I accidentally killed the bob-omb at the beginning and couldn't proceed, coming back to my complaint earlier about having to reach certain conditions to even complete a level. It's no big deal as it's at the very beginning though.
My biggest problem came from the cloud/sawblade part. As far as I could tell there was no way to get through here without taking damage, please correct me if I'm wrong, but each time I tried the cloud lasted barely long enough to get over top of them. Again, a big pet peeve of mine, and put me off completing it.
Bit late replying to this as I hadn't checked the thread in a while but I just wanted to say that the level teaches you in the beginning how to use the bob-omb: you hit the block, it falls out and walks, then explodes, creating the exit into the next area. Trial and error or even experimentation could have demonstrated that to you so you didn't have to worry about using it manually.
The cloud/sawblade section is very manageable without taking damage. You must be precise and efficient with your movements though. Also, and this is a mechanic not many people know about: the cloud's timer activates as soon as you enter the room, not when you enter the cloud. You must be fast. I didn't make my level for slower play, so one has to be deliberate with their movements. Sorry you didn't have a good time of it though. I thank you for playing it and giving me feedback!
And in closing, I'll say that the level's difficulty spikes up dramatically around the halfway point and onwards. There are sections where bob-ombs no longer walk towards the walls and explode, but where you must manually toss them at the right time to open up a path to a door... This path is temporary via a P-switch so you need to be exact with your timing and execution. If you fail, you must restart. *These* sections (There are two sections where this occurs, the last of which requires brutal precision). I feel is the most difficult mechanic of the level because mistakes do occur. But I didn't want to pop out bob-ombs endlessly via a pipe. Felt too easy. The level is meant to test one's knowledge of gameplay mechanics and platforming finesse. It's still got a 0.00% completion rate with dozens of attempts. It's a very difficult level.