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Super Mario Wonder the best Mario Game ever?

I actually keep returning to 3D World now and then. I wouldn't call it the best 3D Mario game, but it's so accessible and easy to pick up and play for a few minutes.
I liked the cat costume and mechanics in 3D World. I know it's blasphemy but I wasn't as fond of the Galaxy games. Why I would enjoy 3D World more than Galaxy games probably makes no sense, but I did.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Not the biggest of fans. It's a bit too busy for me personally. Odyssey is still king.


King Snowflake
If you ignore what 3 and world did for the series and allow a copycat then yes. The design is great and more importantly the co-op is top tier. As much as I love world, the co-op in that is dogshit compared to wonder.


Game looks so randomish that it is the first 2D Mario game I didn't buy. Too many things seem annoying, starting with these shitty flowers that constantly spoil the game, all the stupid gimmicks put everywhere and the skill tree or whatever. Game looks piss easy on top of this.
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Gold Member
THE best game ever? Jeezz wowowow. Is it even the best platformer ever? I don't know.

Like, would you make Super Mario 3 disappears like it never existed, in exchange of Mario Wonder?

edit : oops read the title wrong
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Shit, I thought the OP was talking about 2D Mario games, but they're talking about all mainline Mario games?

You need to be trolling or on drugs if you think Wonder is better than 64, Odyssey or Galaxy 1 and 2.
I love me some Nintendo first party but I was honestly let down by it after all the hype and reviews. There were of course some memorable seeds but it really didn't feel all that different to the general level design and difficulty of the NSMB series. A solid 8 but far from even the best 2D Mario nevermind in the same Universe as 64, Galaxy, Galaxy 2 or Odyssey imo.

Slightly off topic but I've been thinking about playing through Sunshine on Switch. Anyone think it's better than what seems to be the general consensus that it's meh? I did play it at launch but didn't get past the second level as even then at 19 it seemed average in comparison to 64. Thx.


are in a big trouble
Just spoke to my friend about it yesterday and he says it boring as can be and is far too easy. I told him you're not going to get another difficult side scrolling Mario like Super Mario 3 or Lost Levels.

Diddy X

SMW was good but wasn't a challenge at all therefore I can't consider it a top game, I prefer SM3 just for that.
I have finished every mainline Mario. If it wasn't for SMB, I'd never have got into gaming.
Wonder introduces some genuinely amazing ideas, like the ghosts. The Wonder Flower gimmick is fun, but it's just a gimmick. Nothing will beat the pure level design of World, Yoshi's Island or even NSMBU.
Wonder is also way, way to easy for 95% of it.
As an introduction for a new style, it's great, but I expect Nintendo to refine it for the next one and make something a bit more balanced.
It’s not the best, but I think I would put it in my top three, that includes 3D and 2D games. SM64, World, Wonder.

The more I played it, the more I fell in love with it, I got to a point where I’m 99.9% complete other than the final secret level, it’s so hard. My only issue with the game is that it’s overall a little too easy.

It’s always surprising to me when people put Galaxy in their top 3, the games are amazing but they control like dick out of nowhere sometimes and that frustration that comes with it ruins those games from being contenders.
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Gold Member
I just finished it the other day. It was definitely my favorite 2d Mario I have played in a long time. I would have to go back and replay for a true ranking. World is definitely my favorite. Wonder is really fun game though.


Gold Member

Really disliked the elephant power up. Made Mario feel clunky and oversized. Weird design choice.


When it comes to 2D Mario games, I would put it 3rd, just behind SMW and SMB3.

Maybe like 6th best game in the overall mainline Mario games.


It looks nice but I found it quite boring.
There wasn’t much challenge until right at the end, the flower was annoying.
It could just be me but I feel like Nintendo always creeps further towards the model of “we want to design games so every 8 year old can finish them”
Maybe that was always the case, but the older games required you to use your brain a little more

I’m not at all against this either it just means these might not really be for me anymore


Gold Member
It’s one of my least favourite - dare I say it, a bit on the dull side? SMW is by far my favourite 2D Mario game - it’s beautifully simple. Mario 64 will always be my favourite though, with its ingenious level design.


I haven't finished Wonder, but I've played a decent amount of it. It's hard for me to say that it is better than SMB3, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, and Mario Galaxy.

It's by no means a bad game. But those four games I just listed are just absolute S Tier games. I don't think Mario Wonder is at that level.

The Skull

Fantastic game, especially after the blandness of the NSMB series that were shite. I'd put it between SMW and SMB3.


The Mario Galaxy games are the coolest Mario games. No contest.

It is hard to top Super Mario in space.

Twirling the nunchuck to launch yourself was great. Still a good reason to still have a Wii.
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What life experience does one have to have to believe this statement? For me, Wonder is one of, if not the, least fun Mario games. I mean, how can this even compare to World or Galaxy? It's not even in the same league. I just replayed a Mario 64 for the first time since my release day N64, and even with its klunkiness, it is more interesting and fun than Wonder. I couldn't even bring myself to finish Wonder after a few hours.

completely forgettable
Bingo. Even Odyssey and the NSMB DS games are more memorable.

Mario Galaxy still my favorite.
I am still yet to decide if Galaxy 1 or 2 is the best.

Not even remotely close to being the best.
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Including the 3D games? Hell no. Best 2D Mario if you play solo, but not if you do co-op.

One of the most fun experiences of the (recent) 2D games was trolling each other by picking up your teammate and throwing them off a cliff, or doing a ground-pound so they lose their bearing. I didn't particularly care for those earlier New-series when playing solo, but playing together was an entirely different - and a much more elevated - experience. Wonder does the complete opposite for me: absolutely stellar solo experience, but because they've completely removed any form of collision with your fellow players it makes for a pretty dry experience.
I too grew up on Mario Bros. And I think Wonder is a really awesome addition to the family. I also have been playing them since the coin op SMB and SMB 3 is one of the greatest games ever made. And I don't really need to rank them in order anymore. Super Mario All Stars was the funniest time I had with my SNES. I was a lil late to the party but I got mine as a mail in offer with the SNES when me and my brother could afford to split it with our Xmas money. It was a perfect remake. Wired controllers and CRT monitor made for such perfect timing. After that I would also throw a salute to Galaxy being amazing for its time and concept. M64 always felt kinda wonky but it showed off what the future would become. And this thread needs some more Mario Maker. I spent a insane amount of time with my nephew making up our own ideas of levels.


Not even close. Its above the NSMB games but that's not saying much. The Donkey Kong and Rayman platforms (which Nintendo did get some inspiration from) are leaps and bounds better.

Once you see Tropical Freeze tell a small story as you progress through the stage using its background assets. (Like following a giant fruit from getting picked and processed through a factory while running the stage) the constant reused static background on Mario is jarring. Like watching an episode of the Flintstones with the background constantly being reused.


Gold Member
I wish there was more of the harder levels at the end, I felt getting all the final challanges done where easier than Super Mario 3D world's equivalents.
Not even close. Its above the NSMB games but that's not saying much. The Donkey Kong and Rayman platforms (which Nintendo did get some inspiration from) are leaps and bounds better.

Once you see Tropical Freeze tell a small story as you progress through the stage using its background assets. (Like following a giant fruit from getting picked and processed through a factory while running the stage) the constant reused static background on Mario is jarring. Like watching an episode of the Flintstones with the background constantly being reused.
Wait a minute this aboot SMB not Tropical Freeze. Which is maybe the best 2d side scroller Nintendo cranked out. Well Retro did all the work but it is a masterful game too.


It was way too short but it was one of the most fun gaming experiences I've had in a while. Definitely up there with the greats but maybe a little too short-lived to reach those heights.
Not even close. Its above the NSMB games but that's not saying much. The Donkey Kong and Rayman platforms (which Nintendo did get some inspiration from) are leaps and bounds better.

Once you see Tropical Freeze tell a small story as you progress through the stage using its background assets. (Like following a giant fruit from getting picked and processed through a factory while running the stage) the constant reused static background on Mario is jarring. Like watching an episode of the Flintstones with the background constantly being reused.
(Edited to be a reply)
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