. I didn't like the part where you feel like you're inside and there's 4 floors with goombas and hammer bros. I always feel I just wanna skip this part, probably because its too samey. I like the sometimes mandatory use for the walljump and also that checkpoint where I need to use the little spin in the air while you jump. Lastly, I feel the level might miss some intricacies, secret, I don't know. Something more engaging that would make me go "hmm, am gonna try and replay that".
Some levels I would still love to receive feedback on:
- Let the skewers help you show where to go
- Face the boss or explore to find the red coins and skip it
- Beware of those pipes parts!
- Trek in the dangerous jungle (bring a Kuribo shoe!)
- Or take the sky for an easier ride
- Metroidvania style level in a fortress
- Did you find the 12 invisible coin blocks?
- Shoot-'em-up style level with the fire kart
- Use both the kart and Mario himself to proceed
- Inspired by DKC's minecart levels
- Test your concentration and ability to figure things out fast. Pay attention to arrows and coins!
- Sequence break the level and complete it in ways that looks unplanned (but totally are!)