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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wi-Fi


kiryogi said:
Others would be well, Peach, Zelda, Fox. Well mainly the ladies for now. I'm still refining/polishing Fox. ZSS's main KO power is that foward B with the whip, if you didn't notice I often try to mix it in somehow. I'm also just starting to use her recovery as a maneuver mid-battle. Meanwhile his Lucas, I'm really not sure what to do about him. XD

his FC: 5155-2587-3826

edit: I feel the same about using ZSS's final smash! lol. I should learn Samus XD

Lucas is just incredibly difficult to fight, for me anyway. The major weakness I see is you can easily met smash him when he's trying to use his up+B to recover (was only able to pull it off once though).

I was wondering why you'd get the Smash Ball as ZSS and never use it. Now I know :lol


Ysiadmihi said:
Lucas is just incredibly difficult to fight, for me anyway. The major weakness I see is you can easily met smash him when he's trying to use his up+B to recover (was only able to pull it off once though).

I was wondering why you'd get the Smash Ball as ZSS and never use it. Now I know :lol

Err forgot to edit he wants to friend you but yeah, it's all the mentality that its better I grab it before someone else does. Of course, one of the things i don't like as ZSS is having no real final smash. XD I had a lot of fun against oldschoolgamer and getting constantly Aether final smashed owned D: lol. Or maybe.. I don't use final smash becuase i'm that good :D Haha.


Alright I added him, thanks for telling me.

I really wish they would have made two different Samus (Samii?) so each had a FS that didn't force you into changing forms. The game (basically) has 3 versions of Fox for god sake.

Edit: Oh yeah, 3694-9280-7733 :p


he's Virgin Tight™
So... who are the top ranked Smashers here? I will be bold and include me =D. Remember, I have just played with few of you! But I can say some of the best are:

Dan (can't remember his GAF name :lol )
Relix (w00t).

I have played with few here, but I would consider them some of the best. Upcoming good guys are Windu and Megan (Tendo's GF was it?).

Crushed, I am to get you tonight. :D


Relix said:
So... who are the top ranked Smashers here? I will be bold and include me =D. Remember, I have just played with few of you! But I can say some of the best are:

Dan (can't remember his GAF name :lol )
Relix (w00t).

I have played with few here, but I would consider them some of the best. Upcoming good guys are Windu and Megan (Tendo's GF was it?).

Crushed, I am to get you tonight. :D

I'd say from who I've played, Relix (and his sister) Kiro, Dan, Pill, Mao and Mal. I'm probably forgetting a few people who have kicked my ass. And yes, Meg is my girlfriend.

I'll hopefully have time to actually play today. And get my ass kicked some more :D

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Damn Ysiadmihi, your skill level is WAY higher then mine. I only won one of the four matches we played. Just so you know, I left to go eat lunch (it's 1:30 here).

Good games regardless.


ICallItFutile said:
Damn Ysiadmihi, your skill level is WAY higher then mine. I only won one of the four matches we played. Just so you know, I left to go eat lunch (it's 1:30 here).

Good games regardless.

You're actually the best Marth player I've fought online yet. Everyone else has stunk so I figured it would be easy, but then you wiped the floor with me as my best fighter :lol

He got revenge on the last match though :p

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The hardest thing about Marth is knowing when to use his down b move. It's a good move, but it's really only useful during certain situations (or against slow fighters).
Tendo said:
I'd say from who I've played, Relix (and his sister) Kiro, Dan, Pill, Mao and Mal. I'm probably forgetting a few people who have kicked my ass. And yes, Meg is my girlfriend.

I'll hopefully have time to actually play today. And get my ass kicked some more :D

I'm Dan, btw. There are certainly some bad asses lurking around here, which is very fun cuz I learn a lot each match. Oh, and let Meg know that when I bailed on our last battle it was a complete and total accident. Slip of the fingers while trying to answer a phone call. Whoops!

And I should add that slayn is one of the best I've played. He also happens to be extremely versatile.
justchris said:
One thing you might consider doing is running a constant ping to your Wii. Go into your router's settings, and get what IP address it is sending to your Wii, then from the command prompt in windows type:
ping -t x

Where x is the ip address of your Wii. Then, while you're online, you can tell how good your connection is by how long it takes to respond (this is much easier if you have your pc in the same room as your Wii, obviously). Your pings should have fairly short times when you're online, but not playing a game. They should increase, but still be fairly constant when you are. If you're getting a lot of "Request Timed Out"s, especially when you're not playing a match, then that means you are getting packetloss to your router, and you may be too far away, or their may be a problem with the router.

Heya, I tried out your suggestion, and had it sent to a file while I moved between the various lobbies, and tried (unsuccessfully) to enter a basic brawl. Here's the results from that:
SCIENCE! said:
Packets: Sent = 121, Received = 119, Lost = 2 (1% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 14ms, Average = 2ms

And here's the results when watching a Spectator match.
More SCIENCE! said:
Packets: Sent = 186, Received = 185, Lost = 1 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 93ms, Average = 2ms

I'll try it one more time when people are actually online, but how does this look?


SantaC said:
I am trying to get some online game going but all i do is waiting for 3 other character, they never show up on worldwide brawl.

It could be your connection but there may just not be many people looking for a random match at this time. Try a friend match to make sure your connection is fine.


Ysiadmihi said:
It could be your connection but there may just not be many people looking for a random match at this time. Try a friend match to make sure your connection is fine.

my connection is fine, just tested it...I dont have any friends. Anyone wanna add me and we'll try a battle?

SANTA 0688-5019-0748


RocketDarkness said:
"With Everyone" barely works, so stick to Friend Battles.
I wouldn't say that. I've played... a whole lot of "With Everyone" battles. A whole lot. More than anything else except spectating :p


SantaC said:
I am in europe sweden

Ah, you won't be able to connect to random US matches then (I was never able to connect to random Japanese matches from east coast US).

You're gonna have to build up a nice friend list :p
Ysad/Relix/Tendo and crew

Id like to play you 1v1 sometime.

Ive already added you btw

Once again for those just getting here.. my fc is 3737-9185-0838

edit: sure santac adding you now
Heya Ysiadmihi, thanks for the battles. I was able to ping them, too. Nothing too interesting was revealed, unfortunately.
Last of the Science said:
Packets: Sent = 548, Received = 540, Lost = 8 (1% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 95ms, Average = 2ms
It seems fairly stable, and the actual framerate rarely lags. It's the input delay that kills me though. I must...find...the solution!

Oh, and the first thing that came to mind on the second stock for Lucas v Wolf? "If I go down, I'm taking you with me!" :D


The definition of front-butt.
I finally got With Anyone to work last night. It was pretty smooth most of the time which was surprising. Why does the game add in 2 computer players? Thats so annoying.


Relix said:
So I totally forgot who I was playing with (TMD was one I think), but we had some great games, especially that final 1 stock 1 v1 on Final Destination with no items =P. Really great games, you are good... one of those few times I get pumped up. =) Had to go though!

biggkidd32 said:
Good match Relix and TMD we definitely have to play again some time.

Sorry for the delayed response, but yeah great games guys. I will say it was really...humbling playing you guys. :lol I definietly want to play yall again.


he's Virgin Tight™
SuperAndroid17 said:
Ysad/Relix/Tendo and crew

Id like to play you 1v1 sometime.

Ive already added you btw

Once again for those just getting here.. my fc is 3737-9185-0838

edit: sure santac adding you now

Sure. Maybe tonight when I get back home. I am bad at remembering names, so what is your Wii name? May also try using Meta Knight and Ike in one of the friend battles tonight, just to spice up things (playing as Luigi for nearly 10 years can get old ya know :lol
Ysiadmihi said:
There were random hiccups at times. A little annoying D:

Other than that, very little to no input lag.
Hmm, I had input lag for most of the matches. Maybe it's my router :/

Oh, and do I have a red, orange, or green circle?


Did not ask for this tag
Ysiadmihi said:
There were random hiccups at times. A little annoying D:

Other than that, very little to no input lag.

Hey Ysiad, I'm trying to join your game ATM, beating the bag. Let's hope there aint any lag! :)


Fun matches Nishi and Osaka :D

A little laggy but I guess that can't be helped. Honestly I'm surprised there's so little lag considering the distance.


Did not ask for this tag
Ysiadmihi said:
Fun matches Nishi and Osaka :D

A little laggy but I guess that can't be helped. Honestly I'm surprised there's so little lag considering the distance.

Yeah I'm sorry, I seemed to ruin the lag free games for you two, you were running smooth when I died. Fun games anyway!

And Nishi, DAMN you obliterated me in that 1v1 with your Wolf. You're so good. :lol None of my blows seemed to connect! We need a rematch, face to face, without the lag! :D
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