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K. ROOL Takes Kommand!


Height: 10/10
Weight: 10/10
Speed: 6/10
Air Speed: 3/10
Jump: 5/10
Fall Speed: 10/10
Traction: 2/10


Standard: Blunderbuss

K Rool breaks out his trusty blunderbuss from his pirate days. Tap B to fire a slow-moving kannonball. It flies for two Battlefield platforms before clanging to the ground. Once on the ground, it can be picked up and thrown by anyone, but it weighs as much as a crate. Kannonballs hang around for ten seconds. For future reference: Kannonballs are slightly smaller than Kirby. Give B a hard press to shoot a sonic speed Kannonball. This ball has twice the range. Mix up your firing speeds to confound foes, as the firing animation is the same for both. Slow Kannonballs deal 15% and KO at 170%; fast ones deal 25% and KO at 155%. Thrown Kannonballs are considered slow, in terms of damage. In addition to the two firing speeds, K Rool can also alter the trajectory of his Kannonballs. By holding up during the start lag, K Rool will cause the Kannonball to swirl through the air at his chosen speed. This makes them even trickier to dodge. Holding down will instead cause the Kannonball to bounce across the stage. Should it land on anyone, they will take damage and be buried. Thanks to the variable firing speeds and trajectories, the Blunderbuss is versatile and one of K Rool's best options for long range combat.

Side: Champion Charge

K Rool lets out a mighty war cry and charges forward. This charge is slightly slower than his dash speed. Upon hitting a foe, he unleashes a nasty haymaker, dealing a scary 20% and KO'ing as early as 165%. At first, this seems far too telegraphed; but, upon another tap of B, he turns invisible while charging. On top of this, he can change direction while charging. This means that it can be tricky for foes to figure out where he is. Thankfully, players can track an invisible Rool by the dust he kicks up. To counteract this flaw, a good K Rool player should make the match so hectic that his opponents lose track of him. Press A to cancel the charge at any time.

Up: Personal Helikopter

K Rool activates the small helicopter attached to his back. He begins slowly rising up with total horizontal control. After rising up an area equal to three Rools high, he slowly descends. The Helikopter's blades deal light knockback and little damage; they also have just enough armor to protect K Rool from weaker Down Aerials. Normally, this recovery cannot be interrupted, however: any attacks landed directly on the Helikopter will cause it to short circuit, sending Rool plummeting down with 7% damage as punishment.

Down: Kroc Krush

K Rool hops up a bit before slamming down feet first. Upon Rool hitting the ground, a large shockwave ripples out from the point of impact. The farther K Rool falls, the larger and slower the shockwave is. If Rool lands on a foe, he spikes them, deals 12%, and bounces up a bit. Can self destruct if used above a pit. If a shockwave hits a Kannonball, the wave tosses the ball up and offscreen. After a delay of five seconds, the Kannonball falls from the top blast zone at a reasonably quick speed. Litter the stage with Kannonballs and rain them down from the sky! Be sure to keep an eye out though; those falling Kannonballs can hit K Rool too! The shockwave's damage and knockback depends on its size, dealing 5% and KO'ing at 195% if used on the ground, and 20% and KO'ing at 160%. Falling Kannonballs deal 15% and stun their victim.


Jab: K Rool steels himself before delivering a mighty belly bump. This is a short ranged, one hit jab with super armor on his belly. This move clashes with all standards and aerials in the game. Deals 7% and KO's at 200%.

F-Tilt: K Rool delivers a clumsy right hook, stumbling off balance afterwards. This move deals 9% and KO's at 185%.

U-Tilt: K Rool hops upward and claps his hands over his head, similar to Chargin' Chuck in Super Mario World. K Rool's hands meeting forms a sweetspot directly above his head. This sweetspot deals 9% and KO's at 180%. Hitting with K Rool's arms deal 5% and KO's at 190%.

D-Tilt: K Rool puts on an innocent face as he kicks the foe's shins, tripping them and dealing 4%.

Dash Attack: K Rool points the Blunderbuss behind him as a jet of flame erupts from it, propelling him forwards for as long as A is held. He automatically stops on hitting a foe, then swats them away with the butt of the Blunderbuss. This deals 7% and KO's at 185%.


F-Smash: K Rool hoists his Blunderbuss aloft before swinging the butt of it forwards. This is a very slow smash, but easily K Rool's strongest, dealing 15-25% and KO'ing at 165-150%. Just don't expect to land it on a competent foe. Perhaps if they were incapacitated somehow…

U-Smash: K Rool rears back while charging, then swings his head forward, mouth agape. This mighty chomp is slow, but deals 10-17% and KO's at 180-170%.

D-Smash: K Rool collapses face first into prone position, attempting to crush foes under his girth. If it hits, he doesn't go into prone, but they do. Oddly for a D-Smash, this hits on one side only. As you'd expect, this has considerable end lag on miss. This ungraceful flop deals 7-15% and buries the foe.


N-Air: K Rool places a hovering mine in the air, snickering mischievously. As you'd expect, this mine detonates when it contacts a fighter, dealing 9% and KO'ing at 175%. This also includes Rool himself, so don't sign your own death warrant by spamming mines.

F-Air: K Rool pulls out the Blunderbuss and fires a short range burst of flame in front of himself. This forces him backwards quickly. The flames deal 5% and KO at 190%, while K Rool's body deals 7% and KO's at 180%.

U-Air: K Rool temporarily activates the Helikopter, letting its blades juggle foes above him. As a bonus, this slows his fall speed a good bit. This move juggles any victims for rapid hits of 1%, dealing 10% maximum. Afterwards, the opponent is launched away with knockback that KO's at 195%.

B-Air: K Rool pulls out the Blunderbuss and fires a short range burst of flame out behind himself. This forces him forwards quickly. The flames deal 5% and KO at 190%, while K Rool's body deals 7% and KO's at 180%.

D-Air: K Rool unceremoniously performs a massive belly flop. As he falls, he slowly speeds up, eventually reaching terminal velocity. If he hits an aerial foe, he drags them down with him, possibly burying them in the stage if they land safely, or destroying both combatants if they hit the bottom blast zone. Grounded foes are buried. If Rool hits the floor without hitting anyone, he suffers 10% damage and considerable end lag as he regains his composure. This brutal crush deals a terrifying 25% if it manages to hit.

Grab: Pulling a lever on his Blunderbuss, K Rool activates a vacuum like suction. This suction covers an infinite horizontal plane directly in front of K Rool. The vacuum can be held out as long as the player holds the grab button. When foes are pulled in, Rool roughly snatches them by the collar (or generally in that area in Kirby's case). Be warned: any projectiles or items pulled into the Blunderbuss will cause it to backfire, damaging K Rool for as much as the projectile would have dealt and leaving him with a soot-blackened face. For the Dashgrab, rather than bother with the vacuum, Rool simply snatches at his foe while running. Notably laggy on miss.

Pummel: K Rool slams the foe into the floor brutally. Slow, but the strongest Pummel in the game, dealing 6% a pop.

F-Throw: Rool tosses the foe up before swinging the butt of his Blunderbuss into them like a baseball bat, dealing 12% and KO'ing at 170%.

U-Throw: Rool tosses the foe upwards and quickly activates the Helikopter, which juggles the foe with its blades a few times, dealing rapid hits equaling 12% before launching them upwards with knockback that KO's at 175%.

B-Throw: K Rool spins, drops the foe behind him, spins back the correct way, then sits atop them. They invariably collapse under his prodigal weight, leaving them prone with 12% more damage. Rool suffers some lag as he smirks at the camera.

D-Throw: Rool drops the foe roughly before slamming a barrel over their head, dealing 7%. He then dusts his hands off for a bit of end lag. The foe is free to move, but suffer reversed controls. The barrel breaks after the victim suffers a sufficient amount of damage. Also of note: victims can jump and use down aerials, so they aren't defenseless; additionally, they can button mash to break the barrel themselves.

Final Smash: Kredits

K Rool dramatically clutches his chest before collapsing to the floor, apparently unconscious. Suddenly, a Kredits sequence begins, with parody names scrolling upwards from the bottom of the screen. These names are solid platforms and attempt to drag foes off the top blast zone. During this Smash, Rool is vulnerable to damage, but suffers no knockback. If a foe is KO'd, he visibly smirks before continuing to play dead. After a few seconds or all foes are KO'd, Rool jumps to his feet and takes a bow, leaving himself wide open.


Up Taunt: K Rool clasps his hands together as though giving himself a vigorous handshake. He cries out: "Yeah! Thank You!" If he's in the lead and does this, the crowd immediately begins chanting for him.

Side Taunt: K Rool shoulders his Blunderbuss and fires it, only for a few fish to flop out of the barrel. He is understandably baffled by this and stares at the camera slack jawed.

Down Taunt: K Rool plays dead just as in his Final Smash.

K. Rool is the tallest and heaviest character in the game, standing a head taller than Bowser and heavier than even Defense Form Shulk! His default costume is King K Rool, but his Alts include Kaptain, Baron, and Krusha.


As in "Heathcliff"
For people who have 50ppp on,

If you haven't join the prediction contest, then feel free to do. Click here to jump over there, and I think we could have discussions over there too if anyone care enough to.


Also I'm going to post the list here just in case I forget to back it up before the thread got locked.

  1. Neoxon
  2. PK Gaming
  3. rardk64
  4. Padwarrior
  5. Net
  6. DecoReturns
  7. Grexeno
  8. Platy
  9. TheDinoman
  10. RK128
  11. ElectricBlanketFire
  13. balladofwindfishes
  14. Clov
  15. Nickle
  16. Allenous
  17. Captain Rage Quit 69
  18. Svafnir
  19. KelpPlankton
  20. cloudstrife
  21. BitStyle
  22. Morts
  23. BatDan
  24. Poltergust
  25. Massicot - Maybe if he remove the quote and input it as his prediction
  26. The12thGripper
  27. Lucky Seven
  28. LucidMomentum - Maybe if he remove the quote and input it as his prediction
  29. Red Arremer
  30. Zebei
  31. IgotElbows
  32. Raysoul
  33. Sesha
  34. sixteen-bit
  35. jmizzal
  36. 7Th
  37. killroy87
  38. civilstrife
  39. Jawmuncher
  40. Sponge
  41. Illucio
  42. Ryce
  43. Zackat
  44. Diprosalic
  45. Allan Holdsworth
  46. Bamboo 竹
  47. 18-Volt
  48. Juni_
  49. jedivulcan
  50. AcademicSaucer
  51. WoopWOOP
  52. NSESN
  53. 10k
  54. Regiruler
  55. Zyrox
  56. megachao24
  57. Choppasmith
  58. Ushojax
  59. Gvitor
  60. Coffee Dog
  61. God Dayumm
  62. BusterJol
  63. Dad
  64. Waluigilicious
  65. ErrorMacro
  66. Calvero
  67. Kissenkopf
  68. Professor Lexicovermis
  69. Galang
  70. Nocturnowl
  71. TAFK
  72. Growlie19
  73. janoDX
  74. realdragon75
  75. LotusHD
  76. Enforced
  77. KingBroly
  78. Alistair Roo
  80. Gartooth
  81. A Link to the Past
  82. Nemecyst
  83. RedFyn
  84. ShinRPGamer
  85. crash-14
  86. SuperSah
  87. jph139
  88. SalvaPot
  89. Troubled Bat
  90. chaosblade
  91. Gaspard
  92. JStein0222
  93. Burning Justice
  94. papertoonz
  95. EhoaVash
  96. MacTag
  97. Peléo
  98. sinonobu
  99. Yagami_Sama
  100. WiiRevolution1
  101. EleventhHourSuperpower
  102. Jay RaR
  103. ZBR
  104. GiantBreadbug
  105. akidnamededdy
  106. the anime man
  107. rewkol
  108. Sou Da
  109. Tavernacle12
  110. Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule
  111. Seanlole
  112. evanmisha
  113. SleepyJohn11
  114. Retro4ever
  115. deafsox987
  116. secretanchitman
  117. BY2K
  118. PushDustin
  119. Codeblue
  120. euphemism
  121. jnWake
  122. DrArchon
  123. EulaCapra
  124. Titanoboa
  125. bahamut_24
  126. Crayolan
  127. NMFried
  128. Speedwagon
  129. J-Tier
  130. fisheyes
  131. marmoka
  132. sfried
  133. JazzmanZ
  134. plufim
  135. C.Olimar788
  136. Bluth54
  137. Masked Man
  138. MineralCraver420
  139. Roelatie
  140. TheAnvil
  141. Javier
  142. Mr Swine
  143. Zalman
  144. Spirit Icana
  145. Kurtofan
  146. Boss Doggie
  147. Regulus Tera
  148. TheMagician
  149. Kouichi
  150. IceDoesntHelp
  151. Macka
  152. AAMARMO
  153. UnnecessaryTodd
  154. Spinluck
  155. Cepheus
  156. Kyzon
  157. perfectchaos007
  158. RomanceDawn
  159. eti xero < obviously troll
  160. Quintin DM
  161. Charamiwa
  162. Tyeforce
  163. TreIII
  164. Laffer
  165. Malyse
  166. SenorArdilla
  167. ar4757
  168. Lutherian
  169. BADMAN
  170. moneyB < obviously troll
  171. BronzeWolf
  172. MaverickHunterAsh
  173. Luigi_Fan2
  174. 1upmuffin
  175. Ryouji Gunblade
  176. jack_package_200
  177. Drago
  178. FSLink
  179. ColtraineGF
  180. Hero Prinny
  181. Niosai
  182. IntelliHeath
  183. J@hranimo
  184. weekev
  185. Axass
  186. BassForever
  187. Mr. Pointy
  188. kirby_fox
  189. Azure J
  190. TWILT
  191. Geminosity
  192. Pineapple
  193. Spinosaurus
  194. TunaLover
  195. Master Yoshi
  196. CoasterFreak225
  197. Thin White Duke
  198. Muzy72
  199. TheLegendOfCap
  200. hampig
  201. Mpl90
  202. Starphoenix
  203. Timeaisis
  204. ffdgh
  205. MrSaturn99
  206. Pieman0920
  207. JCX
  208. Linkstrikesback
  209. stan423321
  210. Vert1
  211. DeadDuck144
  212. TheSuperSakura
  213. FUNKNOWN iXi
  214. ubiblu
  215. random25
  216. Lord_Byron28
  217. Durden77
  218. Kinsei
  219. Watch Da Birdie
  220. SatoAilDarko
  221. spanks
  222. Zubz
  223. MrPanic
  224. RobotHaus
  225. SmackAttack
  226. OcarinaOfDoom
  227. Conor_Fool
  228. Griss
  229. Dragonslayer_023
  230. ratcliffja
  231. Franz Brötchen
  232. joker3782
  233. AlexFlame116
  234. trixx
  235. NinjaCoachZ
  236. Green Starman
  237. Crimson_Echidna
  238. Dimitri LH
  239. Icyflamez96
  240. Expansion Pack
  241. Richie
  242. Tye The Czar
  243. RayearthRob
  244. R.D.Blax
  245. Gleethor
  246. InaSnowBoundLand
  247. Keyouta
  248. pizzacat < obviously a Pizzacat post
  249. Toad.T
  250. HiroTSK5


So the Highest Global Smash Power on 3DS for me is at 5055952. Is this the same for everybody else? I'm thinking maybe that number says how many players have synced with the servers.


God damn Smash Conference was hard, lol. I did ok, 7th in my pool. At this point I skew closer to the middle than the bottom on average at big tournaments, but still pushing. Feeling good about where I'm going rn.


As in "Heathcliff"
God damn Smash Conference was hard, lol. I did ok, 7th in my pool. At this point I skew closer to the middle than the bottom on average at big tournaments, but still pushing. Feeling good about where I'm going rn.

It sound like you did pretty good job with what you are working toward to. Keep it up!


As in "Heathcliff"
If K. Rool gets added, will Gonzo be unbanned?

He was a weirdo, but it almost feels thematically appropriate if he was right after all this time.

No, he wouldn't but I'm sure that Gonzo have brand new account by now since a moderator pointed it out that Gonzo was one of his few alt accounts.

I don't really get it. Why would he be right if he said that we would get him as DLC character but we didn't.
Because I haven't really followed this thread, when can we expect to get news on Smash4 for Switch?

There are no solid expectations for now, depends on how they will treat it. The current rumours are it is not a launch window title, and isn't a huge raise of stakes compared to the last one, which in my humble opinion is inconsistent, at least for my definition of huge. Now, if it launched soon after Switch launch, we would probably see something on the Switch presentation. But right it doesn't look like so.

My current completely improvised speculation is as follows: There's a small chance that (at least current) Switch Smash has very little new content (though not necessarily as little as some rumours suggest), in which case we will see it on the presentation. Otherwise, first glimpse this E3, regardless of release date.


As in "Heathcliff"
Because I haven't really followed this thread, when can we expect to get news on Smash4 for Switch?

No one know for sure. There is a chance that they would announce Smash for Switch at Nintendo Event because Smash Bros is one of those few titles that always get announced early and/or along with the console announcement.

Super Smash Bros Melee got announced along with Nintendo GameCube showcase.

Super Smash Bros Brawl got announced along with Nintendo Wii showcase.

Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U got announced along with Nintendo Wii U announcement.

Super Smash Bros is one of few franchises that could move console sales very well if needed. At same time, I could see them to not saying anything about Smash for Switch until E3 2017.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
No, he wouldn't but I'm sure that Gonzo have brand new account by now since a moderator pointed it out that Gonzo was one of his few alt accounts.

I don't really get it. Why would he be right if he said that we would get him as DLC character but we didn't.

I thought people aren't allowed to have alts
People aren't technically allowed to have alts but the mods sometimes look the other way if they feel they have learned their lesson from a previous ban.
If K. Rool gets added, will Gonzo be unbanned?

He was a weirdo, but it almost feels thematically appropriate if he was right after all this time.
Wasn't his ban unrelated to his overdosing on the rool aid anyhoo? I thought it was because he posted in the graveyard of a thread concerning the underage girl in xenoblade X being able to or not being able to wear a bikini/lingerie?
Wasn't his ban unrelated to his overdosing on the rool aid anyhoo? I thought it was because he posted in the graveyard of a thread concerning the underage girl in xenoblade X being able to or not being able to wear a bikini/lingerie?

He was being a creepo, I was only joking about unbanning him.

He also said he wanted to be perma-banned if K. Rool did not appear in the next DK game. Guess he'll never be held to that bet.
No one know for sure. There is a chance that they would announce Smash for Switch at Nintendo Event because Smash Bros is one of those few titles that always get announced early and/or along with the console announcement.

Super Smash Bros Melee got announced along with Nintendo GameCube showcase.

Super Smash Bros Brawl got announced along with Nintendo Wii showcase.

Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U got announced along with Nintendo Wii U announcement.

Super Smash Bros is one of few franchises that could move console sales very well if needed. At same time, I could see them to not saying anything about Smash for Switch until E3 2017.

I have a hunch that they understand the power of Smash headlining this very hyped up event. Everyone's eyes would be on it and you're right about it moving hardware.

Even if they only do two additions, I could see them stretching out some reveals until release. Basically, it's just a good idea to have this game next to the Switch as it's properly revealed for many, many reasons.



I wonder if this rabbit knows anything.


Maturity, bitches.
By the way, I'm reserving the right to make the thread for when they reveal Haruka as a newcomer in the Switch Smash port trailer.

I wonder if this rabbit knows anything.

Oh Nintendo, you kidders

It's kind of interesting how Ice Climbers are really the only cut characters Sakurai or Nintendo ever talk about as being cut.

Probably because the only reason they were cut was technical reasons. No need to explain "they weren't relevant anymore" "we ran out of time" "Konami were being jerks"

It all just keeps making me feel like them being cut is entirely temporary. They're still referenced and treated as active Smash characters, despite not being playable in 4. Which is different from Squirtle or Pichu or Snake, and more like Mewtwo (who came back), although ICs are treated a bit more as Smash Characters than Mewtwo was.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Man Switch thread with that Bomberman rumor, if Nintendo bought Bomberman from Konami (r.i.p. Hudson) and add him to Smash---woah.


As in "Heathcliff"
Heath didn't include my prediction in the contest probably because he thinks I'm joking, but I'm just saying.. BOMBERMAN for Smash for TAKE ALL ;]

No, I did. I'm pretty sure that I added you to the list.


I don't believe Wolf being cut has ever been mentioned by Sakurai at all.

So Mewtwo, Roy, Dr. Mario, and other characters didn't get mentioned too, iirc.
Yea, as far as I know, Ice Climbers are the only character we've ever had a confirmation of why they were cut.

Which makes me believe Sakurai sort of just still considers them still part of Smash, and they're just on a "break" and not properly cut.


Which makes me believe Sakurai sort of just still considers them still part of Smash, and they're just on a "break" and not properly cut.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. They absolutely were "properly" cut -- they're not in the Wii U and 3DS games. They missed out on two releases. And it's not like Sakurai was considering the Switch version when developing the Wii U and 3DS games.

Sakurai outright stated that there wouldn't be enough time to bring everyone back, so it's obvious why Wolf didn't return. The Ice Climbers warranted an explanation because technical issues held them back, not time.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
At least Mario Kart got some footage bro. I guess I can wait to buy a Switch, seeing how the most exciting thing in the presentation was a Wii U game and Mario Odyssey went back to 3D Mario instead of the superior 2D run to the goalpost formula.
At least Mario Kart got some footage bro. I guess I can wait to buy a Switch, seeing how the most exciting thing in the presentation was a Wii U game and Mario Odyssey went back to 3D Mario instead of the superior 2D run to the goalpost formula.

yeah no thanks, i want the old 64/sunshine back and i'm happy for that

i'm also happy that they are expanding mario move set thankfuly
Anyone who doesn't include Inkling in their expected newcomer for smash 4 enhanced port or smash 5 needs to be drug tested at this point. A large chunk of mario kart 8 deluxe showed off splatoon in mario kart.


As in "Heathcliff"
Anyone who doesn't include Inkling in their expected newcomer for smash 4 enhanced port or smash 5 needs to be drug tested at this point. A large chunk of mario kart 8 deluxe showed off splatoon in mario kart.

I knew that Inkling would become playable character in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and I won my avatar bet so I'm happy about that.

yall really thought smash was being announced today smh

Naw, I didn't.
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