Bitches love smiley faces
That would've been way better.What I wouldn't give for Dean Cain to show up like it's no big deal. "Hey, got any extras?"
That would've been way better.What I wouldn't give for Dean Cain to show up like it's no big deal. "Hey, got any extras?"
Oh come on!
OH FINE, just reveal the surprise next season, jerks.
TWD strikes again.
Val Zod?
....It's probably Power Girl.
It's Laurel. They're cleaning up Arrow' stuck ups.
It's Kyrpto!
....It's probably Power Girl.
It's Laurel. They're cleaning up Arrow' fuck ups.
It's Laurel. They're cleaning up Arrow' fuck ups.
LolDamn a true happy ending. I respect tha........ uhhhhhhh nevermind
Let's all be careful about talking about other comic shows. I've seen a couple ppl ref her character in here. I'm not caught up on Arrow but fairly certain I can infer what's gonna happenIt's Laurel. They're cleaning up Arrow' fuck ups.
"saving that plate for Jermiah, I know he'll come home"
*ship crashes reminiscent of Cyborg Superman origins*
He gonna punch his way to CW-Verse?Thought that as well.
Or we are getting Superboy Prime.
He gonna punch his way to CW-Verse?
He gonna punch his way to CW-Verse?
Kind of wish they would just kill Superman off or banish him to the Phantom Zone.
2 people in the pod...
Thought that as well.
Or we are getting Superboy Prime.
LOLWhat the hell is that superhero pose Power Girl is striking? "The Invisible Leapfrog?"
Comic art is so WEIRD sometimes.
- A season of a Berlanti superhero show that didn't kill anyone off! I am shocked. Shocked!
What the hell is that superhero pose Power Girl is striking? "The Invisible Leapfrog?"
Comic art is so WEIRD sometimes.
I don't think something that lacked stakes, a non-entity villain, the power of hope and love saving the day, and everything being 100% happy go lucky okay are the best lessons to take. This was like an episode of Superman Returns
- Zack Snyder could learn a few things from this show. How to properly write a Super character and how not to have a sucky Lex.
- "Thanks for saving my life and Earth but lmao ciao Kara bye.
" Seriously though.
- Martian Manjobber keeps on jobbing.
- Can't survive in space? Since when? What? Superman can do it and Kara is more powerful than him though.
- Female president! That's cool.
- Man I love Cat Grant.
- A season of a Berlanti superhero show that didn't kill anyone off! I am shocked. Shocked!
Pretty much. They should have just killed him off of screen before the season started and said there was a brutal fight in Metropolis with Doomsday, resurrect him when you're ready. There is 0 reason to keep him alive right now.
Major points if the show is willing to do that and introduce Val-Zod.
I don't think something that lacked stakes, a non-entity villain, the power of hope and love saving the day, and everything being 100% happy go lucky okay are the best lessons to take. This was like an episode of Superman Returns
So Myriad was somehow effective enough on Kryptonians that it controlled Superman at mind control levels of power. But yet when amped up it causes no damage to the two Kryptonians standing right next to it. What?
I don't get how Alex wasn't effected by Myriad in space, where she was literally right next to the ship that never turned off Myriad even though it would've hit 100% power by the time she reached Supergirl.