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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wi-Fi


Ysia: Once again thanks for the games :eek: I must say that Metaknight is really annoying. This is my latest session late yikes. XD I think my next main will be Game and Watch, somehow anyway. Still need to figure out his other quirks. Refined my ZSS a lot today while trying to fight off kaabii's Lucas. He's apparently trying to main Olimar now, he was surprised he was able to beat you when you had Ganondorf. That was a good fight though.


kiryogi said:
Ysia: Once again thanks for the games :eek: I must say that Metaknight is really annoying. This is my latest session late yikes. XD I think my next main will be Game and Watch, somehow anyway. Still need to figure out his other quirks. Refined my ZSS a lot today while trying to fight off kaabii's Lucas. He's apparently trying to main Olimar now, he was surprised he was able to beat you when you had Ganondorf. That was a good fight though.

Well, not trying to make excuses but I'm terrible with Ganondorf :lol Him and I played awhile after you left as Ike vs Olimar, god it was annoying. He's so hard to approach since thrown Pikmin can cancel out Ike's side B. All I could do was hop at him with neutral A to knock the Pikmin out of the way and it finally worked the last two matches.

Your G&W was pretty good, I could barely read him and kept walking into attacks. That damn down smash of his always gets me :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
Holy shit Kak. The lag was coming from Jeff's side =P. Dammit, nice matches we were having haha. And that sword-bombomb deal at the end was fucking funny


he's Virgin Tight™
So yeah, those 1v1 ended up in a disappointing result for me =P. 1-4, not good. Great games Kak =P. Actually, I am kinda mad, I made so many mistakes in the span of 5 matches its not even funny. Still, great Ike you got there man :D


Ok, so I deleted some people from my friends list I've never seen online. Anyone who is on often and likes to play with items on and has stock matches below 5 lives, or even plays timed please let me know. I fucking hate 5 man stock matches. First one out? Have a seat you can play in 5 minutes again. No thanks.


Relix said:
So yeah, those 1v1 ended up in a disappointing result for me =P. 1-4, not good. Great games Kak =P. Actually, I am kinda mad, I made so many mistakes in the span of 5 matches its not even funny. Still, great Ike you got there man :D

I was so annoyed when I got the Super Mushroom then the ground gave way on the Sonic stage :lol

Sorry to whoever Jeff is but man, you gotta make sure other people aren't browsing when you're playing :p


Tendo said:
Ok, so I deleted some people from my friends list I've never seen online. Anyone who is on often and likes to play with items on and has stock matches below 5 lives, or even plays timed please let me know. I fucking hate 5 man stock matches. First one out? Have a seat you can play in 5 minutes again. No thanks.
I'm sorry.
Most of my friends prefer 5 man stock.
Guess should do time. So people don't have to sit and watch.


Penguin said:
I'm sorry.
Most of my friends prefer 5 man stock.
Guess should do time. So people don't have to sit and watch.

I wasn't referring to you or anyone in particular peng. :) It's just every match I've joined the last two days has been that way. I need some variety. Don't change how you want to play.


he's Virgin Tight™
Wow. It seems like every hazard, every stupidity is against me today. I have ended LAST in the latest 4 stock games. Wow :lol :lol
Tendo said:
Ok, so I deleted some people from my friends list I've never seen online. Anyone who is on often and likes to play with items on and has stock matches below 5 lives, or even plays timed please let me know. I fucking hate 5 man stock matches. First one out? Have a seat you can play in 5 minutes again. No thanks.
Add me, 1934-0346-5121


needs to show more effort.
why is no one on my friends list online D:

I need more friends!

my code is 3394-3235-6993

I just added OliveJuice, Kletian, and mugwhump, and mockingbird, and lavpa
OliveJuice said:
Sorry for declining droid, but I was trying to 1 vs 1 with Ysia.

yeah I figured, No problem.

Bird , Ill add you in a bit , trying to get my wii's internet figured out. Its so stupid , Smash bros servers work with wifi but not with LAN cord? fucking retarded
SuperAndroid17 said:
yeah I figured, No problem.

Bird , Ill add you in a bit , trying to get my wii's internet figured out. Its so stupid , Smash bros servers work with wifi but not with LAN cord? fucking retarded

yeah? i guess that rules out me getting a lan adapter in hopes of smoooother connection
well it could be me , I disconnected in the middle of your game ( fun btw ) , trying switching the Wifi to LAN adapter setting etc sorted out and no cigar. So lame , a good wasted 35 bucks.

up for some more games? Im about to host one with my brother, 4 player brawl+ items stock etc. Anyone is welcomed

Uncle AJ


Just added WARCOCK, Jiggy37, Crushed, and Y2Kev so far. I'll smite you all! Smite you good!

Note: I'm using the roommate's Wii as well as his copy of Brawl. Once I get my own within the next month or so, I'll update the info.
Sorry, gotta drop out, my Wiimote batteries are dead. x_x

fun matyches, though, if my batteries hadn't died on that last stock I would've lived. :(
Posting this here since there are two FC threads I post in.

Who is John/Vince here? He tried to re-join a match and my brother's stupid friend clicked on "maybe next time" even though my brother clicked OK, and my brother was the one who hosted the match. So how the hell can someone who joined your "room" have the power to override who gets invited into the match?? He already told his friend not to do that unless they all agreed on how many would be in the match. Still, it's pretty stupid and defeats the purpose of hosting a room yourself when you don't have power over who gets to join, yet if you leave as the host the room closes and everyone gets thrown out. It's annoying if you want to quit but don't want to unnecessarily throw everyone out since they could keep the match going between them without you.


xs_mini_neo said:
Posting this here since there are two FC threads I post in.

Who is John/Vince here? He tried to re-join a match and my brother's stupid friend clicked on "maybe next time" even though my brother clicked OK, and my brother was the one who hosted the match. So how the hell can someone who joined your "room" have the power to override who gets invited into the match?? He already told his friend not to do that unless they all agreed on how many would be in the match. Still, it's pretty stupid and defeats the purpose of hosting a room yourself when you don't have power over who gets to join, yet if you leave as the host the room closes and everyone gets thrown out. It's annoying if you want to quit but don't want to unnecessarily throw everyone out since they could keep the match going between them without you.

I have a similar question, when I create a room to play with certain settings, how come after a round or two someone gets the power to change the options? I made the room to play with those rules, not theirs.


Arright I'm gonna take a quick study break for like a half hour or so around 8:15ish(15 minutes from now) and play a couple games online. Will add slayn when I do so. Anyone up for some 1v1's then?
Up for any kind of brawl, hopefully it won't be too laggy (though won't be on much in the next couple days).
3351-3795-4112 - PM me and I'll add you back! I need people on my list so add me add me add me etc. Also, I added you, rikichi.


Scalpel Knight said:
Up for any kind of brawl, hopefully it won't be too laggy (though won't be on much in the next couple days).
3351-3795-4112 - PM me and I'll add you back! I need people on my list so add me add me add me etc.

I'll add you. Mine is 5241-1652-7755


HAHA. Olive, that voltorb was a load of bull. "oh it was a dud, he's mi-DAMMIT"
and by load of bull, i mean HILARIOUS.


Good games kidd sorry bout the first few games, my suitemates just came back from eating and wanted to play and be "bitches" since you were the only person not on the same console and after that they kept walking across the screen and kicking a soccer ball around that knocked over my wii and then proceeded to stand FULLY covering the screen for like the entire time he slowly picked it up, so needless to say i wasn't in a very good mood for the first few games we played, so I ended up playing an hour more than I wanted to to compensate :(. Also sorry for the cheap bowser finishes the two times i used him, though I think you could have survived at least that first one had you used some more DI...
good games kidd, Im starting to like dedede alot :D

btw folks , I have a game running mostly all night if so through the morning

brawl + items + stock

feel free to join if any spots are open , currently 1 is open.
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