
Supernatural: Season 11
Wednesdays at 9pm on The CW
Premieres Wednesday, October 7th.
Official Supernatural Twitter Feed
Official Facebook Page

What is going on?
After dying at the hands of Metatron in season 9, Dean was reborn as a demon thanks to the power of The Mark of Cain. After being cured of his demonness in a ridiculously short amount of time, Dean thought he had things under control and could live with The Mark. But, he soon discovered that The Mark was really a lock, keeping an ancient primordial Darkness from invading our world and consuming it.

Dean was content with being banished to some corner of the universe by Death, insuring that the Darkness would never be unleashed. As usual, the brothers had to do something stupid in the name of brotherly love, and wound up killing Death himself.
That would have been fine and dandy if Crowleys mama, Rowena, hadnt just finished her spell to cure The Mark from Dean, and unknowingly releasing the horror of The Darkness upon an unsuspecting world.

Last we saw the Winchesters, they were attempting to escape from the site where The Darkness was unleashed, but were enveloped by it.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Crowley were in a pickle of their own.
Will we actually get the story moving in new directions this year, or will we fall back into familiar tropes of the brothers keeping secrets from each other? Will Gabriel ever return? Will anyone believe in a thing called love?
Tune in to find out!
Oh, look. We are back on Wednesdays again.
The Cast

Jared Padalecki as Moose
Jared's Official Twitter Feed
Official Facebook Page

Jensen Ackles as Squirrel
Jensen Ackles Official Twitter.
Official Facebook Page

Misha Collins as Attractive Crying Man
Misha's Official Twitter Feed
Misha's Alternate Personality Twitter Feed.
Official Facebook Page

Mark Sheppard as Fergus
Mark Sheppard's Twitter feed
Official Facebook Page

Tim Curry as The Darkness

Charlie Murphy as Darkness
The Music
One of the biggest things about Supernatural is its awesome soundtrack. While the last two seasons have not been as generous with their great classic rock offerings, the show continues to have one of the best soundtracks of any show around.
A listing of all the songs, separated by episode, in the show so far.

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Once an episode has aired on the East Coast, then it is fair game and should not be spoiler tagged.
Speculation is encouraged and welcome, and should not be spoiler tagged unless it contains information NOT presented on the show. So if you read an interview and they mention something coming, spoiler that stuff!
Remember, if you post some major spoilers without tagging them, this could happen:

As for Wednesday nights at 9pm:

And on some Wednesdays:

And just for some fun: