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Statement of the Board of Directors of Digital Illusions CE AB (publ)

Digital Illusions CE AB (publ) 2004-11-15

The Board of Directors of Digital Illusions CE AB (publ) has reviewed the public offer of SEK 61 per Series A share in cash, which Electronic Arts Inc. ”EA” made public today, through one of its Swedish subsidiaries.

The Board has evaluated the conditions for the offer. The evaluation leads the Board to make the following statement.

In light of the challenges that the game industry faces, with increased development costs and the coming technological change, the Board is of the opinion that a merger between Digital Illusions and EA is industrially and strategically correct. EA can bring the technology and resources that make possible and facilitate the transition to the new game platforms.

On behalf of the Board, Nordea Corporate Finance has evaluated the public offer of SEK 61 per Series A share to Digital Illusions shareholders and has, in a report to the Board, expressed the opinion that the offered price is fair from a financial point of view.

Based on a collective assessment, the Board is of the opinion that the offer is fair and has therefore unanimously decided to recommend the shareholders of Digital Illusions to accept the offer.

Stockholm, November 15, 2004

Digital Illusions CE AB (publ)

The Board of Directors


Bad Art ™


Oh hell no.

I really wish EA would chill out with its world domination plans.
Dice made excellent Rally games on the Xbox,damn you EA. That tye of tallent taken away from the series just hurts,and badly.

Somewhere in the back of Sony and Microsoft's minds I bet theyre hoping EA never announces 1st party plans.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I saw this coming...

M$ should've got 'em.

I'm starting to look at EA a lil' differently now.


a good rally game is something missing from EAs lineup. Also a serious racing game. Maybe DICE are the guys to deliver one of them.

EA has the money and the contacts. DICE has the talent.

If anyone can go up against Gran Turismo or Colin McRae, its EA.

And its a multiplatform publisher, so you'll still see DICE games on xbox (well, xbox2 maybe)
Then you shouldn't fuck them. ;P

Anyway, this was sorta expected once EA bought shares in them a while back...and it still kinda sucks because you know that anything that made DICE great before will be a distant memory in a year or two... :(


Taken from the comment section of an article in the biggest financial newspaper in Sweden, "Dagens Industri" - about this bid:

There's allready a group of small part owners who are now gathering to collect enough shares to be able to say no, or at least pressure the board of directors at DICE to try to get a better deal. They claim 61 SEK / share is a steal. Shortly after the announcement they had allready "collected" 150,000 shares but they expect to need more than 1 million to make a difference.

Also, the conspiracy theories allready begun... DICE/EA's announcement earlier this year to postpone Battlefield for the consoles was supposedly a step to keep share price down for a cheaper takeover... :D

The CEO owns "only" around 100,000 shares and is supposed to have cut a deal under the table to benefit more from this than he should by just selling his shares, something that would give him a profit of "just" 4 MSEK which is less than 600 KUSD.

[End of comments]

In the article itself Rory Armes, head honcho of EA European Studios talks about Battlefield versions for Xbox 2 and PSP, and says they will hire 150-200 persons within DICE the coming 2-3 years and calls Stockholm an "important creative hub" for EA.


Article in Swedish:

Comment Section to the article:

Lord Error

Insane For Sony

EA bough Criterion => Sony is stupid
EA bought DICE => Microsoft is stupid

Good going Sony and Microsoft... In just couple of months EA swiped two graphics and gameplay powerhouses under your noses. Both could have been a crowning jewels in your 1st party development, not to mention in the case of Criterion, a stranglehold on the industry's middleware software.

Damn, they can be stupid sometimes. Well, if anything, I hope more 3rd party consolidation brings us a DVD-like unified console system sooner.

Seth C

Ugh...they already ruined Brunout 3. Now they'll ruin everything DICE makes. It really isn't me hating on EA the company, I just hate how they end up having every game "EA labeled" all to hell.


Probably just a typo...

EA har stora förväntningar på Digital Illusions spelsuccé Battlefield. Nya versioner är på gång, anpassade till Sony Playstation PSP, Xbox 2 och PC.

Battlefield for PSP? The text say that there's new versions of Battlefield on the way.


This is absolutely terrible. Dice is one of the absolute best developers in Europe.

I guess this means no more Rallisport games, and instead an endless amount of Battlefield sequels. Or that EA makes them develop the console versions of Medal of Honor. Either way, it absolutely sucks.


Gregory said:
This is absolutely terrible. Dice is one of the absolute best developers in Europe.

I guess this means no more Rallisport games, and instead an endless amount of Battlefield sequels. Or that EA makes them develop the console versions of Medal of Honor. Either way, it absolutely sucks.

Sure does. Why doesn't EA buy the whole world when they are at it.


Chili Con Carnage!
They could try and buy lionhead but molynuex would just leave and take all his cronies with him just like he did with Bullfrog.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
EA has made some some good buys this year...


Guns N' Poops said:
Lionhead is next. Fable is too successful to not think about it and they still have a very close connection through B&W2.

Why would they want to buy into a moneypit? EA likes companies that can make games in less they 3 years and can actually make money.


not an idiot
EA's out of control. This is very sad news... DICE is IMO one of the top 3 devs this generation. Very very sad indeed. :(
"So, who's next? There aren't too many big developers left independent anymore."

Looking at how Vivendi is handling their gaming business lately and roughly 90% of their games are pretty poor looking in development. I could see EA making a bid for Blizzard in a few years.


They announced Battlefield: Modern Combat is coming to Xbox 2 today as well. They believe it will launch alongside PS2 and Xbox versions next fall (read: Xbox 2 will launch fall 2005 according to EA). Also the singleplayer component of Modern Combat is handled by an unknown EA studio... There goes the BF-franchise...
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