Barry dosent deserve any hearts after what he's done on the flash.Barry! Now don't go breaking hearts tonight ^_^
So that's it huh
No hybrid logo? Lame!
What secret identity?
Barru REALLY gotta stop revealing your identity.
Barry tried the same trick again.
so biased like always?Not his Earth. Not his problem
How long until Barry calls it Earth-3?
Not his Earth. Not his problem
No hybrid logo? Lame!
"Oh you mean the girl who screams and it sorta hurts but not really?"I don't even think people from Barry's earth know who Black Canary is
Means someone has to die biased like always?
Experiment gone wrong?
I don't even think people from Barry's earth know who Black Canary is
And in ten minutes, we already have a crossover ten times better than BvS.
Watch Supergirl get dating advice from Barry and blow her chances with Jimmy.
SO I am guessing guys that metahumans for the first time in Supergirl world?
Never.I haven't watched BvS...and I sure hope I won't get spoilt here.